kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 974 Isn't there a next life?

Chapter 974 Isn't there a next life?
How could she not be able to figure out his thoughts, he tried his best to keep her, but she...

Bai Jiujiu hesitated for a long time in his heart, and finally clenched his fists with his fingers, and finally made up his mind.

"I, I, I, try."

Bai Jiujiu spoke so softly that even she couldn't hear her clearly, but she exhausted all her courage.

The hand of the coffee cup that Lu Sichen had been holding tightly, gradually let go. He thought she would refuse, but fortunately she didn't, because if he tried his best and she still chose to leave, he would fulfill her and stop pestering her she.

The end and the beginning are sometimes just a momentary choice, which is what we call fate.

"In this case, I will arrange it as soon as possible!" After speaking, Lu Sichen got up and left without giving Bai Jiujiu any room for repentance.

After Lu Sichen left, Bai Yu realized: "Sister, are we going to live here?"

Bai Jiujiu was still hesitating and struggling in his heart and didn't hear what Bai Yu was saying.

Ying Bao laughed but didn't laugh twice, muttering in his heart: Does living here bother the two of them?The idea is too good, with Lu Sichen's temperament, it must be more or less to send you to the hotel, anyway, he is not short of money!

This is the experience she experienced personally before.

"elder sister!"

Bai Jiujiu came back to his senses, glanced at Bai Yu, and said with a smile, "I'll go and settle Lele to sleep first."

Bai Yu was stunned, how dare he didn't listen to a word of his sister's question just now?
Ying Bao patted Bai Yu's shoulder, and persuaded patiently: "If you go back and settle down with Aunt Bai, Young Master Lu will do what he says, and he will do things quickly and ruthlessly."

Bai Yu felt that what Ying Bao said made sense: "Sister Ying, please come down, my sister, I'll go back and take care of the housework."

With a smile on Ying Bao's face, he waved goodbye. Unexpectedly, this grown-up little milk dog is very obedient.

When Ying Bao pushed open the door, Bai Jiujiu sat on the bay window in a daze.

"What's the matter, you look preoccupied?"

Bai Jiujiu didn't speak, and handed the WeChat to Yingbao to read.

Ying Bao took a glance: "I'm going to the banquet with me when I'm preparing for dinner."

From this tone, one could tell it was Lu Sichen.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't reply to him, presumably she was hesitating.

"Just don't go if you don't want to, why force yourself." Ying Bao shrugged indifferently.

There was a wry smile from the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth: "I really don't want to go, you know? Ever since I put on hearing aids, I really hate concerts and banquets. The more people there are, the more I hate it, because it's noisy. I can’t hear you clearly, it’s like being in that environment reminds you all the time, you’re disabled, you’re abnormal, you can’t hear clearly…”

Ying Bao said with guilt on his face, "I'm sorry..."

Bai Jiujiu shook his head: "To be honest, I did blame you and hate you, but as time went by, I remembered how good you were to me, and I also reflected on what was bad about me at that time, and gradually hated you. It’s not that big of a deal anymore, I think you were in a lot of pain at that time.”

Ying Bao no longer pretended to be strong, because Bai Jiujiu's words pierced her heart, and tears flowed down unconsciously: "Yes, I am condemned by my conscience every day, I wish I was the one who went to the hospital that day, But there is no medicine for regret in this world, if you do it, you do it, I'm sorry for a long time, I can't pay off what I owe you in this life."

Bai Jiujiu blinked: "Isn't there a next generation?"

Listening to Bai Jiujiu's joke, Ying Bao couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, in the next life, in the next life, we will be good sisters forever."

(End of this chapter)

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