Chapter 996

Bai Jiujiu's voice has collapsed: "No, don't, don't! Uncle, husband! Husband!!!!"

Bai Jiujiu ran forward desperately, hoping that nothing would happen to Lu Sichen.

When she approached, she saw two cars overturned on the ground, emitting sparks. Bai Jiujiu walked towards Lu Sichen's car. Lu Sichen didn't wake up after two strokes.

"Husband, hubby, wake up! Wake up!" Bai Jiujiu watched the car oil flow out, knowing that it would be dangerous to stay any longer, and planned to pull Lu Sichen out!

The door seemed to be broken and couldn't be opened no matter how hard I tried.

Bai Jiujiu smashed some broken glass out of the car with a stone, then took out a thick towel from the trunk and put it on the broken glass of the window, and inserted his hands into Lu Sichen's armpits, intending to drag him out.

But Lu Sichen's side seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't pull it out no matter what, Bai Jiujiu was so anxious that he was about to cry.

"Uncle, wake up quickly, if you don't wake up, we are really going to die together." Bai Jiujiu desperately pulled Lu Sichen out, but didn't know the situation inside and didn't dare to use force.

Tears and sweat slid down Bai Jiujiu's cheeks onto Lu Sichen's forehead, Lu Sichen frowned slightly, he vaguely heard someone crying, was it Jiujiu?

He couldn't let her down, he had to wake up.

Lu Sichen's willpower was super strong, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Uncle, no, husband, you're awake!" Bai Jiujiu wiped away tears with the back of his hand, "Hurry up, husband, try to come out quickly."

Lu Sichen tried to retract his feet, but fortunately he was not caught by any foreign object, and when Lu Sichen's whole body came out, Bai Jiujiu helped him stand up.

"Uncle, hurry, run!" Bai Jiujiu saw not far away, sparks flickering at the oil spill.

But before she could react, she was directly pushed away by Lu Sichen, and Bai Jiujiu only heard a bang, and the ball of fire directly enveloped Lu Sichen.

"No, no, no, don't!!!" Without even thinking about it, Bai Jiujiu rushed into the sea of ​​flames, hugged Lu Sichen tightly, "I said, I will never live alone even if you die."

The fire seemed to swallow the two of them together.

Afterwards, she completely lost consciousness.

Bai Jiujiu had a dream. She dreamed of a man who was like a fairy, wearing a snow-white gold silk robe. When the man turned his face, she found that this man had the same face as Lu Sichen!
She wanted to speak and asked who he was, but found that she couldn't make a sound, and saw the man walking towards her step by step, only to hear him sigh softly, and then she fell into the clouds!

"Ah!!!!" Bai Jiujiu woke up suddenly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling and a smell of disinfectant.

"Jiu Bao, you finally woke up!" Ying Bao was a little excited.

"Sister, you're awake!" Bai Yu was overjoyed, and shouted to Bai Xinlin, who was already asleep, "Mom, wake up, sister is awake!

Bai Xinlin sat up suddenly, and immediately stood beside Bai Jiujiu's bed, wiping away tears: "It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up."

Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth, but found his voice hoarse and unpleasant: "What about him?"

Ying Bao said a few words, but the speed was too fast, Bai Jiujiu heard the voice and couldn't hear it clearly.

Ying Bao immediately increased his voice and slowed down.

"Next to you, I heard that the doctor is still in a coma..."

(End of this chapter)

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