Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 2 The Greatest Kindness is Like Water: Using Flexibility to Interpret True Strength

Chapter 2 The Greatest Kindness is Like Water: Using Flexibility to Interpret True Strength (1)
President's Tutoring Lessons: Growing Through Pain

Life will always give us some unexpected setbacks and blows. In the face of every pain, do you have the courage to stand up, keep going, and turn the pain into a driving force for growth?When it comes to how to overcome pain, no one has more experience than Park Geun-hye, the first female president of South Korea.Park Geun-hye was born in a wealthy family, but she suffered the bad luck of her parents being assassinated one after another, but she did not fall down, but developed a strong and flexible character.

Park Geun-hye is the daughter of former South Korean President Park Chung-hee. She lived with her parents at the Blue House, the official residence of the South Korean president, at the age of 9.When applying for university, Park Geun-hye chose Xijiang Electronic Engineering Department, wanting to be an expert in this field.After graduating from university, Park Geun-hye chose to study abroad in France.Originally, Park Geun-hye's life in France was very happy, but such happiness did not last long.Just as Park Geun-hye was moving towards her dream step by step, the biggest storm in her life swept towards her.

On August 1974, 8, Park Geun-hye's mother Yu Yingxiu was shot and killed by "North Korean spies" during the Liberation Day celebration ceremony.When Park Geun-hye heard the news, her body seemed to be hit by a high-voltage electric current, and her heart ached as if a sharp knife had been inserted into it.However, Park Geun-hye did not immerse herself in grief. In order to help her father, she was only 15 years old and played the role of "first lady" instead of her mother, assisting her father in office.

The pain of losing her mother has not yet subsided, and the second major blow in her life is coming. In the early morning of October 1979, 10, Park Geun-hye, who was still asleep, was awakened by the sound of the phone. From the phone, she learned that her father had been assassinated by then Minister of Intelligence Kim Jae-gyu.A month later, Park Geun-hye left the Blue House with her younger siblings, and has since taken on the burden of taking care of the whole family.

Everyone will inevitably suffer the death of a loved one. The death of a loved one is a heart-wrenching blow. You may have many complex emotions, such as shock, sadness, anger, and even self-blame.Everyone faces pain in a different way. Some people will never recover from the setback, immersed in pessimistic and depressed emotions, and spend the rest of their lives decadently.And some people know how to properly control their grief, not letting it affect their lives, and even let the pain become the driving force for their struggle, so as to achieve a better future.

Park Geun-hye used her personal experience to prove how important it is for a person's growth to overcome pain.After her mother passed away, although she was heartbroken, in order to let her family get out of the grief of the death of a loved one as soon as possible, she endured the grief.She wrote in her autobiography: "I am determined to cheer up and tell myself that those who are alive have to live well, because busy bees have no time to be sad." Park Geun-hye did not let sadness drown herself, but put all her body and mind into work middle.When acting the role of "First Lady", Park Geun-hye often accompanied her father to inspect places and visit enterprises. Every morning, she also read newspapers for her father and expressed her opinions on some issues.Park Geun-hye recalled that it was the experience at that time that laid a solid foundation for her future career in politics.It can be seen that pain can make people grow. When you face the pain directly and use your wisdom and strength to fight against it, you can get a more exciting and meaningful life.

However, not every woman has the tenacious perseverance and tough character like Park Geun-hye. When facing the pain in life, how can she get out of the pain and let herself grow in pain?When the pain comes, please release your emotions as much as you want, and don't hold back the sadness.When encountering a major blow, some people will suppress their emotions and not let the sadness show.Such an approach may seem strong, but it is actually a manifestation of avoiding pain. Not only will it not help you recover emotionally, it may also damage your health.Tears are not a sign of weakness, and sometimes crying to your heart's content will help you adjust faster.

Of course, we can't be immersed in sadness, we can choose to use some methods to divert our attention.After the death of both parents, Park Geun-hye suffered great mental pain.Park Geun-hye once said: "I have no parents, no husband, no children. The country is the only object I hope to serve." Faith supported her to get out of the pain and achieve her own success.

It is said that every living person is a warrior.Because from birth to growth, every day and every thing is unknown, we must experience and challenge.Those unknown tomorrows may have countless blows that will knock us down and even crush us to pieces. Only a true warrior will bear the pain of this life with a strong heart.With such courage, pain will turn into a kind of mature wisdom, which helps us understand our own life and face many changes in life with an indifferent attitude.

