kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 972 Who Killed This?

Chapter 972 Who Killed This?
The next day, Bai Jiujiu slept soundly, but when he turned around, he saw Ying Bao with two panda eyes, and asked involuntarily, "Did you become a thief last night? Are you so dark under the eyes?"

Ying Bao rolled his eyes at Bai Jiujiu, hehe twice, who is responsible for this!
Originally, they wanted to comfort Bai Jiujiu, but they didn't expect that Lu Sichen would barge in directly, so let's barge in, they are still hugging each other! ! ! !

Think of her as transparent?

Although she was sleeping on another bed, she could still see it. She thought Lu Sichen would just hug her and leave, but she just fell asleep like this... fell asleep!
Oh my god!
Ying Bao had no choice but to turn around silently, she felt that she was brighter than a hundred thousand sky lanterns! ! ! !As embarrassing as it could be! !
In the end, he didn't expect him to leave just before dawn, and she was sleepless all night, so it's no wonder she didn't have dark circles under her eyes!
The next time I kill him, I won't sleep in the same room with Bai Jiujiu, God knows when Lu Sichen will break in in the middle of the night!

Her little heart can't stand the scare!
Bai Jiujiu faintly noticed Yingbao's complaining eyes from time to time, and Bai Jiujiu couldn't understand it, but it was just a night of sleep, Yingbao's resentment was so great, there was a feeling of dissatisfaction.

It seems like who messed with her last night?

Bai Jiujiu poked Bai Yu who was closest to her: "Did you offend her last night?"

Bai Yu looked blank: "No, sister, leave Sister Yingbao alone, why should we go?"

Bai Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat, she, she even forgot about leaving.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that, um, what, she hesitated.

"This question is big, ask Mr. Lu."

Looking at Bai Jiujiu's attitude, Bai Yu couldn't help frowning. Her affirmation was again confused by Lu Sichen.

"Sister, don't you want to go home?"

"No, no! You know his character, he won't let him go, I can't go back."

Naturally, Bai Yu knew Lu Sichen's methods. Seeing Bai Jiujiu's heavy-hearted expression, he patted her on the shoulder and said, "Sister, don't worry, I've grown up and am capable of protecting you. As long as you don't want to Yes, I will fully support you!"

Bai Jiujiu looked at Bai Yu, who was taller than her, and his facial features had indeed matured a lot. Now that the boy who had been standing behind her jumped out and stood in front of her today, he could give her a sense of security, and he had indeed grown up a lot.

"I know, my sister is very lucky to have a brother like you." Bai Jiujiu patted Bai Yu's head twice.

Bai Yu took two steps back in embarrassment, and said shyly, "Sister, can you touch my head again, I've grown up, I'm not a child anymore."

Bai Jiujiu chuckled lightly: "In my eyes, you have always been."

Bai Yu looked at Bai Jiujiu happy, and he was also very happy. Since he brought her back, it has been a long time since he saw her smile so genuinely.

"Mom!" Lele suddenly rushed over and hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly, with tears still hanging on his face, looking very pitiful.

"What's the matter, baby, why are you crying? Do you miss your mother?" Bai Jiujiu held Lele tightly in his arms, and after a while Lele fell asleep crying in Bai Jiujiu's arms.

Lu Sichen didn't seem to have slept well either, and he had thick dark circles under his eyes, but it still didn't affect his handsome appearance.

Bai Jiujiu smelled a strong smell of cigarettes on him, and he seemed to smell it in his dream last night. How much cigarettes has he smoked?

"Didn't I tell you to smoke less, why don't you always listen?" Bai Jiujiu complained casually unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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