Chapter 1 Preface
Park Geun-hye, the daughter of former South Korean President Park Chung-hee, lived with her parents in the Blue House Presidential Palace at the age of 9; at the age of 22, her mother was shot dead; at the age of 27, her father suffered another political assassination, and she left the Blue House sadly with her younger brother and sister.After that, she chose to live in seclusion for 18 years. After 18 years, she returned to politics with a sense of purpose, ran for office and became the first female president in South Korean history.

From the high-status princess to the star-crossed orphan to the president of a nation who fights and never admits defeat.What Park Geun-hye has experienced is the ups and downs and injustices that too many people can't understand, but she has maintained the strength, tolerance, upwards and beauty that women should have in the face of years and difficulties.In this halo-filled woman, what people pay attention to seems to be only legendary and unbelievable.However, no one thought that she was in a controversial life with ups and downs, but she had a more specific life wisdom than persistence and strength.All of this is like the myth of a sparrow turning into a phoenix. The process seems simple, but every woman needs to taste it with her heart, experience it with her body, and get Nirvana from her mind.Park Geun-hye resists suffering with the flexibility of water, resolves noise with tolerance of water, and wins hearts with fortitude like water... The best kindness is like water, and the strength of her success is overcome by softness.

Park Geun-hye once said: "I have no parents, no husband, no children, and the country is the only object I hope to serve." Although this sentence is tragic, it has touched the hearts of millions of people in South Korea.At the same time, it also tells every woman: We can have nothing, but what we need is a certain and true belief in life.Those who can see through life for the sake of marriage, work, or even friends, and those who are in pain, should get some inspiration from Park Geun-hye's deeds.Because she has also experienced youth, the "leftover women's era", the betrayal of her friends, and the severe trauma of her life.However, she used her wisdom to subtly resolve them, and unswervingly walked out of the shadows, all of which made her calmer and stronger.Reading such a book, every woman should find motivation in life from being moved, and taste the power of faith from words.

This book describes Park Geun-hye's ups and downs, turbulence, and crisis-ridden life in detail, from when she was the princess of the Blue House to when she became a winner in the Blue House. There is pain, firmness, and summed up life experience.Just like her own summary of life and failure, every article and section of this book is powerful and powerful.The whole book is written in a natural way, with calm descriptions, and a detailed and comprehensive review of Park Geun-hye's life. While truly describing a wise, dignified, persistent, and cautious woman, it also illuminates the wisdom of life for all modern women. lighthouse.

(End of this chapter)

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