Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 32 Be yourself: You can't choose your origin, you can improve your temperament

Chapter 32 Be yourself: You can't choose your origin, you can improve your temperament (1)
A successful world is a world of no complaints
Everyone has a different destiny, and different destinies deduce different life stories.Many people complain about the injustice of fate, but never think about whether complaining can really change our lives.Park Geun-hye's growth experience was full of ups and downs, which is unimaginable to ordinary people, but in all her diaries, notes and speeches, there has never been the word "complaint".

Park Geun-hye's life is full of legends.When she was very young, although she was the president's daughter, she did not enjoy any special treatment, even her mother did not allow her to sit in a car.Park Geun-hye didn't complain, because she knew her parents' good intentions, and keeping an ordinary heart at all times would undoubtedly be beneficial to her future life.

After the death of my mother, a complete family has been incomplete, those visions of a better future have been shattered, and even the dream of becoming a scholar had to be put on hold.Park Geun-hye didn't complain, and she didn't even have time to grieve, because she knew that this was her destiny, and she had to take over from her mother to fulfill the duties of "First Lady".

After her father was shot and killed, Park Geun-hye seemed to be still in a dream, and she seemed to be suffocating in grief.But Park Geun-hye didn't complain, because there are still father's funeral affairs to be arranged, and her younger siblings need to be taken care of.

After those former friends betrayed her father, she painfully doubted her life again, and the blows after blows had overwhelmed the young her.But Park Geun-hye did not complain, she knew that she could not change other people's behavior, all she could do was to be upright and truthful, and only to accumulate strength in silence.

Facing the poverty of 18 years of hermit life, she did not complain; faced with suspicion from others when she returned to the political arena, she did not complain; faced with the critical situation of the election, she did not complain; no complaints...

Park Geun-hye is such a person. Although all kinds of misfortunes and injustices happened to her, she never complained about it, never lamented the injustice of fate or bad luck.The successive death of parents is really a disaster for no reason. For many people, there is no way to accept this reality.But Park Geun-hye not only did not sink, but quickly came out of the grief.The various difficult situations that Park Geun-hye faced after joining the Grand National Party were actually the concentrated outbreak of hidden dangers accumulated by the party over the years, and had nothing to do with Park Geun-hye. Voices of doubt take the initiative to assume more responsibility for the collective.

This is a woman who doesn't complain. Her optimism, strength, courage, and responsibility make many men feel ashamed.Will Bowen pointed out mercilessly in the book "A World Without Complaints": "We complain in order to gain sympathy and attention, and to avoid doing things we dare not do." Simply put The reason why a person often complains is nothing more than lack of self-confidence, introspection, and lack of courage.After all, a person will encounter many unfavorable things in his life, and some situations are even cruel and unfair if viewed in isolation.But because everyone encounters this kind of "unfairness", it just becomes the real "fairness" in life.So we have nothing to complain about.If you want to change your life, you can only rely on yourself. Complaining is useless.

Dong Mingzhu, known as "the world's top ten most influential Chinese female entrepreneurs", although she is now the chairman of Gree Group, many years ago, like most of us, she lived a happy life. The life of ordinary people at night.She did not complain about the so-called "unrecognized talents" and "difficult to find" like many of us, but took the initiative to change her destiny. In 1990, she quit her stable job and went to a strange city to become a grassroots salesman of Gree Company.In this inconspicuous position, she encountered countless indifference and ridicule, but she still did not complain. Instead, with her own efforts, she not only recovered the debt of 42 yuan left by her predecessor, but also spent a lot of money. In 5 years, he became the sales manager of the company.

The famous Portuguese writer Pessoa once said: The real landscape is our own creation, and we are their gods.In life, only we have the power to create life and change destiny.Blindly envious of other people's glamorous life, blindly complaining about the injustice of fate, will only make your life situation worse and worse.

Many women always complain like this, "Looking at someone wearing a famous brand, living in a villa, and their children are sent abroad to study, and looking at myself, how can I live a life like a human?" Meaningless, but also a subconscious self-denial.Why can people live a good life successfully?Why can't you?Is there really no hope of any change?
I feel that my low education is not easy to find a job, so I use my spare time to participate in professional training; I feel that I don’t have enough money, so I find ways to find some part-time jobs; I feel that my children are disobedient, so I make up for science to educate the next generation Method; if you feel that you are separated from your lover, you should take the initiative to find opportunities to communicate more; if you feel that the company’s environment is not conducive to self-development, then bravely go to find out if there are better development opportunities... In short, complaints are If it doesn't help, we can only bury our heads and do something to make some changes in our lives.

