Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 31 Learning Tolerance: The Most Beautiful Gift Age Gives to Women

Chapter 31 Learning Tolerance: The Most Beautiful Gift Age Gives to Women (3)
The reason why Park Geun-hye was able to enter the political circle was that the people gave her the greatest support.So in the days when she was elected as the party representative and later the president, she never forgot her belief in benefiting the people, and she could not let them down.She wants to revitalize South Korea's economy and let the Korean people who have been in trouble for many years live a happy life again. This is the best thanks to those who support her.

In life, we are not always alone.Most of our success is inseparable from those who silently support us.

Love is the cradle of your growth.Parents gave you life, gave you meticulous care, and taught you various life skills when you were very young. This is undoubtedly the most valuable teaching for your future growth.After going to school, you will gradually taste the taste of failure and setbacks. When you lose confidence in the future when you are young and ignorant, they will give you strength again when you are getting old.

Love is the harbor of your soul.Whether you are healthy or sick, whether you are rich or poor, whether your career is going well or you are having trouble with your colleagues in the company, the one who is willing to accompany you and make you happy will always be your lover.It is his love that makes you fearless in life; it is the responsibility from the family that makes you invincible.

Friendship is your partner on the journey.It is with their support and companionship that we will not feel lonely on the journey of life.When encountering difficulties, we always get the most direct help from our friends.Even on ordinary days, friends can play and chat together, they make our life more colorful.

Parents, lovers, friends, teachers, classmates, neighbors, leaders, colleagues, and many people who have never met before but come together because of the same hobbies, ideals, and beliefs, it is their support and encouragement, understanding and tolerance, Help and teaching can enable us to overcome countless difficulties on the road of life and always walk on the correct life track leading to the future.

Thanks to those who silently support us, without that persistent support, we would not have achieved what we are today.

Thanks to the grace of life, we are so lucky to meet so many people who are willing to help and love us. It is one wonderful and loving fate after another that makes up our wonderful life.

I am grateful for the participation of so many people in the long drama of our lives. Every feeling and experience, whether it is sadness or joy, will not feel lonely if someone shares it.

Thank you for the helping hands that extended to us when we encountered setbacks and ups and downs. The warm power guides us out of the darkness and sees the light again...

The real strong dare to accept the result of failure
Park Geun-hye said that success is similar to cutting a stone for the 101st time.But this does not mean that the 101st hammer drop will necessarily bring success.A strong person not only dares to challenge fate, but also dares to accept the result of failure.The experience of failure is to pave the way for future success. As long as you are like Park Geun-hye, even if you fail many times without losing your faith, then your ideals will be realized sooner or later.

Everyone living in the world will inevitably experience failures, and not everyone can reach the most glorious apex of life.Because we have hundreds of things to do every day, and there is no guarantee that everything we handle will be [-]% thorough, then failure is only natural; everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses. Disadvantages, when the situation in front of you happens to be beyond your own ability, then we have to accept the result of failure.

On the evening of July 1998, 7, at the New York Friendship Games, the unknown, 21-year-old Chinese gymnastics player Sang Lan became the most concerned person in the world.At that time, Sang Lan was warming up before the vaulting competition. At the moment she took off, due to interference, her movements were deformed, and she was cut from a high altitude to the ground, and she landed head first. After the injury, Sang Lan fell down for life. disabled.

When she returned to the public eye, people were surprised to find that this girl who had suffered such a major change always had a sweet smile on her face, and her rare perseverance touched everyone.Her attending doctor said: "Sang Lan was very brave. She never complained about anything. The word I can find to express her is 'courage'." Because of her strength and optimism, the US officials called her "the great Chinese The glorious image of the people", and so many American people went to see her, not just because she was injured, but because of her spiritual infection.

When visiting Sang Lan, Vice Premier Qian Qichen said: "The Chinese leaders and the Chinese people all know about this brave girl." Former US President Clinton, former President Carter and Reagan all wrote to Sang Lan letter, praising her for her courage in the face of tragedy.The meeting between Sang Lan and "Superman" was broadcast on ABC TV station in the United States. In the past 50 years, this TV station has only interviewed two Chinese people, one is Deng Xiaoping and the other is Sang Lan.Sang Lan also met her idols Leonardo DiCaprio and Celine Dion as she wished.Her guardian said: "She is so cute, and those of us who are around her are willing to help her." Failure is not terrible, as long as you are fully prepared before doing something, then failure is right. As far as you are concerned, it is not a disaster.And when the result of failure suddenly appears, we don't need to be discouraged. As long as we treat it with a positive attitude, failure may also be a boost to success.

