kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 971 Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 971 Do You Still Love Me?
Lu Sichen walked up to Bai Jiujiu, pinched her jaw with two fingers: "Do you still love me?"

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Lu Sichen would suddenly ask, Do you love me?How could you not love it!

But she had to lie to him, she had to say no to love, so that they would end completely.

Say it, say it quickly, I don’t love you!
Bai Jiujiu struggled inwardly, trying to persuade himself, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.

He opened his mouth a few times, but he couldn't make a sound, but the tears flowed out, and the tears hit Lu Sichen's fingers bit by bit, scorching hot and stinging.

But Lu Sichen still forced her with cold eyes, as long as she said she didn't love her, she really didn't love her anymore, and he was willing to let her go!

Seeing Bai Jiujiu's painful expression, Bai Yu pushed Lu Sichen away, and blocked Bai Jiujiu behind him: "That's enough, don't force my sister anymore!"

The bastard!I didn't see my sister in such pain and forced her.

Bai Yu looked at Lu Sichen angrily.

Looking at it, Ying Bao couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The situation in front of him must be rescued by one person, and that's why she followed.

Can the whole family talk peacefully when they are all irrational?

It's dangerous when you can really talk peacefully.

"Bai Yu, I think everyone is tired today, why don't you take a day off and talk about something tomorrow."


"Bai Yu, Lele is still a child. He must be very tired after going to the amusement park today. What matters do we have to solve today?"

Facing Ying Bao's questioning, Bai Yu glanced at the very tired Bai Jiujiu and remained silent.

Knowing that Bai Yu took a step back, Ying Bao immediately asked Lu Sichen, "Young Master Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Sichen glanced at Bai Jiujiu and said, "There are many guest rooms here, you can do whatever you want." After speaking, he walked towards his master bedroom without looking back.

Bai Yu snorted: "What's the big deal, sister, let's stay in a hotel!"

Bai Yu wanted to drag Bai Jiujiu away, but Ying Bao stopped him. Ying Bao shook his head at him, then hugged Bai Jiujiu and said, "You can sleep with me tonight."

After speaking, he dragged Bai Jiujiu to randomly choose a bedroom to rest in. Bai Jiujiu was like a puppet without a soul and let Ying Bao lead him at will.

Bai Yu was the only one left in the huge hall, and he didn't want to leave or not, and then he decided to stay. He was too far away from Bai Jiujiu, so he didn't feel at ease.

Hmph, anyway, Lu Sichen can be considered his ex-brother-in-law, so there's nothing to be ashamed of, thinking about it this way makes me feel much better.

In fact, Lu Sichen couldn't fall asleep at all. He went to the balcony of the room, lit a cigarette and smoked, and soon the pack was exhausted. The moon climbed into the night sky, but he still couldn't fall asleep. He was going to suffer from insomnia again this night.

Bai Jiujiu didn't fall asleep either, Yingbao said a lot, but she still didn't say anything.

Ying Bao couldn't help sighing, she didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to be closed to such a degree, if it continues like this, it's easy to get depression.

Bai Jiujiu squatted on the bed, took off his hearing aid, looked out the window, and fell asleep after watching quietly.

And in her sleep, Bai Jiujiu felt someone kissing her forehead lightly, and smelled a familiar smell, which was from Lu Sichen's body. She couldn't help stretching out her hand, wanting to tightly grasp this moment of illusion.

Maybe only in her dream can she accept all these good things calmly.

And Bai Jiujiu didn't know that all of this was not a dream, not an illusion but real.

(End of this chapter)

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