Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 33 Be yourself: You can't choose your origin, you can improve your temperament

Chapter 33 Be yourself: You can't choose your origin, you can improve your temperament (2)
Do not accept media interviews.Qian Xuesen has made outstanding achievements, but he never accepts interviews from various media. He is notoriously indifferent to fame and wealth.When he was in the Fifth Academy of the Ministry of National Defense, Qian Xuesen initially served as the dean.Soon he wrote to Nie Shuai, requesting to change the "director" to "deputy" in order to concentrate on scientific research and technological breakthroughs.In this way, Qian Xuesen, who had been the dean for a while, was changed to be the deputy dean. In the early 20s, there was a boss in Shenzhen who wanted to erect a stele of meritorious deeds and a bust for Qian Xuesen.After Qian Xuesen heard about it, he resolutely objected: "How can a person who is still alive have merit? How can he make a statue?"

When China Central Television reported the news of Qian Xuesen's death, it used such a headline: "Scientific Superstar Falls, National Backbone Lives Eternally".Qian Xuesen is known as "Science Superstar" and "National Backbone", not only because of his ability and contribution, but also because of his moral character and personality.

Although everyone grows up in a different environment, lives in a different situation, has a different level of education, and pursues different ideals and goals, everyone will embody various principles when dealing with others.For example, some students would rather have unsatisfactory test scores than cheat; some businessmen would rather not improve their business performance temporarily, and would never sell counterfeit and shoddy goods; The family jokes; some people must tell the truth and tell the truth even if they are looked down upon by everyone, even if they offend others.Only by adhering to one's own principles can one have a bottom line and be able to do something and not do something.

For women, it is also very important to stick to principles.Self-control, prudence, diligence, honesty, tolerance... These excellent qualities are the principles of life that women should adhere to.If these basic principles cannot be met, how can we talk about lofty ideals and ambitions?In daily life, women need to adhere to many principles: when dealing with emotional relationships, they must not blindly condone the other party’s betrayal, domestic violence and other bad behaviors that seriously damage the harmony of the relationship because they are afraid of breaking up; You can't turn a blind eye to bad behaviors such as lying to children, being selfish, and being rude to elders because of spoiling; especially in social interactions, women must be able to advance and retreat properly, have tension, and know clearly what to do and what not to do. Resolutely resist and give forceful counterattacks to some rude or unruly requests.You must be generous and enthusiastic, but you must also be principled, and you must not leave people with a frivolous impression.

In the face of many impetuous emotions and all kinds of bad temptations in the society, it is indeed not an easy thing for a person to be able to clean himself up and stick to his own principles and bottom line.Many times we are unwilling to stick to our principles because we are afraid of being judged, afraid of facing tense situations, or in order to achieve our own ulterior motives.A person without principles often has no yardstick to measure right and wrong in his heart, and it is only a matter of time before he suffers the consequences.Only those who talk about principles and those who dare to show toughness in the face of big right and wrong are truly worthy of people's respect and admiration.

Aristocratic background is not as good as noble temperament

Park Geun-hye has a low-key manner and often wears jewelry left by her mother, inheriting her mother's elegant clothing taste; she has a firm and calm personality, vowing to break the rule of men in the political arena, and is known as the "Ice Princess" and "Thatcher of South Korea".Some people say that Park Geun-hye has the gentleness, virtuousness, knowledge and reason, calmness and quietness of traditional Korean women, and at the same time, she has inherited her father's iron will.Her unique noble temperament made the whole South Korea crazy about it.

The most charming thing about a woman is not her prominent background or rich family background, but her extraordinary, elegant and noble temperament.Temperament often comes from the heart and represents a woman's inner cultivation. It is a charming charm that radiates from the inside out and is the source of a woman's beauty.

Some people say that a woman with a beautiful appearance cannot be called noble, but a noble woman must be beautiful and charming.A woman with no ink can be called noble, a woman with frivolous behavior can’t be called noble, and a woman without taste can’t be called noble. If a woman doesn’t have a heart of kindness and love, and the courage to stick to her beliefs and never shrink back, she can also be called noble. Not noble.

