Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 25 Facing the Future: Recognize Your Direction

Chapter 25 Facing the Future: Recognize Your Direction (1)
road, from the foot

Park Geun-hye believes that the road under our feet depends on us step by step. If there are only goals but no specific actions, then it can only be regarded as fantasy.Many things in daily life, although very ordinary, can best reflect the value.As the saying goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", that's what it means.

In Park Geun-hye's view, the obligation given to people is to correctly handle the things that need to be done in daily life.She once said: "For a small stream to form a big river, rivers and lakes, at first the water opened up the waterway, and then the water flowed down the waterway. The same is true for the mountain road. It was first created by people, but people have been walking along this road since then. Keep going." Water must gather bit by bit to form rivers, and people must take every step of life steadily to achieve extraordinary achievements.If the bits and pieces in our lives are gathered together, then it must have the power to determine the success or failure of life.

Just like Park Geun-hye, she has grand ideas about the future of this country, but dreams alone are not enough. To turn dreams into reality, concrete actions must be implemented in every corner of life.She works hard and rarely gets a full break each night.Every time she visits the people, she is so serious and sincere, no matter how harsh and difficult the environment is, even if it is risky, she will do it herself.She will use her actual actions to infect everyone, so that they will have the same dream and work hard together with her.

In Japan, Hara Ippei, who is only 1.45 meters tall, is not impressive, but in the Japanese life insurance industry, he is a well-known figure.Because he has maintained the number one performance in the country for 15 consecutive years in the same industry, he is revered by the Japanese as the "God of Sales".When he was 69 years old, he was once invited to give a lecture to an insurance company.At the lecture, he was asked what the secret of his sales success was.He took off his shoes and socks on the spot, and asked the questioner to come to the podium.He said to the questioner: "Please touch the soles of my feet." The questioner felt puzzled, but had no choice but to do what Yuan Yiping said.Yuan Yiping asked: "What do you think?" The questioner said: "The calluses on the soles of your feet are very thick!" "Yes, the calluses on the soles of my feet are indeed very thick. Why?" Everyone fell into deep thought.So he continued: "This is because I have walked more roads than others and run more frequently than others, so the cocoon is very thick."

Dream is the topic we discuss most, but few people can really understand its deep meaning.Everyone may have their own dreams, and some people have made clear plans and deployments in order to realize their dreams.But the problem is that most people have no next action after they have a dream.Either hesitating, not knowing how to take the first step, and always hoping to wait until I think about it before acting; I was already full of timidity about the future when I was on the road, so I chose to give up early, and went to find out if there were other new dreams.

As the saying goes, "the heart is not as good as the action".No matter how ambitious and beautiful your dreams and goals are, if you can't take action as soon as possible and implement them step by step, then in the end it will only be empty talk and nonsense.Because of hesitation, laziness, and timidity, you are only willing to sit still and wait for opportunities.As the English writer Lawrence said: "The secret of success is to develop a good habit of doing it quickly."

There is such a girl who is often envied by her classmates.Because she loves reading, she has found a job that everyone envies, dares to travel alone, has high attainments in painting, and can write good articles.In the eyes of those around her, she is an out-and-out talented woman.

Some students said that they also love reading, but always feel that work is too busy and there is no time. In fact, this girl also lives a nine-to-five life, and she is usually very busy at work, but as long as she has a little time, even if it is lunch or waiting for the bus Whenever there is time, she will take out a book to read.

Some students also want to find a job similar to hers, but they only blame themselves for not having a good opportunity. In fact, this girl spent two and a half years participating in professional training before getting this job. After graduation, she can only work in the company. As a handyman, the monthly income is only 1500 yuan, and it lasted for nearly 14 months.

Some students also want to travel to Tibet. They have been planning for many years, but because they have no money, they dare not go on the road by themselves, and their parents think it is too dangerous, so the plan has been put on hold. In fact, this girl saved two years for traveling to Tibet alone. Money, running and exercising lasted for a year, and there were only four days to prepare from resignation to departure: one day was used to withdraw money and buy train tickets; one day was used to borrow backpacks, cameras, flashlights, jackets, discounted sleeping bags, Food; one day is spent watching guides, visiting forums, designing routes, and booking youth hostels; another day is spent packing and unpacking.

Some students also like painting and writing, but they always feel that they are not talented enough. In fact, this girl’s talent is not very good. She just insists on drawing one or two pictures every day when others are shopping and surfing the Internet. When blogging, I insisted on writing a small article every day.

