Chapter 998

Mother Lu: "No, no,'s not like that, it's not like that...I don't, I don't..."

Mother Lu shed tears, and after glancing at Lu Sichen, she was so guilty that she couldn't face it and rushed out of the room.

Bai Jiujiu sighed, if she still can't figure it out, then forget it.

Listening to the pulsating sound, Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen, held her hand tightly, and his eyes were full of tenderness: "Fortunately, fortunately, you are fine, fortunately, you are alive."

"If I lose you, I don't know if I still have the courage to live." Bai Jiujiu closed his eyes, put his hand on his forehead, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Bai Jiujiu's hair was being touched, and the touch made Bai Jiujiu raise his head abruptly, just in time to meet Lu Sichen's opened eyes, which were shining with stars in the dark, so handsome. One cannot look away.

"You're awake." Bai Jiujiu wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and held Lu Sichen's hand tightly.

"Well, why didn't you turn on the light?" Lu Sichen asked.

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, then his fingers waved in front of Lu Sichen's eyes.

"Huh?" Lu Sichen seemed unable to see, "Is there a power outage?"

Bai Jiujiu suppressed his flustered mood, and said with a smile, "Yes, if you hold on, I'll call the doctor." Trying to keep his tone calm.

The doctor checked Lu Sichen's eyes, and looked puzzled at Bai Jiujiu's anxious expression, "I checked for any internal or external injuries, which may be the sequelae of the car accident."

"Is it short-term or long-term?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

The doctor is obviously not sure: "It's hard to say, maybe it will recover in three or two days, maybe a year or two, maybe..."

"Can't recover for a lifetime?" Lu Sichen said coldly.

Bai Jiujiu held Lu Sichen's hand tightly and comforted him: "No, husband, it will definitely be possible, it won't last forever, it's definitely temporary."

The doctor also comforted: "Although this situation is uncertain, maintaining a good mood is conducive to recovery. You should be considered lucky. If there is no heavy rain, I am afraid the injury will be more serious."

After the doctor left, Lu Sichen remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Bai Jiujiu thought he was unhappy, so he tried to comfort him: "Husband, no matter what, I will be with you, and I will always be with you."

Lu Sichen's eyes were out of focus, he just followed the voice and touched her head very accurately.

"Suddenly I can understand why you left me."

"...I, I, I, I will never leave you again." Bai Jiujiu was very afraid, very afraid that Lu Sichen would tell her to get out with a dark face the next moment.

The corners of Lu Sichen's mouth rose slightly, "Actually, don't you and I are more compatible now?"

For the first time, Bai Jiujiu looked at the smile on Lu Sichen's mouth and felt sour in his heart: "If possible, I would rather be the one who is blind!" Someone as outstanding as Lu Sichen would definitely not be able to accept this fact.

But Lu Sichen didn't mind at all: "Didn't you always say before that I didn't have the same experience as you, that I couldn't feel the pain in your heart, but now I'm fine, and I feel the same."

"..." Bai Jiujiu listened to his words, and the more he listened, the more uncomfortable he became.

"Honey, you can't see the world, so I will see the world for you as your eyes from now on."

"Jiujiu, you can't hear this world, and I will listen to this world for you as your ear from now on."

The two spoke in unison, looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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