Chapter 918
When he got home, he heard a voice that made Bai Jiujiu's hair stand on end.

"You are back." Mother Lu glanced coldly at the two holding hands, and brought out a bowl of chicken soup from the kitchen: "It's just in time for you to come back. I made your favorite dish."

"Mom, didn't you say that you don't need to do it yourself for such a trivial matter." Lu Sichen glanced at the sumptuous dinner, and then looked at Bai Jiujiu's slightly ugly eyes, seeming to understand.

Bai Jiujiu sat next to Lu Sichen, not because she was afraid of Mother Lu, but because she didn't want to embarrass Lu Sichen.

Especially in the face of another old man, an old man who lost his wife, and his own mother-in-law, he had to endure the strange temper.

Bai Jiujiu avoided food related to chicken and only ate some vegetarian food.

Mother Lu immediately gave Bai Jiujiu a chicken leg: "Look, you are so skinny that you don't have any meat, eat more."

Bai Jiujiu squeezed out a smile: "Thank you Mom." But she really didn't want to eat.

Then Mother Lu filled another bowl of chicken soup and handed it to Bai Jiujiu: "Come and have another bowl."

No, she wants to vomit!But Lu's mother was so enthusiastic that she couldn't refuse her enthusiasm.

Bai Jiujiu burped indecently, and Lu's mother frowned slightly before giving up. Finally, after Bai Jiujiu thought it was over, Lu's mother brought out another bowl of dark medicine.

"Wait until the medicine is cold before drinking it."

Still want to drink?She wants to throw up!
Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen, and now only the uncle can save her.

Lu Sichen wiped his mouth gracefully: "Mom, take medicine at least an hour after meal."

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lu Sichen. She wanted uncle to help her, so why did she feel that he was doing more harm than good?

Especially the mouth that seemed to be smiling but not smiling made her very uncomfortable!
It's like watching a play again.

Mother Lu saw that Lu Sichen didn't stop him, and she didn't have any attitude, so she turned to Bai Jiujiu, felt a little better, and said, "Okay, you two can figure it out, I'll take care of it."

Bai Jiujiu got up immediately and took the empty bowl from Mother Lu's hand: "Mom, I'll come, I'll come!"

Mother Lu didn't refuse, "Well, don't forget to drink the medicine."

"Okay, Mom." Bai Jiujiu smiled, thinking that no matter how dissatisfied with the medicine, he couldn't show his face to the elders. After all, Lu's mother only wanted to beg her grandson, and it wasn't a bad idea.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen sitting there with his legs crossed after washing the dishes. No matter how he looked at it, it was dazzling. Why should he be so leisurely when he was exhausted?
Bai Jiujiu kicked it directly, and Lu Sichen took it back in time. At the same time, Bai Jiujiu threw himself into Lu Sichen's arms unsteadily.

"Oh, so active?" Lu Sichen looked down at Bai Jiujiu who was pounced on him, his eyes were a little playful.

Bai Jiujiu immediately sat up straight, coughed twice: "What nonsense! I was not careful."

No, it's not the time to talk about this, I feel that the topic has been diverted by him.

What she was about to say just now, she suddenly forgot.

"Also, why are you getting more and more rude, you were not like this before."

Bai Jiujiu raised Lu Sichen's jaw: "You also said before, hmph, I'm like this, you don't like to be pulled down!"

There was tenderness in Lu Sichen's eyes, but he still looked cold: "No matter what you become, as long as that person is you, I will like it."

Lu Sichen turned his head slightly, and his lips just touched Bai Jiujiu's hand. It was so hot that Bai Jiujiu retracted directly, blushing.

Bai Jiujiu thought she was immune, but she seemed to overestimate herself.

(End of this chapter)

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