Climbing the dragon and attaching to the phoenix is ​​not as good as becoming a dragon and becoming a phoenix
Although she came from a famous family, Park Geun-hye's success is still due to her own efforts.No matter how prominent a person's background is, what others can give you is limited after all.With the help of other people's wealth or prestige, we can only satisfy the vanity of the moment. If we want to achieve more meaningful and lasting achievements, we must rely on ourselves.

Park Geun-hye has been a girl with independent thinking since she was a child. Although her father had a prominent political status at the time, she never pinned her hope on his father's help.She has her own dreams and plans for the future, and she always hopes to do something for this country in her own way.

According to my father's original idea, I still hope that Park Geun-hye can follow in his own footsteps and use his prestige to make her a success in the political arena.The mother hopes that the future Park Geun-hye can be an ordinary woman, away from the hustle and bustle of right and wrong, and live a simple life.When Park Geun-hye was in high school, one day her father asked her: "What major do you want to study after college?" She replied without hesitation: "Electrical engineering!"

Park Geun-hye's answer made her parents very surprised, because there is no one in their family who is engaged in this field of work, so how did Park Geun-hye think of learning this major?

Park Geun-hye explained: "A small semiconductor is worth tens of dollars, and a 007 bag is worth tens of thousands of dollars. We in South Korea should fight for the electronics industry." Regarding Park Geun-hye's answer, the parents didn't know how to respond for a while, so Park Geun-hye continued. Said: "I want to be the main talent to contribute to the country."

Park Geun-hye's mother has always hoped that she can study history, because she has a certain foundation, and history seems to be easier for Park Geun-hye.And as the president's father, he naturally knows that this country is in great need of professionals in electronic engineering, but this road must be very difficult. They had no choice but to support the decision they made.

Although Park Geun-hye failed to realize her ideal in the end, it is not difficult to see from her life plan when she was young that although she was deeply taught by her parents, she was unwilling to cling to her parents' ideas. Create your own sky through hard work.Even if Park Geun-hye later entered the political arena, it was mainly due to her firm belief and unyielding spirit. As for her family background, she did not actually give her much help, and even became her burden to a certain extent.She must come out of the painful experience of family breakdown and give a fair and objective evaluation of her father's ruling experience in the midst of widespread controversy.In particular, she will subvert the special status of "the president's daughter" and let those who support her realize that her ruling philosophy is not an unconditional inheritance from her father, but a creative change.All in all, Park Geun-hye has achieved today's achievements almost by herself.

Some people in life were born in famous families, and lived a rich life of being well-clothed, well-fed, pampered and pampered since childhood.They do not have their own ideals and goals in life, and their greatest hope is to rely on the rich inheritance left by their parents to live without worrying about food and clothing.This kind of life is not worthy of being envied. You can only live by relying on others. How is it different from a parasite?The meaning of life is to constantly strive towards one's own goals. Losing such passion can only make people become empty, vulgar, pedantic and ignorant.

As one of the most beautiful women in Taiwan, Lin Chiling also has a prominent background. Her father is a well-known local businessman, and her mother is the chairman of a social organization.But the reason why she can become a household name in the entertainment industry is mainly due to her hard work and hard work.In her words: "Behind the beautiful face, many people have suffered. People will not believe that standing under the sun, you have to shoot 150 sets of clothes a day. Of course, these are as they should be. I also made more than a dozen Years before it was seen by everyone. Most of the time what everyone sees is a glamorous moment."

Fate has given some people a good start, and we have every reason to use these advantages to make our lives more exciting.But we should not be captives of fate, let alone live carelessly under the halo of others.Nowadays, many women think about climbing high branches and fishing for rich men all day long, always hoping that they can marry a rich and good man so as to change their lives.As everyone knows, this is an expression of incompetence and cowardice. A canary living in a cage, no matter how gorgeous its appearance is, no matter how beautiful its singing is, it is at most just a plaything in the hands of others.When a woman voluntarily discards the value and dignity of existence, how can she hope to be valued by others?
Women must know how to manage themselves, be self-reliant, and independently control their own destiny.Don't always worry about whether you have a prominent background, don't always plan to have any relationship with the powerful, and don't look forward to the "good opportunity" to climb the dragon and become the phoenix all day long.Think more about how to rely on your own efforts, give full play to your own advantages, and create unique brilliance for your life. Only such a woman can stand upright in front of a man; only such a woman can live with backbone and dignity. significance!

