kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 905 What the hell

Chapter 905 What the hell
"No, no, don't! Sister Jiujiu save me, I don't want to die!" Han Menglan begged and looked at Bai Jiujiu.

"Don't move around, I'll pull you up slowly." Bai Jiujiu said to Ying Bao, "Come here, help me."

A trace of viciousness flashed in Ying Bao's eyes: "No, never, she threatened me to hurt you, I will never save her."


"do not want!"

Bai Jiujiu sighed, and had no choice but to pull Han Menglan up by himself. Fortunately, she was not very heavy, but it was still a bit difficult.

Han Menglan managed to support the ground with her arms, but her feet were hanging in the air, and she couldn't get up without pedaling.

"Don't move, I'm panting..." Before Bai Jiujiu could finish his sentence, Han Menglan slid down again due to too much strength.

Bai Jiujiu quickly grabbed her hand.

While seeing Bai Jiujiu working so hard, Ying Bao sighed helplessly and could only help her.

With the joint efforts of the two, Han Menglan was finally rescued.

The three of them were lying on the ground, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, but when Han Menglan looked at Ying Bao, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Let's move on, everyone be careful." Bai Jiujiu said as soon as he regained his strength.

The three of them continued walking, and the surrounding passages became narrower and narrower, and there were all kinds of strange decorations around them, like ancient buildings. This familiar yet strange feeling made Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning.

Suddenly there was the sound of the wind in the air, and the howling of ghosts and wolves, which made people's scalp numb.

"You guys, did you hear anything?" Han Menglan looked around cautiously.

"It seems, it sounds like a ghost screaming, could it be...could it be... Zongzi?" Ying Bao swallowed, with associations floating in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Han Menglan cast a sideways glance at Ying Bao and couldn't help complaining: "When is it, you still make rice dumplings, and you're so hungry? You've been making rice dumplings since before!"

Ying Bao rolled her eyes at Han Menglan: "The rice dumplings I'm talking about are zombies!"

"Stiff, zombie!" Han Menglan tightly tugged on Bai Jiujiu's arm, and Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but feel the pain.

Bai Jiujiu said, "Don't worry, there are no zombies here."

"How do you know?" The two looked at Bai Jiujiu and asked in unison.

"The air here is well ventilated, and there is no smell of rotting corpses, and I always feel a little strange." Bai Jiujiu said while stroking the surrounding buildings. There is not a lot of dust, and no matter how you look at it, it looks like decorations, a bit, a bit fake .

"Wow!" Suddenly a red-eyed monster jumped out from the dark wall, Ying Bao and Han Menglan screamed in fright and ran wildly without saying a word.


Bai Jiujiu reacted conditionedly and punched him. Of course, she didn't dare to look back. She was terrified of those red eyes in the darkness.

After beating, no matter what the result is, run!
In short, it is right to run forward!
While running, Bai Jiujiu thought that the beating just now felt very hard, and his hand was a little sore now. The opponent seemed to have no warmth, not like a living thing. Is it really like the zongzi that Ying Bao said?

Subconsciously, he made up the appearance of the zongzi, which made Bai Jiujiu feel nauseated in his stomach.

What the hell is this place!

There is only one passage, which looks man-made and very narrow.

"Ah!" There was a voice calling from the front, and it sounded like Ying Bao's voice.

Bai Jiujiu was worried and shouted while running: "Yingbao, are you okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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