kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 962 Ruthlessly Rejected

Chapter 962 Ruthlessly Rejected
"Sister Jiujiu, since you have brought Brother Si Chen's child back, you can go home with Brother Si Chen to see Auntie Lu later, I think Auntie Lu will be very happy."

In fact, what she said was ironic, how could Bai Jiujiu not hear it.

Bai Jiujiu just smiled and remained silent.

The relationship between her and Ah Zhen was not very good, she didn't think the person in front of her was friendly, even if she seemed to be friendly, Bai Jiujiu felt hypocritical.

I don't even want to spend energy to deal with it. Lu Sichen alone makes Bai Jiujiu a little exhausted.

A-Zhen tactfully left, there was no point in staying any longer anyway.

The bad thing is that she never expected that Bai Jiujiu would come back at this time, which disrupted her plan. Fortunately, the relationship between Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen is not as good as it used to be.

Lele?Hehe, she heard Lu's mother said that Bai Jiujiu was not pregnant when she left Lu Sichen, so it was obvious that the child was not Lu Sichen's.

Since it's not Lu Sichen's child, Bai Jiujiu has no reason to enter the Lu family. She left the Lu family at the beginning, and it's not so easy to come back to Gaopan. Lu's mother would never agree to raise another family's child.

She finally got out of the prison, if she didn't hold on to all this, she would have nothing!
No matter who stood in her way, she would stop at nothing to make him disappear.

Thinking of everything that happened in the prison, Ah Zhen was so cold that her whole body trembled slightly, even if it was death, even if there was hell in front of her, she would never go back!

Holding Lele in his arms, Bai Jiujiu tentatively asked Lele's opinion to reject Lu Sichen. As long as Lele agreed, then Lu Sichen would have no reason to object.

Bai Jiujiu said this to himself in his heart.

"Lele, shall we go home?"

Lele was having a great time playing with Xiaobai and Juanjuan. Hearing Bai Jiujiu's question, he blinked and asked, "Isn't this my home?"

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, she had no idea that Lele would answer like this.

Lu Sichen was listening, and took a sip of his coffee, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Looking at Bai Jiujiu's deflated expression, he was in a good mood.

Bai Jiujiu hastily explained: "This, this is not your home. The home I'm talking about refers to..." Where?Is that home?Doesn't seem to be hers either.

"Grandma's house, let's go back to grandma's house."

Lele refused without thinking: "No, I want to be with my father."

Bai Jiujiu was anxious and helpless, she had no idea that Lele would not leave after just staying for one night, maybe he was just trying to find something new, and after a long time, he might want to go back.

But... No, you can't stay too long, otherwise something will happen.

Mother Lu is not a kind person.

Bai Jiujiu: "Lele, we have to go back quickly, otherwise grandma and your uncle will worry about you."

Lele: "Dad said Lele missed them and would take them over."

Bai Jiujiu "..." Come on, I dare say that the uncle has already vaccinated Lele, no wonder Lele doesn't want to enter.

Bai Jiujiu had no choice but to turn his head to look at Lu Sichen with a bit of resentment.

Lu Sichen elegantly finished his breakfast and said, "This plate is for Lele." After speaking, he got up and planned to leave.

Bai Jiujiu immediately grabbed Lu Sichen: "Where are you going?"

"Go to work." Lu Sichen squinted at Bai Jiujiu's hand holding his arm: "Why, do you want me to accompany you?"

Bai Jiujiu immediately let go of his hand in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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