kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 975 How did you provoke him?

Chapter 975 How did you provoke him?
Bai Jiujiu smiled and took Ying Bao's hand: "Yeah."

The two held hands and looked at each other, as if they had returned to the past.

Sometimes it is not so difficult to get along well, and sometimes friendship will endure all kinds of tribulations like love, and the friendship that survives the tribulations is the real friendship.

Under Ying Bao's persuasion, Bai Jiujiu finally let go and agreed to attend the evening banquet.

The banquet is a charity event organized by Lu Sichen in his personal capacity. It seems that rich people always like to engage in these false routines. On the surface, there is a layer of charitable relief, but behind it is always the behavior of businessmen.

But Bai Jiujiu doesn't despise or dislike it. As long as these charitable donations really help those in need, she doesn't care about the process at all. Of course, she can't violate the bottom line of legal ethics.

Before leaving, Lu Sichen personally came to pick up Bai Jiujiu: "Are you ready?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded.

"Since this is your dear, I'll ask Ai Yehe to dress you up."

Bai Jiujiu was startled when he heard the words Ai Yehe, and saw a familiar figure approaching from behind Lu Sichen, and said to her, "Sister-in-law, long time no see!"

"Sister Yehe." Seeing his old friend, Bai Jiujiu's eyes were a little wet.

Compared with before, Ai Yehe grew a bit of stubble and looked more sophisticated, masculine, and very MAN.

"Ahem!" A certain man coughed dissatisfiedly while sitting there.

Feeling the icy cold gaze, Ai Yehe hurriedly forgot his homely condolences and said directly: "Sit here, and I'll dress you up."

Bai Jiujiu hesitated, took off his hearing aid, and sat in front of the dressing table.

Ai Yehe squinted at the hearing aid in front of the desk, pursed his lips and said nothing more.

Bai Jiujiu closed her eyes, Ren Ai Yehe cast magic on her face, this feeling seemed to bring her back to the past.

Ai Ye's expression was very delicate and delicate, and he said after the end: "It's done."

And Bai Jiujiu didn't open his eyes.

Ai Yehe's eyes fell on the hearing aid again, and he patted Bai Jiujiu's shoulder lightly, and Bai Jiujiu opened his eyes and looked at him.

Ai Yehe then smiled and said: "Short oil, it's ready, my highness the princess."

Bai Jiujiu took a look at herself in the glasses, she was beautiful and noble, she seemed to not know herself a little bit, as expected, Ai Yehe's skills were unmatched.

After putting on the hearing aid, Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Sister Yehe is still so powerful."

Ai Yehe looked at Bai Jiujiu with a smile and hesitated to speak.

Lu Sichen couldn't stand it anymore, picked a dress for Bai Jiujiu to change into, and dragged her away.

Ai Yehe looked at the backs of the two leaving, his expression unclear: "I hope that big brother can get what he wants this time."

Bai Jiujiu's skin was much rougher than before. Obviously, her previous life was not very good, and it seemed that she had changed a lot.

In the carriage, Lu Sichen sat there with a dark face, Bai Jiujiu didn't know what provoked him, so he could only keep his mouth shut, his heart beating non-stop, feeling uneasy about the banquet.

In such a noisy environment, how embarrassing would it be if she couldn't hear what the other party said?
Lu Sichen glanced sideways, and saw Bai Jiujiu sitting in the car well-behaved, with a tense expression and clenched hands, like a frightened rabbit, so cute that he wanted to hug her into his arms inside.

Not only did Lu Sichen think about it, but he did it directly!
The chin rested on Bai Jiujiu's forehead: "Don't be nervous, with me here, nothing will be a problem."

(End of this chapter)

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