kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 906 You White Lotus

Chapter 906 You White Lotus
When Bai Jiujiu arrived, he saw Ying Bao fainted on the ground, and Han Menglan was lost. Could it be that she was arrested?

Forget it, there will be an answer when Ying Bao wakes up.

Bai Jiujiu looked around and saw that there were trees in a strange shape, surrounded by railings, which seemed to keep people away.

And it also emits a faint green light, which looks even more frightening.

Bai Jiujiu had a momentary illusion that she seemed to have arrived at a place she was extremely familiar with but felt impossible.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Bai Jiujiu slapped Ying Bao's face, trying to wake Ying Bao up.

If her guess is correct, then the end in front is naturally the exit.

Ying Bao opened his eyes suddenly, stunned for a moment, and then grasped Bai Jiujiu's arm soberly: "That Bai Lianhua pushed me away when he saw the danger! This despicable villain!"

"Don't worry about her, the exit is ahead, let's go out quickly." Bai Jiujiu helped Ying Bao's hand, but he didn't expect to hear the voice of help again.

The two rushed over and saw that it was a broken wooden bridge with only a few boards on it, and the bottom of the wooden bridge was dark, while Han Menglan was holding on to the wooden bridge, her body was suspended in the air, and it seemed that she accidentally dropped it while escaping. up.

Han Menglan looked at Bai Jiujiu: "Help, save me."

Bai Jiujiu frowned, and when he was still hesitating, Ying Bao stepped forward and pointed at Han Menglan and said, "Save your dream! You ungrateful, you just knocked me out just to escape, and my head hurts now."

Han Menglan ignored Ying Bao, just begged to look at Bai Jiujiu, she couldn't hold on for long: "Sister Jiujiu, save me, please, for my brother's sake."

Senior Han Xu, Bai Jiujiu thought that Han Menglan was indeed Senior Han Xu's younger sister, and she really couldn't do nothing, because Han Menglan had helped her before, so it can be seen that her heart is not very bad, and Senior Han Xu has always been very kind to her. it is good.

People, she must save.

Just as Bai Jiujiu took a step forward, Ying Bao stopped him: "Jiujiu, if you save her, I will break up with you!"

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Ying Bao to say such a thing.

"Yingbao, she..."

"That's enough, don't say a word for her. She deserves it for herself. Those people who are greedy for life and fear death in the tomb robbery, who only care about their own lives, will be a disaster sooner or later. If you save her, you will kill us." !"

"No, Ying Bao, listen to me, this is not a tomb, it's just..."

Before Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, Han Menglan screamed.

"Ah, Lin Liying, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!!!!"

During the quarrel between the two, Han Menglan was exhausted, let go of her hand, and fell directly under the bridge.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the bottom of the bridge like a black hole, and she couldn't help frowning. Could it be that she guessed wrong?

Ying Bao just snorted coldly, "Don't let me go, do you think I will be afraid!"

Bai Jiujiu saw that Ying Bao's eyes were full of hostility. She wondered if she was dazzled. She seemed to see a cloud of black air rolling between Ying Bao's brows, but when she looked carefully, the black air disappeared. It may be that the place is too dark, causing her eyesight to blur.

"Let's go out first." Bai Jiujiu took Ying Bao's hand and said, "Be careful, don't step on the middle plank, step on the railings on both sides, the railings of this bridge are the strongest."

The two walked forward cautiously, and Bai Jiujiu became more and more sure as they got to the back...

(End of this chapter)

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