kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 977 Oh, come to trouble her again

Chapter 977 Oh, come to trouble her again
"How about I accompany you to sit there for a meeting."

"do not."

When Lu Sichen heard Bai Jiujiu's direct rejection, his face was a bit uncomfortable.

Bai Jiujiu immediately said: "I want to be alone for a while, and come to me after you deal with these people."

Lu Sichen hesitated for a moment. After all, the people above were invited to develop the mountain village project, so he couldn't neglect it.

"Okay, I'll come to you soon." Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu on the head and said in a slightly threatening tone: "Don't think about running away."

Bai Jiujiu nodded helplessly, and finally realized the feeling of being bitten by a snake for three years and being afraid of well ropes.

In the final analysis, it was she who hurt him, which caused him to distrust her now.

Bai Jiujiu chose a quieter place to sit, but the more she wanted to be quiet, the more people didn't want her to be proud.

"Sister Jiujiu, I didn't expect Brother Si Chen to bring you to attend." Ah Zhen's smile didn't reach her eyes.

Bai Jiujiu chose to ignore it directly. When she first came in, she saw A Zhen, but with Lu Sichen by her side, she had never dared to approach her, and she stayed away from it. But now, as soon as Lu Sichen left, she seemed to be Waiting for the opportunity like a poisonous snake, heh, when did this little sister named Ah Zhen have such deep thoughts.

It seems that people who have been in prison are really different, at least Bai Jiujiu was able to see through her before, and all the emotions were on his face, but now he is more forbearing.

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything, Ah Zhen was not annoyed but just sneered, "Oh, it's all my fault, why did you forget that sister Jiujiu has a disabled ear, maybe you can't hear what I'm saying at all, it's so pitiful to become a disabled person.

Hey, I heard those people praise sister Jiujiu for being noble, but how did they know that your nobility is faked, what is so noble about being disabled, those people are really stupid, I am afraid that knowing Jiujiu like this is more of a ridicule. "

Bai Jiujiu remained silent, took a sip of water, and put on an expression that I was watching the show quietly.

Ah Zhen didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu still didn't care about saying this, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Sister Jiujiu, maybe Brother Si Chen didn't tell you that the purpose of this banquet is to meet a person, a woman."

Seeing that Bai Jiujiu's eyelids moved slightly, Ah Zhen immediately fanned the flames: "Brother Si Chen promised mom to go on a blind date, and this banquet was held by my brother to meet that woman."

When Bai Jiujiu thought about Lu Sichen's behavior before, she didn't believe it at all. She thought that when Lu's mother left, it was the uncle who made a deal with her, so she gave up.

Ah Zhen seemed to have expected that Bai Jiujiu would not believe it, so she smiled and said, "I know you don't believe it..."

As soon as the words were finished, she saw someone walking in, and Ah Zhen immediately went up to greet him, and directly pulled him in front of Bai Jiujiu.

"Sister Shuang, this is Sister Jiujiu, brother Si Chen raised a mistress."

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Sister Shuang, she seemed to have known each other before, when Miao Shuang took off her glasses, revealing a sexy face, Bai Jiujiu was taken aback: "Miao Shuang?"

Miao Shuang greeted Bai Jiujiu: "Hi, long time no see, Bai Jiujiu."

Ah Zhen was stunned for a moment: "Do you know each other?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "It's an old friend, thank you, Zhen, you don't need to introduce me."

Jane: "..."

Ah Zhen saw that the two were not arrogant and domineering, but were talking in a friendly manner. Feeling out of breath, she let out a cold snort and left.

Seeing A Zhen leave, Miao Shuang felt relaxed: "I said Bai Jiujiu, you are really good at provoking such a poisonous snake as soon as you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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