Adhere to principles, be tough to win respect

When Park Geun-hye was running for the presidency, those who opposed it generally had this question: Can a woman take a strong stand on issues of principle involving national sovereignty and territory?After all, women tend to give people the impression of being weak and kind.However, Park Geun-hye responded strongly to these doubts with practical actions. She never backed down on issues of principle, and even acted stronger than men.

Because South Korea and Japan have different understandings and propositions on historical issues and island sovereignty disputes, the relationship between the two countries was once very tense.Although South Korea attaches great importance to cooperation with Japan in political and economic aspects, Park Geun-hye has shown a tough side that is rarely seen in a woman when it comes to principled issues involving national interests.

She mercilessly and straightforwardly criticized the Japanese authorities: "Japan seems to treat Dokdo, the territory of South Korea, as its own land to educate its citizens! If what they pass on to the future generation is lies that fabricates facts, then in the international community It seems that how can Japan gain trust? How can it be so stubborn to 'turn a deer into a horse'? In order to effectively manage Dokdo, our country should take more measures."

In 2012, the dispute over Dokdo made the relationship between the two countries more tense. In order to protest Japan’s holding of the Takeshima Day event, 600 million merchants in South Korea decided to launch a nationwide boycott of Japanese goods from March 2013, 3. Some people in Japan In front of the embassy in South Korea, he attempted to cut through his belly and cut his will.Although Park Geun-hye had just taken office at that time, she expressed full understanding of the actions taken by the people and expressed her position on different occasions: she would never compromise with the Japanese side on the Dokdo issue.

In January 2013, the Japanese special envoy visited South Korea and handed over a personal letter from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.But this did not shake Park Geun-hye's position at all. During the meeting, she made it clear that Japan must face up to its own colonial history, which is very important for cultivating mutual trust between the two countries.Later, Ampere invited Park Geun-hye to visit Japan as soon as possible so that the two could meet directly.Park Geun-hye only expressed her gratitude verbally, but did not agree.

The behavior that seems to be disrespectful has won a lot of applause for Park Geun-hye.Territorial integrity is related to the dignity of a nation and is the fundamental interest of a country. If this issue is unclear, how can it be possible for each other to exchange visits as friends?This is the bottom line for the normal development of relations between South Korea and Japan, and it is the principle that Park Geun-hye must adhere to.

The so-called principle is a kind of concept and standpoint, and it is the basic principle of being a person that must be adhered to no matter when and where, and in what kind of environment.Principles often involve issues of clear right and wrong, and often there is little room for bargaining.Therefore, adhering to principles means sticking to one's own beliefs and defending the justice and truth that one's heart longs for.

China's "father of missiles" Qian Xuesen is a man who abides by principles.He adhered to four principles throughout his life: first, no inscriptions; second, no prefaces for others; third, no attendance at occasional events; fourth, no interviews with the media.

No inscription.It is said that if some high-ranking people are invited to write an inscription, the "running pen" can reach [-] yuan per character, which can be described as the best of both worlds, and everyone is happy.Qian Xuesen didn't write an inscription to anyone, because he didn't want to go into this muddy water.Leave no good name, let alone infamy.Live calmly and calmly.

Do not write forewords.Putting together my miscellaneous articles, I invited celebrities like Qian Xuesen to write a preface for myself.Qian Xuesen knows that such "borrowing names" are mostly "pull the banner and act as a tiger skin", and they don't want to sit on the "cold bench" in academic research, but are only anxious to become famous in one fell swoop.Helping them is actually hurting them.

Do not attend occasional events.Qian Xuesen knew that many ceremonies and meetings invited him to attend, just to make the organizers have face and the participants feel classy.But Qian Xuesen couldn't invite him, even if many people were unhappy, he didn't care.In his opinion, how can there be time for scientific research if you go to the occasion every three days?

(End of this chapter)

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