Although Park Geun-hye's father is the president, she has received an ordinary education since she was a child.She loves to read, has ideals, is willing to endure hardships, is honest, and dares to take responsibility. Even after being devastated by many pains, she did not wear down her will, but made her more hopeful for the future, and made her feel great love and willing to fight for the country and peace. Dedicate everything to the revival of the nation.How can such a woman not be moved, how can such a woman not be respected by us, how can such a woman not be called noble?
In South Korea, Park Geun-hye is as popular as an entertainment star. Whether it is a 70-year-old man or a 20-year-old young man, no matter where she appears, they will all surround her.Applause, laughter, and cheers gathered into an exciting scene.Once Park Geun-hye was out on errands and was recognized by several students at the airport. As a result, more than 200 high school students surrounded her excitedly and asked Park Geun-hye for his autograph.Park Geun-hye, who was entangled in political affairs, did not neglect at all, but always maintained a sincere and gentle smile, while talking with the lovely students, while meeting their demands as much as possible.

Self-reliance, self-improvement, sunshine, and open-mindedness are the best expressions of Park Geun-hye's noble temperament.Not only does she dare to challenge the traditional rulers in the political arena, she dares to uphold the truth, and at the same time she can treat everyone around her sincerely and without prejudice.This reflects a person's moral cultivation and tolerance, and this kind of good posture and behavior will definitely win her support and praise.

On the day of Park Geun-hye's inauguration event, apart from her impassioned speech, the biggest highlight was undoubtedly her "drag show".It is a woman's nature to love beauty, and changing clothes so frequently on such a special occasion must have a lot of deep meaning, and it also left everyone with a special impression of the first female president in Korean history.

On the day of the event, Park Geun-hye first dressed in black and paid homage to the National Memorial Hall, comforting the spirits of the martyrs in heaven with a solemn style.Then, she changed into a long army green coat and black wide-leg pants. A famous Korean fashion designer thought that this dress was capable and dignified without losing the style of the "Iron Lady".The military-colored jacket and black trousers make Park Geun-hye look slimmer as a whole, and highlight her neutral temperament and strong leadership.The lavender silk scarf tied around the neck and the same-color brooch worn on the chest inadvertently highlight the femininity of women, and the whole dress style looks solemn and full of strength.In the days after that, Korean women followed her dressing style one after another, and the word "Park Geun-hye" became a fashion.

French women have always been famous for their elegant temperament and unique charm.Especially for French women who are over 40 years old, they not only put a lot of energy into creating their personal style, but also care more about their own behavior and quality of life.There was once a survey about what could keep them young forever, and the answers they gave were: 1. Traveling; 2. Various courses, from painting, English, computer to golf and yoga; 3. Museum one Annual membership; 4. Full house of children and grandchildren; 5. Catering to friends; 6. Fresh air and hiking; 7. Eat more fruits and vegetables.It is not difficult to find that in all these eternal youth secrets, not a single one mentions cosmetics or beauty secrets.So a woman's temperament comes more from the heart than the outside.

Many people mistakenly believe that the temperament that a woman should have is soft and flirtatious, that is, hypocrisy.But the real temperament is actually a kind of charm from the heart of a woman. Every frown, every move will make people feel infinite power and powerful aura.Although it is impossible for a woman in ordinary life to be full of combat power, it is not difficult to see from Park Geun-hye's experience that a woman's temperament is often reflected in countless details of life, so women must start from the little things in life and strive to improve themselves temperament.

Women should pay attention to the improvement of inner quality.Read more, study more, think diligently, and have your own opinions on the things around you.Because only a knowledgeable, broad-minded, smart and wise woman can speak extraordinary and show her due nobility in every way.

Women should pay due attention to grooming and dress.Although appearance is not the most important component of temperament, beautiful appearance is one of the biggest advantages of women.A well-dressed woman with a good face tends to leave a good impression on people.

Women should behave properly.Pay attention to the necessary etiquette when interacting with people, speak and act with propriety, don't write sadness or joy on your face at will, don't be too pretentious or get carried away.

Women need to have their own taste.Taste is not a famous brand, but its own unique style.There must be clear standards of likes and dislikes, not to follow the trend, not to follow the trend, and always maintain a simple, natural and suitable lifestyle.

Women should be low-key in life.Good quality is a person's best label, showing off or being too high-profile will only attract the envy and disgust of others.A low-key woman often has the excellent character of self-confidence, calmness and indifference.

Women should have their own hobbies.Many women only know how to revolve around their husbands and children, but their own lives often lack interest. Not only do they feel that life is boring, but even the people around them find such a woman very boring.

Women must have their own ideals and pursuits.The beauty of a woman often comes from a passion full of fighting spirit. As long as a woman is willing to pursue her ideal tirelessly, she has the energy to conquer everything.