That's the difference between success and failure, it's just a "do" or a "don't".The so-called "no time", "no money" and "very dangerous" are just excuses for yourself to accept the fact that you don't act because you don't want to, but because the external environment doesn't allow it.

In fact, no matter whether the road ahead is really full of all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and no matter whether you really can't reach the end of the road, how can you know if you don't start the road?How do you know you can't do it if you don't try it?
My mission is to "Create New Hope"

Park Geun-hye once said something like this: "I chose hope. My life can go to the present by no means relying on my own strength alone. I can endure despair and sadness that ordinary people cannot bear, all because my life does not only belong to me. Myself. Now, my life is starting another journey of destiny, and I will not escape. No matter what happens, I will accept it calmly and find a way to overcome it. Because the mission given to me by God is to 'create new hope'."

In July 1900, a psychiatrist named Lindemann sailed into the rough Atlantic in a small boat alone. He was conducting a psychological experiment that had never been done in history, and the price he was going to pay was own life.Dr. Lindeman believes that as long as a person has confidence in himself, he can maintain mental and physical health.At that time, the whole of Germany was watching the tragic adventure of crossing the Atlantic in a single boat.There have been more than 7 warriors sailing across the Atlantic in succession, but they all failed and no one survived.Dr. Lindeman believes that these victims were not physically defeated, but mainly died of mental breakdown, terror and despair.In order to verify his point of view, he disregarded the opposition of his relatives and friends and conducted experiments himself.

During the voyage, Dr. Lindemann encountered unimaginable difficulties and was on the verge of death many times. He even had hallucinations in front of his eyes, and his motor sense was numb. Sometimes he really felt hopeless.But as soon as this idea appeared, he immediately blamed himself loudly: "Coward, do you want to repeat the same mistakes and die here? No, I will definitely succeed!" The hope of life supported Lindeman, and finally he succeeded.When reviewing the experience of success, he said: "I believe from the bottom of my heart that I will succeed. This belief is integrated with myself in the midst of difficulties, and it fills every cell around me."

Dr. Lindemann is using his life to prove to everyone that as long as one does not lose confidence, one can overcome difficulties and survive in extreme environments.His adventurous spirit created new hope for more people.

The so-called hope is the ray of light that people can see when they are in the dark. Under its guidance, people can get out of the predicament and see the light of day again.Instead of standing still and waiting for hope to emerge, we should try our best to grope in the dark and use our hands to create hope.Hope, despair, and pain always go hand in hand. Before we gain hope, we often face seemingly insurmountable impasses in life.In fact, despair and pain are not terrible. As long as we maintain a positive attitude and determination to overcome difficulties, we can find hope in despair and experience happiness in pain.

As Park Geun-hye said in her autobiography: "Maybe there are more sad things in our family than happy things. I take these things as a test for myself. If I want to live this kind of life again, I would rather choose Death. Even now, when things change in my life, I don't run away. Whether fate is good or bad, I accept it with dignity. I never give up hope just because I'm in trouble."

Hope is meant to be created, and even when we're in trouble, we can't allow ourselves to sink into despair.Don't leave hope to fate, and don't believe that miracles will save you from suffering. We should believe in ourselves and create hope by our own efforts and struggles.

What is even more commendable is that a person who is full of confidence in the future and sticks to his beliefs in difficult times can often bring hope to others, and Park Geun-hye is such a person.Many members of Congress commented on Park Geun-hye: "As a leader, Park Geun-hye has a special attraction. From her, we can see the hope of South Korea's future development. In a political arena full of mistrust, betrayal and greed, she has others. The one thing that I don’t have, and the most admirable thing, is to always defend my principles and beliefs.” Someone said: “When a large-scale accident occurs, the only politician who will not be rejected at the door of the public incense station is There is only Park Geun-hye. When people hold candles in pain, she can bring comfort and peace to the people. Her heart is only on the country and the people, and she has no time to spend with her family and friends. She often makes relatives and friends around her feel dissatisfied and depressed. Because of that, the people who work with her can have a genuine sense of pride."

