kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 941 What the hell is going on?

Chapter 941 What the hell is going on?

Could it be that I don't want to live with your mother, or that I am inexplicably angry and unhappy because I can't give birth to a child for no reason, and I feel depressed.

Unable to give birth to a child, the uncle can't solve it, and it doesn't have much effect if you say it. It's better to bear it silently.

However, Bai Jiujiu remained silent, like a hairpin, opening a shallow gap in the relationship between the two.

Lu Sichen's patience was slowly exhausted bit by bit in Bai Jiujiu's silence.

"Since you have nothing to say, let me give you some time. You think about it for yourself, and then tell me when you figure it out." Lu Sichen grabbed his coat and left.

His mood was also contagious, and he didn't want to show his face to Bai Jiujiu, adding to her pressure.

As soon as Lu Sichen left, Bai Jiujiu felt even more depressed, feeling empty in his heart.

Juan sat on the bed, inexplicably melancholy and wanted to cry.

Why is it so.

She knew it was her own fault, and it was easy to enlighten others, but when it came to herself, she realized that everything was so difficult, too difficult to accept.

Lu Sichen seemed to disappear and didn't come back. Bai Jiujiu sent text messages, and all the words he got were busy.

Without a job, Bai Jiujiu who stays at home is more likely to think wildly, especially with Lu's mother at home, so Bai Jiujiu is really depressed.

This month Lu Sichen seemed to be in a cold war with Bai Jiujiu, but no matter how cold it was, as long as Bai Jiujiu asked him, he would answer, but he was not so proactive.

This made Bai Jiujiu even more troubled, forget it, if he ignores me, I will ignore him!
So Bai Jiujiu contacted Ai Yehe, hoping to arrange something for her to do, but unexpectedly, Ai Yehe's cell phone was completely disconnected, because of his dereliction of duty last time, Lu Sichen had already rushed him to some corner to suffer.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the phone and deliberated and could only contact Ying Bao, but what he didn't expect was that Ying Bao didn't answer her call, and finally turned off the phone directly.

Is something wrong?
In desperation, he called Gu Xiuyi, but no one answered.

Bai Jiujiu frowned tightly, no one could be contacted, and he faintly felt that there was a trace of weirdness in these things.

Finally, he contacted Secretary Wu and asked about Lu Sichen's current location. Secretary Wu immediately told Bai Jiujiu about Lu Sichen's whereabouts.

After hanging up, I couldn't help muttering: "Boss is really accurate, as expected, the lady boss called him."

After Bai Jiujiu got the address, he immediately went out without stopping.

"Wait, your medicine!" Lu's mother didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to leave without even saying hello, and couldn't help but snort coldly, she really has no tutor, and she is becoming less and less important to her.

Bai Jiujiu sat in the taxi, thinking about what happened before, and analyzed the matter without any emotional coloring, which is the most clear.

For example, Lu's mother's attitude, every time after Yingbao comforted her, Lu's mother did change her attitude, but her behavior became more "intensified".

For example, Gu Xiuyi, the relationship between the two seems to be better than before, he is always there every time they ask Yingbao, and Yingbao seems to match up intentionally or unintentionally.

But waiting for these things, Bai Jiujiu believed in Yingbao and summed it up as good intentions.

The only puzzle was the uncle's attitude towards Ying Bao, with a trace of disgust in his vigilance, she couldn't remember when it started.

There is no reason, uncle will not do this.

The more Bai Jiujiu thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and he just urged the master to drive faster, as if he could find out all the truth if he found Lu Sichen.

(End of this chapter)

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