In short, the noble temperament of a woman often needs the precipitation of years and the tempering of life. It depends on the level of a woman's own cultivation, and has nothing to do with whether she has aristocratic background.

There are poems and books in the belly, and its energy is from China

Park Geun-hye loved reading since she was a child, including the Chinese classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".During her 18 years of seclusion, books not only became the sustenance of her soul, enabling her to experience the endless joy of reading in her lonely and dark life, but also those words full of wisdom gave her the ability to overcome difficulties, Confidence and courage to walk out of pain.

The French philosopher Descartes once said: "Reading a good book is talking with many noble people." Reading can soothe people's hearts, cultivate people's ability to think independently, and enable people to obtain endless wisdom. Make people more extraordinary.Park Geun-hye's parents encouraged her to study more since she was a child.Although Park Geun-hye had few expensive toys in her childhood, the books in the room were her best playmates.When she was very young, she finished reading the historical classics of various countries. Through these historical books, she broadened her horizons, learned about the customs and customs of all parts of the world, and mastered the profound truth of insight into the world and the vicissitudes of life.It is this kind of childhood experience that cultivated her good habit of loving reading.

During the years away from the Blue House, Park Geun-hye kept away from the public eye, but never stopped reading.Most of the time, her daily life is just reading.She has read religious books such as Dhamma Sutra, Diamond Sutra, and Bible. She also puts books on philosophy, Zhenguan Political Leaders, and Mingxin Baojian by her bedside for reading at any time.In particular, Feng Lanyou's "History of Chinese Philosophy" finally rescued her from pain and despair.Through reading, Park Geun-hye gained inner comfort and peace, and also comprehended the profound truth in life.

There are many books that Park Geun-hye is interested in, which makes her quite successful in many aspects.In her diaries and speeches, we can often read wonderful sentences rich in life philosophy, and she can read traditional Chinese classics such as "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius" and "Records of the Kingdoms".When she was in her thirties, she also published several collections of essays, joined the Korean Writers Association, and was awarded an "Honorary Doctor of Letters" by the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan, China.In addition, Park Geun-hye is also proficient in English, Spanish, Chinese, French and other languages, which is extremely rare among the previous leaders of South Korea and even in the political circles of the world.

After Park Geun-hye entered politics, although she was busy with work, she still found time to study.The staff around her once said that the collection of books in Park Geun-hye's home is unbelievable, and it is said that Park Geun-hye has read these books in person.In Park Geun-hye's own words, books make her more perfect.

Nowadays, many female friends always complain about the monotonous life, and don't know what to do except go to work, sleep and do housework.In fact, such complaints are unnecessary, as the famous American politician Franklin said: "Reading is my only entertainment. I don't waste time in hotels, gambling or any kind of bad games." It is better to regard reading as the most meaningful pastime in life like Park Geun-hye, when you are on your mobile phone or in a daze of boredom, then you will naturally fall in love with this ordinary life.

The ancients said, "There is poetry and calligraphy in the stomach."Reading can cultivate people's sentiments and discover their own shortcomings. Through reading, you can see a wider world and learn a lot of knowledge and wisdom that cannot be dabbled in real life; reading can improve a person's character, It can improve one's ideological realm and literacy connotation, sublimate one's soul and purify one's soul; reading can make one yearn for the best feelings and life in life, stay away from the hustle and bustle, and experience the purest life in tranquility touch and happiness.

The charm of a woman does not refer to brand-name clothing, luxurious backpacks and vain disguises, but is reflected in the demure and dignified manners and graceful and elegant demeanor.Therefore, if women want to improve their temperament and self-cultivation, they should read more books, so as to improve their personal taste and expand their knowledge and horizons.Many women mistakenly think that as long as they have a charming appearance, a hot and sexy body, heavy makeup and fancy clothes, they can be regarded as an unattainable goddess.In fact, such a woman is pale in heart and has no ink in her chest. At best, she can only be regarded as a useless vase.

Besides, everyone likes women who are reasonable, gentle and kind, and reading can teach women the philosophy of life.Women who love to read often know how to get along with others in harmony, know how to respect and care for others, always have a grateful heart, and are always willing to give more love to illuminate the world around them.Such a woman will make everyone feel good.

Therefore, if you are a woman who is full of hope and expectations for life, please be sure to fall in love with the life of reading.It will make your life more fulfilling, so that you can forget unnecessary troubles and worries, get rid of the vulgarity and complexity of the world, and let you live a peaceful and poetic life from now on!

(End of this chapter)

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