Life cannot be smooth sailing, we will always encounter numerous setbacks and pains.However, it is because of failure that we learn to fight; it is because of pain that we learn to be strong.Just like what Park Geun-hye said: "No matter how much I am tested, as long as I am a friend with adversity and regard sincerity as a lighthouse on the way forward, then in the end despair will also exercise me."

Soft as water, hard as rock

Women always give people the impression of being weak, considered too soft and delicate, lacking rational thinking and strong strength.As the saying goes, "Women are like water". Water is extremely soft and can change its shape at will, but water is also very tough. The accumulated power of dripping water can even penetrate rocks.A woman who possesses softness and toughness at the same time is powerful and indestructible.

Usually, women are always inseparable from words such as softness, vulnerability, and sensuality.It is often assumed that women are less powerful than men and unable to hold important roles in society.Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of female leaders who have left their names in history, and most of them are surrounded by gossip.Nowadays, equality between men and women has become the consensus of the whole world, and more women have begun to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and even gained a high social status.But this is not to say that these women gave up their femininity and became a "man woman" like a man.On the contrary, they rely on the softness and tenacity unique to women to gain a place in the male-dominated society.

Thatcher in Britain and Merkel in Germany have both influenced the political situation in the world with their unique female leadership styles. They not only have strong will and firm and decisive beliefs, but also have the unique gentleness and resilience of women.Park Geun-hye took Thatcher and Merkel as role models, and she herself knew how to make full use of her femininity, forming a "small and soft" leadership style.It is precisely because Park Geun-hye has the flexibility that other male politicians do not have that she was able to turn things around at many important junctures.It can be said that women's softness and tenacity are Park Geun-hye's secret weapon in her political career.

Park Geun-hye, as South Korea's first female president, naturally received many doubts.There is a voice that women leaders are not bold enough in dealing with crises.Faced with such doubts, Park Geun-hye retorted: "Many people think that women are weaker in handling crisis events. I think this prejudice should be overcome. I have been overcoming crises all my life. The power of politicians does not come from force, but from the people. trust.” Park Geun-hye believes that women are naturally good at handling housework and are better at handling crises, so they can also do a good job in managing the country’s livelihood and handling national crises.Being a woman has never been a problem for Park Geun-hye, but it is her advantage and capital.

The weakness of a woman is sometimes more powerful than the strength of a man.As long as they know how to use it, a woman can "overcome rigidity with softness".Women tend to be more emotional and therefore more human than men.Park Geun-hye is a very humane person.As early as when she was the "First Lady", Park Geun-hye often visited the low-level people. Her kindness and gentleness were loved by the Korean people. Whenever she appeared, she would be surrounded by enthusiastic people.Enthusiastic people often give her various gifts, including flowers and food prepared by themselves.Even Korean teenagers like her very much. Seeing her is like meeting a show star, and they will chase after her to get her autograph.The reason why Park Geun-hye is so loved by others is of course inseparable from her sincerity, integrity, and integrity, but the unique gentleness of a woman is also her magic weapon.

Park Geun-hye's gentleness is not only reflected in her treatment of the public, but also very humane in her treatment of her subordinates and colleagues.People who have worked with Park Geun-hye praised her ability to resolve tension. She is not only good at mediating various conflicts, but also can joke to resolve embarrassment. Not only will she not feel restrained, but she will feel very comfortable around her.As a leader, Park Geun-hye treats her subordinates very kindly. She never asks the staff to use honorific titles, and she nods with a smile when meeting or saying goodbye to them.If the work is too heavy, in order to appease the emotions of the employees, Park Geun-hye will also say something like this to them: "I know everyone is very busy. It has been a hard time. I always seem to make some difficult requests for everyone. In a few days Let's have a meal together." Park Geun-hye not only does not put on the airs of a leader to order her subordinates, but communicates with her subordinates in an equal manner. No wonder people who work with her say that no matter how heavy the workload is, they will not feel tired.

It is not enough for a woman to be soft. If she cannot face danger and setbacks with strength, she will not be able to gain a foothold in this society.The reason why Park Geun-hye was able to break out of the cocoon and achieve extraordinary achievements after going through hardships is because she has a will as strong as a rock.After experiencing the pain of losing her mother, Park Geun-hye endured her own grief in order to take care of her father, younger brother and younger sister, and took on the role of "first lady" before she had time to grieve.A few years later, her father was shot dead again. When Park Geun-hye heard the news, the first question she asked was: "Is there anything unusual ahead?" It can be seen that her first thought was not her own pain, but worrying about the border between North Korea and South Korea. safety.After her father died, she took care of everything and took care of her younger siblings.In the face of the world's slander and betrayal of her father, Park Geun-hye did not despair, but continued to live a strong life and worked hard to help her father clear her grievances.

