Chapter 919
Suddenly remembered what I just wanted to say.

"Why didn't you just say a word for me, I hate drinking that medicine! I'm not sick, why drink that medicine, it's three-point poisonous, don't you know?"

"I know." Lu Sichen stroked Bai Jiujiu's head.

Do you still do this?Bai Jiujiu became even more angry, and opened his hand directly.

"Fool." Lu Sichen kissed her forehead, "Some words are just perfunctory, don't make mom unhappy, if she is unhappy, I'm in a dilemma, you don't have to do it if you don't like it."

Bai Jiujiu understood, "Do you want to obey others?"

With a bang, a porcelain bone-like hand hit Bai Jiujiu's forehead, and Lu Sichen glanced coldly at Bai Jiujiu, "This is called strategy."

A false smile appeared on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth immediately: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Lu Sichen frowned, pinched Bai Jiujiu's cheek with his fingers: "Don't laugh like that, ugly."

Bai Jiujiu: "..."

Fortunately, Lu Sichen poured the medicine in the end, and the two of them didn't know that the conversation was clearly heard by Lu's mother who was about to come to the living room.

It's all Bai Jiujiu, her son who never lied actually cheated her, wait, one day, she will kick Bai Jiujiu out of the house.

Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen returned to the room, Bai Jiujiu worked hard on the questions, Lu Sichen continued to work, and the two lived in harmony.

The door suddenly creaked open.

Lu's mother came in and scanned the two of them. It seemed that they were still asleep. Bai Jiujiu raised his head in doubt: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"No, it's okay, don't be too late, go to bed early."

Bai Jiujiu didn't take it to heart, and said with a smile, "Thank you Mom, I'll rest after I finish writing."

Mother Lu left, and an hour later, Mother Lu opened the door again.

Bai Jiujiu looked up: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Oh, no, nothing." Mother Lu handed the milk to Bai Jiujiu: "Don't be too late, go to bed early."

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Milk and said with a smile, "Thank you Mom, I'll just rest."

After speaking, this conversation always feels very familiar.

After Bai Jiujiu watched Lu's mother go out, he immediately closed the book, looked at the glass of milk, let's drink it!
"Uncle, have you noticed that something is wrong with Mom?"

Lu Sichen seemed to be done with his work, turned off the computer, and looked at Bai Jiujiu's puzzled eyes, how cute they looked.


In the next few days, Bai Jiujiu was also calm, deliberately kept a little distance from Gu Xiuyi in school, and only smiled and nodded in response to his greetings.

Jane Aiwei glanced at Gu Xiuyi with some sympathy, "What did you do to make her avoid you so much?"

Gu Xiuyi ignored Jian Aiwei's words, but Bai Jiujiu's actions really puzzled him, it was so harmonious before.

(End of this chapter)

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