Chapter 961

Ah Zhen kowtowed louder and louder, and these were incomparable to the days in prison.

In prison, the abuse she received made her heart harder and harder.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't bear to see it, but he still said politely and distantly: "This is a matter of the Lu family, and has nothing to do with me."

In one sentence, he and the Lu family were completely wiped out.

There was a slight sneer on the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth.

Ah Zhen glanced at Bai Jiujiu, then squinted at Lu Sichen, she understood a little, hmph, it's really stupid, without a big tree to hug you, without Lu Sichen's protection, it's easy to torture you.

Lu Sichen said coldly: "Since that's the case, what are you still doing at my house? Why don't you get out?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled wryly: "I want to get out too, but you give me Lele first."

Lu Sichen approached step by step, his tone was cold and warning: "I said, no one can take Lele away from me, Lele is my child."

Bai Jiujiu sighed helplessly, why the uncle just couldn't listen to her, Lele was not his child.


"Lele." Bai Jiujiu watched a tall white dog running towards him. It turned out that he had gone for a walk. It was more like riding a dog than walking it!
The Tibetan mastiff is huge, and Lele rides on it like a horse, creaking and laughing non-stop.

Bai Jiujiu saw clearly that it was Xiaobai, so Xiaobai threw Bai Jiujiu behind him, and kissed her face, drooling all over.

Bai Jiujiu seemed angry and helpless: "Didn't I tell you many times, Xiaobai? Don't lick my face."

Lele seems to be very happy, playing on Xiaobai's body is a joy.

Bai Jiujiu was worried that Lele would tear off Xiaobai's hair, Xiaobai opened his mouth wide to him in pain, showing his sharp teeth, Lele was taken aback for a moment.

Bai Jiujiu was worried that Lele would cry in fright, but he didn't expect Lele to start laughing again.

Bai Jiujiu was a little speechless, unable to understand the world of children.

Lu Sichen looked at the scene in front of him, it seemed that it had appeared countless times in his dreams, but this time it was real, it made him feel like he was dreaming.

Ah Zhen stood there as if she was superfluous. If Bai Jiujiu came back, she would definitely not be able to accommodate her, but it seemed that Bai Jiujiu didn't want to come back. If this was the case, things would be much easier.

Just thinking about how to plot against Bai Jiujiu, she suddenly felt something near her feet, and when she looked down, she screamed in fright.

Bai Jiujiu looked over, and a relatively large pangolin was crawling towards Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu asked unsurely, "Are you Juanjuan?" Even though she was so small before, she felt a little uncomfortable when she got bigger now.

Bai Jiujiu never expected that Lu Sichen would keep it, and thought he had given it away long ago.

Ah Zhen looked at Juanjuan, especially Bai Jiujiu feeding it the ants, and felt even more disgusted, so she couldn't help but retreat a certain distance.

Lu Sichen gave A Zhen a cold look: "What's the matter?" It was obviously an order to evict the guests. "

"Mom, Mom told me to call you over." Ah Zhen smiled a little awkwardly.

"Mom is not your name."

A Zhen was frightened by Lu Sichen's cold aura, and immediately changed her words: "Yes, Aunt Lu called me to invite you over."


Ah Zhen was a little hesitant and didn't know whether it meant to go or not to go.

"Are you still leaving?" Lu Sichen obviously thought she was getting in the way.

Ah Zhen took a few steps back, glanced at Bai Jiujiu, then at Lele, and smiled gently.

(End of this chapter)

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