kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 907 Unexpected surprise

Chapter 907 Unexpected surprise
Bai Jiujiu watched the changes around him, affirmed what he had guessed in his heart, and dragged Ying Bao to run wildly all the way.

Until you see something brighter in front of you, you know the exit has arrived.

Bai Jiujiu ran out with Ying Bao, only to find that the outside was no longer a desert, and there was a person standing there.

Tall and handsome.

With a charming smile on Bai Jiujiu's face, he rushed forward and hugged the person in front of him fiercely: "Uncle!"

Lu Sichen hugged her back, stroking her head with one hand, he never expected that the place where Bai Jiujiu fell would be a haunted house in an amusement park.

So he waited for her at the exit, but fortunately, all of this was safe and sound.

Bai Jiujiu turned his head and saw the words "Dream Paradise" written on it!
Come on, the two fell directly from the desert to the playground.

"I miss you so much." Bai Jiujiu snuggled into Lu Sichen's arms and rubbed her hands, she felt at ease no matter where he was.

"It's okay." Lu Sichen said coldly, stroking her soft silk hair with his hand.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly thought of something: "Since this is an amusement park, then Han Menglan is fine."

Before Lu Sichen could speak, Bai Jiujiu heard the sound of crying.

It was Han Menglan. Han Menglan was in a mess with tears on her face. She pointed to Ying Bao and said to Lan Feiang, "Brother Feiang, she is the one who pushed me down!"

Ying Bao said angrily: "Obviously your own physical strength couldn't support it and fell!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Lan Feiang to come: "Why is he here?"

"Not only him, but also Huo Weiting." Lu Sichen looked at those people with interest, hugged Bai Jiujiu from his back, rested his chin on Bai Jiujiu's shoulder, and whispered in her ear: "It's a good show." .”

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help rolling her eyes, why didn't she know when uncle had such a bad taste?
Lu Sichen had taken a lot of scapegoats for Huo Weiting before, and he remembered all of this grudge, now is the best time to call all the parties involved and see how they deal with it.

Huo Weiting walked to Ying Bao's side and asked with concern, "Ying Bao, are you okay?"

Ying Bao squinted at Huo Weiting, wondering why she only hated him now, and he was the only person she didn't want to see.

Ying Bao ignored Weiting Huo. Weiting Huo knew that she was angry, so he didn't explain much, but walked up to Han Menglan and asked, "Why did you lie to me? You are obviously not pregnant, why did you lie to me?"

Facing Huo Weiting's questioning, Han Menglan didn't feel guilty at all, she just snorted coldly: "Why? Then let me ask you, why do you like Lin Liying, why do you like her all the time, can't I compare to her? Why can't you like me? !"

The last sentence, Han Menglan said while looking at Lan Feiang.

Lan Feiang looked at Han Menglan, the girl in front of him, he didn't have half a lover's love for her, just like his younger sister, he knew that Han Menglan liked him, but emotional matters couldn't be forced, but for Han Menglan, he made mistakes again and again , he must respond positively.

Lan Feiang patted Han Menglan's shoulder lightly, "Lanlan, you are a good girl, but I..."

"Enough, stop talking, I've heard enough of this! Are you going to say hello to me next, but I'm not suitable for you!" Han Menglan roared at Lan Feiang.

Lan Feiang touched his nose and remained silent. He really wanted to say that.

"Hehe..." Han Menglan showed a self-deprecating smile.

(End of this chapter)

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