Chapter 997

Before Ying Bao finished speaking, Bai Jiujiu tore off the pipe and ran to the next door.

Ying Bao shrugged helplessly, she knew it would be like this.

Ying Bao opened the door and saw the unconscious Lu Sichen, before he got close, he was slapped.

"I knew Bai Jiujiu that you would kill him sooner or later! You evil spirit, you evil, get out of here, get out of here, you still have the face to come over!" Mother Lu yelled angrily, and turned to Bai Jiu after speaking. Jiujiu slapped again, but was grabbed by Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu stared at Mother Lu fiercely, his sharp eyes cut off half of Mother Lu's aura.

"Mom, calling you mom is to give uncle face. I have been putting up with you, not because I am afraid of you, but because you are uncle's mother, so I have always respected you. Accept, but until now you don't know who caused uncle to become like this today!"

"Who is it, and it's not all you!"

"Hehe." Bai Jiujiu sneered: "I'm afraid Ah Zhen told you this. Mom, I have been wondering why you would rather trust an outsider than your own family."

When Mother Lu heard Bai Jiujiu say this, she was also angry: "Are you my family? Where were you when I was sick? Where were you when Chen'er was sick? Zhen has been taking care of me all these years, She is considerate and careful, she can do everything according to me, she just can't think about it, it's not like you are against me everywhere! It's not good at all."

"Hehe, Mom, how can there be such a perfect good in this world, she is close to you and treats you just because she wants to get more from you, but Mom, you haven't seen it through until now, you think a person has no bottom line Is it really good to be nice to you, is it really good to help you satisfy whatever you want?

That kind is not applauded, that kind is called pleasing, and once you have no value to please, she will give up directly. Has she started to blow pillow wind to you these days, and treat you well again?Do you think she is really nice to you?

She is just looking at the shares of the Lu Corporation. Could it be that this time you will dedicate everything to her like last time? "Bai Jiujiu asked step by step, forcing Mother Lu to sit on the stool by the wall.

Mother Lu shook her head in disbelief, and murmured: "No, I won't."

"No? If I tell you that my husband, Lu Sichen, is also your son, and he is lying on this bed because of Ah Zhen, would you believe it?"

"No, no, she said she didn't..."

"Hahahaha..." Bai Jiujiu laughed crazily: "Did she say that? What did she say? She said that all of this is my fault, and that I caused Lu Sichen to be like this. Think about it carefully, if I really caused all this, I have to risk my life to die with him. If I am really that kind of woman with deep plans, do you think Lu Sichen will marry me? Or you Does your son have no trust at all? Or do you not believe your son's vision? Ah Zhen is an outsider, and you would rather believe an outsider's words than your own son's?

Mom, Lu Sichen is your real son, Ah Zhen is not, don't look at Lu Sichen who is usually very cold and doesn't seem to care about your feelings, but Mom, you have thought about it carefully, what you want, what you want Like, which one did he not do for you? "

(End of this chapter)

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