In August 2007, Park Geun-hye ran for the presidential candidate for the first time within the party.The final result was that Park Geun-hye lost the election by a narrow margin.When Park Geun-hye came to the stage to deliver the closing speech, the whole venue became silent. Everyone wanted to know what she would say when she just lost the election, and some people even gloated.But unexpectedly, Park Geun-hye on the stage did not have any frustration. She said calmly: "I admit that the election has failed. I sincerely accept this result and express my conviction with the result. I will do my best as a party member in the future." I will support Lee Myung-bak for the presidential election. I will 'start from scratch' like Lee Sun-shin and fight to the end!"

There was thunderous applause in the venue in an instant.Those who care about Park Geun-hye feel at ease seeing her so calm.On the second day after the defeat, more than 40 members of the camp came to Park Geun-hye's residence, intending to comfort Park Geun-hye.During the conversation, many people couldn't restrain their emotions on the spot and burst into tears.But Park Geun-hye was always smiling, and joked: "I made all the men cry."

Many women are always afraid of failure, whether in career or family life.Sometimes there is a problem and you dare not look directly at it, or the ending is already doomed, but you are unwilling to face the reality and make up many beautiful lies to deceive yourself.In fact, only by accepting failure indifferently can we free ourselves and give ourselves the opportunity to move on lightly.The fear of failure is not failure itself, but the sense of helplessness, loss, and self-blame that results from failure. "People are not sages, no one can make mistakes", everyone will make mistakes, and everyone will face the situation of failure.Unable to let go of that poor self-esteem and pride, I can only sink myself deeper and deeper into the quagmire of helplessness and self-blame.What's more serious is that if you can't accept failure, you can't re-examine yourself, and you miss a valuable opportunity for self-growth.

The famous American actress Halle Berry was named the Golden Raspberry Award, the worst actress award, in the same year she starred in "Catwoman".Receiving this kind of award is something that makes every actor feel ashamed, so everyone thinks that Halle Berry will not attend the award ceremony.Surprisingly, she not only dressed up to receive the award, but also acted nonchalantly, joking with everyone from time to time.When receiving the award, she said with a bright smile: "It's so exciting to win this award, and no one can take it away from me."

It is difficult for us to know exactly what changes such a special award ceremony has brought to Halle Berry's heart, but we have to be impressed by her calmness and calmness in the face of failure.In the days after that, she successively won various entertainment awards selected by variety magazines such as "Parad" and "Esquire". With "Fatal Call", she was also nominated for Best Actress in the 40th Saturn Awards.So, as long as we are not afraid to fail, we have the opportunity to perform better than we used to be.

If you fail, don't rush to be sad and upset, but find out the reasons for the failure, and learn from it those experiences and lessons that are more valuable to our future life.Maybe you haven't worked hard enough, maybe you've overlooked some link, maybe your comprehensive strength is still relatively lacking, or maybe there's something wrong with the strategy you adopted.All in all, since it fails, there must be a reason.As long as we calmly examine ourselves, find out the problem, make up for our shortcomings in the days to come, avoid making the same mistakes in the future, and let us gain more growth and achievements in the years to come, then, Such a failed experience, there is no tuition fee in vain!The weakness of a woman is often manifested in the sigh and despair in the face of failure, and the strength of a woman is precisely manifested in her fearlessness in the face of setbacks and ups and downs.Accepting failure indifferently can make yourself stronger and become a real strong person in life.

The deep friendship on the "battlefield"

Although Park Geun-hye is not good at talking, it has no effect on her personal charm.No matter where she goes in the world, there will always be many enthusiastic people willing to help and care for her, and she is also willing to become a sincere friend with everyone, whether it is ordinary voters or political leaders of various countries.

