kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 976 You are my queen

Chapter 976 You are my queen
Bai Jiujiu originally wanted to push him away, but hearing Lu Sichen's strong and powerful heartbeat seemed to be cheering her on, she was no longer hypocritical.

Arrived, the car stopped, Lu Sichen let go of Bai Jiujiu, took a very beautiful mask from the back seat of the car and handed it to Bai Jiujiu: "Put this on and imagine yourself as a queen, just nod proudly, no need Say a word to those civilians."

Lu Sichen spoke very slowly, every word and every sentence was very clear, and it was transmitted directly to Bai Jiujiu's ears.

Lu Sichen got out of the car very gentlemanly and opened the car door for Bai Jiujiu, and stretched out his hand.

Bai Jiujiu hesitated, took a deep breath, put on the mask, put his hand on Lu Sichen's, and got out of the car directly.

As soon as she got out of the car, there were many cameras taking pictures of Bai Jiujiu. Those flashing lights made her blinded for a while, and she was a little uncomfortable.

Lu Sichen held Bai Jiujiu's hand tightly, and pulled him to his side.

Journalists naturally will not let go of these little tricks.

"Didn't you say today is Young Master Lu's engagement banquet? Is that girl his fiancee?"

"I don't know, this is the first time I've seen Young Master Lu enter the arena with his female companion in so many years."

"That's right, didn't you say that he got married and divorced before, isn't it true?"

"No, the version I heard is that Young Master Lu has always loved her wife very much, and has kept her wife hidden since she got married so that the outside world will not disturb her life!"

"Hey, which one is real?"

"Whoever it is is true, anyway, those audiences like to watch gossip, so let's go after that mysterious girl!"


After the reporters chattered, they prepared more cameras for Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu raised her head up, she must not embarrass Lu Sichen!
Although she was wearing a mask, she was still a little nervous. After all, she hadn't been on stage for a long time. Fortunately, as time passed, she gradually entered a better state. After all, acting is not difficult for her.

Lu Sichen took Bai Jiujiu with him, no matter where he went, he always took her with him, and never left her, which attracted more eyes. Look.

There were many people who came to say hello to Lu Sichen, and their gazes would more or less fall on Bai Jiujiu, and the bold ones would ask, "Who is this beauty?"

"My love." Lu Sichen intentionally or unintentionally revealed the ring on his hand, and the ring on Bai Jiujiu's finger is a matching couple.

"Oh, so it's Madam, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The man stretched out his hand.

Bai Jiujiu was hesitating whether to shake it back, but Lu Sichen shook it lightly.

The man was not annoyed, he just said: "I heard that Lu Shaojin's house hides beauty before, but I didn't expect this charming beauty to be Mrs. Zun. It's no wonder that Mrs. Lu has taken care of himself and made Mrs. Zun so relieved."

Lu Sichen smiled lightly: "Where is it?"

Bai Jiujiu's eyes played with the two of them. He didn't expect the uncle to be very polite to this person. He must have an extraordinary background. Otherwise, a person as proud as the uncle, who has no status, would probably disdain to explain.

After coping with it for a while, Bai Jiujiu couldn't take it anymore, her bare feet hurt a bit, she hadn't worn high heels for a long time, and she felt that her feet were going to be useless.

Lu Sichen noticed Bai Jiujiu's strangeness and said, "Next time if you don't feel comfortable, wear sneakers."

Bai Jiujiu rolled his eyes at him. He was wearing a dress and sneakers. Can he match it like this?How weird!

(End of this chapter)

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