The affirmation of other people fully demonstrates that Park Geun-hye is using her actual actions to create new hope for the people.Through hard work, she wants to usher in the second take-off of South Korea's economy, and let her citizens live a happy and peaceful life from now on: children can grow up healthily, college students no longer have to worry about finding a job after graduation, and ordinary workers can live a happy and peaceful life. The living environment can be improved.There will be no more worries about war, no disasters, no poverty, no hunger, no discrimination, and all the misfortunes that happened to Park Geun-hye will never happen to everyone!
This is not only Park Geun-hye's personal great ideal, but also the common hope and vision of all people.For the South Korean people, Park Geun-hye is their only hope for realizing these lofty ideals.Because they can feel a powerful force from Park Geun-hye, they can feel her determination to keep her promises and stick to her beliefs from her words and deeds, and they can also feel a kind of heart-warming touch from her gentle smile.So they have long believed that Park Geun-hye is the one who can bring them happiness.Not only did she help herself get out of the predicament and regain a new life, she also found a way to realize her own life value, and she also sent new hope to everyone with her own hands and bit by bit efforts.

If you are already a mother with a dream, then you should get rid of distracting thoughts and work hard to turn your dream into reality.Because your efforts are the greatest comfort to your family and the best example for your children's future growth.Your efforts can create new hope for the family that supports you.

If you are now a nurse who saves lives and heals the wounded, perhaps the heavy work has made you feel tired, then please persevere. This is not only about your professional beliefs, but more importantly, your persistence can serve you well. More patients with serious diseases create new hope.

If you are the president of a start-up company now, maybe you have already lived a life of luxury, but please don’t forget the passion and heroism you had when you started your business, and don’t let yourself lose the hope of progress just because of the little achievements in front of you. power.Your persistence can create new hope for those who follow you and trust you.

Your efforts can not only ignite your own passion, but also decorate the lives of others.Creating hope is a beautiful ability and a sacred mission: for oneself, but also for more people.

Many people don't realize how good they are
Park Geun-hye always felt that her mother in heaven must be guarding her somewhere. Whenever she encountered difficulties or felt tired from work, she would look at her mother's photo, as if the mother in the photo could bestow her blessings. Infinite power.Of course, it must not be her deceased mother who helped Park Geun-hye achieve great success. The person she should be most grateful for should be herself. In fact, she is far better than she imagined.

Life is full of drama, and Park Geun-hye, who wanted to go to the podium, became South Korea's "first lady" because of her mother's death.Many people at the time were worried about this. They were not sure whether such a little girl could really fulfill the sacred duty of "First Lady".Even Park Geun-hye herself is full of doubts. In her heart, her mother's elegance, selflessness, and wisdom are beyond her reach.

But no matter how unconfident she was, forced by the situation, Park Geun-hye could only bite the bullet and move forward.Because she is not very familiar with the various tasks of the "First Lady", many things are very lame, so she can only work harder to complete all the tasks.She doesn't have enough time every day, and she sleeps less than 5 hours a day. Even so, the documents that she needs to review are still piled up.

But Park Geun-hye didn't have the slightest complaint. She had long left behind the lack of self-confidence she had when she first took over as the "First Lady".All she could think of at this moment was to exert herself to the last ounce of strength.In many cases, in order to complete a good job, she didn't even have time to pay attention to her own physical illness.It was with this drive that she accomplished all the tasks that a "first lady" should complete and became the most capable assistant by her father's side.

Perhaps this kind of success was unexpected by Park Geun-hye at the beginning, but with her own hard work, she finally created achievements that impressed everyone.In fact, each of us is good enough. As long as we continue to forge ahead, challenge ourselves and surpass ourselves, our inner potential will be stimulated.

In 1982, in Georgia, the United States, a mother lifted a 1964 Chevrolet car by herself in order to save her son who was crushed under the car.Coincidentally, during the Ya'an earthquake, a mother used her hands to remove hundreds of kilograms of prefabricated concrete slabs and rescued her son underneath.We all believe that these two mothers must be like most people in normal times, weak women with no power to restrain chickens, but they can inspire all their strength at critical moments. Even they themselves couldn't believe it afterwards.

We must applaud the great maternal love, but at the same time, we must also admit that women are born with amazing power.This kind of power does not only refer to lifting cars and moving prefabricated panels, but is more reflected in women's perseverance, firmness, courage, wisdom and many other aspects.The reason why many women are willing to be the appendages of others is that they do not really understand themselves, they have never tried to tap their potential, let alone how good they are.For those seemingly impossible tasks, as long as you are not intimidated first, as long as you are willing to persevere in your efforts, then there must be the possibility of miracles.

(End of this chapter)

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