Park Geun-hye's life proves to the world that women can also conquer the world with inner softness and strength.We ordinary people may not encounter the hardships of Park Geun-hye in our lives, but there will always be some ordinary and trivial troubles.Faced with these troubles, a strong woman will not forget her original intention, but will persistently pursue her original goal.In modern society, women are under a lot of pressure, and sometimes they are very fragile, especially young women who have not experienced real suffering, and are more likely to give up their pursuit.Only by becoming a truly strong woman can I face all the challenges in life calmly.As a woman, one must not only keep the tenderness in her heart, but also make herself tough, neither afraid of the challenge of the opponent nor the difficulties and obstacles along the way.As long as you settle down, stare at the distance firmly, and accumulate and practice continuously while walking, you will gradually develop the unique elegance of women and become a soft and tough strong man.

From water to ice, the sublimation of pain and beauty
The successive deaths of her mother and father caused the young Park Geun-hye to lose her girlish immaturity prematurely, and the experience of life made her calm and firm.Critics thought she was too level-headed and not approachable enough, calling her an "ice princess" and "ice queen".But Park Geun-hye said: "Ice is ten thousand times harder than water. It is a painful and beautiful sublimation process when water freezes into ice!"

Everyone will encounter some seemingly insurmountable difficulties in life, and weak women may be more likely to be overwhelmed by difficulties and lose the courage and strength to continue living.Women are as weak as water, but water can be frozen into ice, and the process can be painful and difficult, but once sublimated, it has great power.Weakness is a characteristic of women, but in the face of pain or setbacks, you must exercise yourself so that you can gain enough energy to overcome all difficulties.Park Geun-hye's personal experience has set a good example for us.

Park Geun-hye's mother was shot dead when she was 22 years old.Since then, the young Park Geun-hye endured her grief and took over her mother's role as "First Lady".During her tenure as "First Lady", Park Geun-hye wore her mother's clothes and jewelry, imitating her calm and calm way of doing things, and assisted her father in completing many state affairs activities.In addition, she also learned her father's forbearance in personal emotions, and also learned how to deal with crises calmly and calmly.Due to the heavy workload, Park Geun-hye had to reduce her sleep time and had no time to live the life that ordinary girls should have.Park Geun-hye also fantasized about romantic love and a happy family life, but she simply has no time and energy to think about these matters, and her status as the president's daughter has also blocked many peach blossoms for her.Because of her maturity and calmness beyond her actual age, people called Park Geun-hye the "Ice Princess".But it was the experience during this period that enabled Park Geun-hye to gain rich political experience and enable her to shine in the Korean political arena in the future.

The successive murders of parents, criticism from society, and betrayal by friends are all shocking enough to break the heart.Compared with the setbacks suffered by Park Geun-hye, the pain of ordinary people seems to be nothing worth mentioning.But life will not be merciful to us. The death of a loved one, career setbacks, emotional failures, etc. will still make every woman feel unbearable pain.As women, we are naturally more vulnerable, but this does not mean that we are incapable of overcoming pain and difficulty.

When encountering pain, there are often some abnormalities in the body. At this time, some health-preserving methods can be used to regulate the mood, such as yoga, meditation, and Dantian breathing.This method is of great help to both physical and mental health. After the depression in the heart dissipates, the body will gradually become healthy and the immunity will also improve.After the death of her parents, Park Geun-hye's body became very poor. By learning Dantian breathing, her body gradually recovered, and her heart became stronger.

In addition to physical discomfort, setbacks and difficulties can also make our hearts chaotic and confused, unable to find the value of life.In this case, reading some classic works that contain profound thoughts will play a very good role.In reading, you will find that your own pain is not unique, and many people have similar experiences to you. Listening to the wise teachings of the predecessors will help you open your heart and have a deeper understanding of life.During Park Geun-hye’s seclusion, she read a lot of Buddhist scriptures and philosophical books. When she saw a sentence she liked, she would copy it in a notebook. Whenever she was depressed, she would open it and read it. These notes are the guide for Park Geun-hye’s life.Reading helped Park Geun-hye gain comfort, and I believe it will also help every woman in pain to find inner peace.

Ascension is a painful experience in itself.Because of failure, we learned to fight; because of injury, we learned to love; because of miss, we learned to cherish; because of regret, we learned to seize every opportunity around us.Every pain is a kind of growth, a kind of experience, and a kind of gain. Don't punish yourself or deny yourself in the pain, but organize your mentality in the pain, and continue to bravely go up with the pain and maturity left after the trauma. road.

(End of this chapter)

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