kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 942 Oh, the truth is so cruel

Chapter 942 Oh, the truth is so cruel

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Moon Bay to be a beautiful restaurant with a sea view. She asked the front desk, and the receptionist immediately took Bai Jiujiu to a private room, and said, "Wait here for a while, Young Master Lu will come to see you soon." .”

Bai Jiujiu nodded, drank the tea on the table, vaguely heard a sound from the next room, and the sound was very familiar, so she couldn't help but walked behind the screen, she saw Lu Si through the glass behind the screen Chen sat with Ying Bao and Gu Xiuyi, but she couldn't be seen there!
Ying Bao said: "Young Master Lu, so what do you think you told Jiu Bao to hear these things? Even if I'm trying to provoke a rift, but if the relationship between you is strong, is there a cold war now? If you can't protect her, then She should be handed over to someone who can protect her."

Gu Xiuyi answered immediately: "Yes, like me."

Lu Sichen said coldly: "My woman doesn't need others to worry about, everything is our own family matter, no matter how good your relationship with Jiu Jiu is, you have no right to interfere in her choice, let alone you design your own best friend. "

Bai Jiujiu's head boomed, what?design?

For Bai Jiujiu, this is undoubtedly stabbing her chest.

Ying Bao retorted: "What is design? Your mother already hated Bai Jiujiu and didn't want you to be together. I just didn't want her to suffer. Instead of talking about me, it's better to say that you can't make Jiu Bao happy!
You know why she's unhappy, it's because God deprived her of being a mother!

Your mother Lu's attitude is a trivial matter to her, hmph, it's a pity you don't know her very well! "

Lu Sichen narrowed his eyes slightly, "So you took advantage of her trust and played with her in the applause?"

Ying Bao frowned, her words were totally digging a hole for her, and she didn't mean it: "I didn't think about it, I just want her to leave your Lu family, she will never be happy in your Lu family. "

Lu Sichen glanced at the door and said coldly, "Did you hear clearly?"

Ying Bao was puzzled, the words didn't seem to be asking her, she subconsciously looked at the door, she was stunned, Bai Jiujiu stood at the door with a gloomy face, a little shocked, it seemed that she still didn't fully accept the fact.

"Despicable!" Ying Bao cursed secretly.

"To each other." Lu Sichen thought about it, it is the most direct way to let Bai Jiujiu see the truth of this matter clearly.

"Is what uncle said true?" Bai Jiujiu asked quietly.

Ying Bao gritted her teeth. She knew that Bai Jiujiu would find out one day, but she never expected to let her know under such circumstances.

Ying Bao said: "Yes, I just think that Gu Xiuyi loves you more than Lu Sichen, and he has no father or mother, so you won't have any worries about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. He promised that I will treat you well for the rest of my life!"

Gu Xiuyi immediately raised his hand and swore to express his love: "I swear that I only want to be with you in my life." His expression was extremely serious.

"Hehe..." With a wry smile on his face, Bai Jiujiu slowly walked towards Yingbao, saying each word very slowly: "From today onwards, we are no longer friends."

Ying Bao didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu would cut off relations with her.

"You, you didn't even care about our sisterhood for so many years just for him, did you?"

Bai Jiujiu just wanted to say something when he opened his mouth, but found that his throat was stuck, and he couldn't say a word, and his emotions were too depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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