Some people say that the world's political arena is a "battlefield", where politicians from various countries must fight to the death for their own interests.However, Park Geun-hye does not think so. In her opinion, the key to the relationship between countries depends on whether the leaders of the countries can reach a consensus in the negotiations and exchanges. If different countries can work together towards the same goal If it is true, then the "battlefield" can also bloom the flower of friendship.

As early as the first meeting in 2000, Park Geun-hye and German Chancellor Angela Merkel left a very good impression on each other. They have always kept in touch with each other. When they won the election, they did not forget to congratulate each other; Can give each other warm care and encouragement.When the two met for the second time in 2006, they were like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. Recalling the past and looking forward to the future, there were always too many topics between them to talk about.

There are no permanent enemies or friends in the world, only permanent interests.In today's world, the eternal interests are no longer the interests of a certain country or individual, but should be the ideals and goals pursued by all people in the world.As long as everyone has the courage and determination to run towards the same beautiful blueprint, then enemies can also become partners, and opponents can also become friends.

Microsoft and Apple have been known to have been rivals since the 20s, as the two companies fought fiercely for control of an emerging market for computers.By the mid-80s, Microsoft had a clear lead, capturing about 90 percent of the market, while Apple struggled.But to everyone's surprise, in 90, Microsoft invested $1997 million in Apple, pulling Apple back from the brink of bankruptcy. In 1.5, Microsoft launched Office 2000 for Apple.Since then, Microsoft and Apple have truly achieved a win-win situation, and their partnership has entered a new era.

Compared with the political arena, the competition in the business world is often fiercer.If you try your best to defeat your opponent, you will inevitably lose your vitality.Instead of doing this, Bill Gates chose to stand by his opponent and turn his opponent into a friend.This is not only beneficial to the two companies, but also promotes the leapfrog development of the computer industry on a global scale, which is of extraordinary significance and value to every microcomputer user.

Bill Gates stood on the opponent's side, and Park Geun-hye is also using her sincerity to maintain good friendships with many heavyweights in international politics.Among them, there is nothing more cordial and touching to her than the former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.She has always regarded Lee Kuan Yew and his wife as her most valuable friends, and even from them, she can feel the warmth of a loving father and mother.

In October 1979, as her father's entourage, Park Geun-hye met Lee Kuan Yew and his wife for the first time. The scene of the meeting at that time is always unforgettable for Park Geun-hye.Later, when his father was assassinated and died, Lee Kuan Yew sent a condolence letter to Park Geun-hye, expressing his deep sorrow. In May 10, Park Geun-hye met Lee Kuan Yew and his wife again in Seoul. After many years, Lee Kuan Yew's eyes were still piercing, showing calmness and kindness in his sharpness.This made Park Geun-hye very affectionate, because seeing him, she couldn't help but think of her father who had passed away for many years.

Lee Kuan Yew and his wife were also very happy to see Park Geun-hye, and kept asking her if she had any difficulties and whether she was in good health.He even mentioned that when he met her, she was a girl in her twenties, and she was a bit shy as a translator for them at that time, but she has become an independent female politician in the blink of an eye.

Lee Kuan Yew's wife seemed to have thought of something suddenly, she quickly reached into her bag and took out a candy jar containing lozenges, handed it to Park Geun-hye and told Park Geun-hye that although career is important, health is more important. It is important to take care of your throat.Park Geun-hye held a throat lozenge in her hand that symbolized love and care. On the one hand, she thought of her parents, and she was inevitably a little sad;

Park Geun-hye's experience tells us that even in the international political arena where interests are at odds, people can form a deep friendship with each other, and everyone can get along as warmly as friends and family.When Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Taiwan People First Party Chairman James Soong, he once said: As long as we all start from the concept of "cross-strait family" and treat each other with sincerity, there will be no knots that cannot be resolved and no difficulties that cannot be overcome.Treating each other with sincerity is also very important in national exchanges or interpersonal relationships. "Zhu Ziyu Lei Daxue San" said: "As the saying goes, compare your heart with your heart, and if this is the case, each will be balanced." And "Book of Rites The Doctrine of the Mean" said: "The honesty is the way of heaven, and the honesty is the way of man. " From the wisdom of the ancients, it is not difficult to see that it is very beneficial to both parties to consider problems from the perspective of others when encountering problems, and it can also deepen mutual feelings.Sincerity is the basic moral principle of being a human being. As long as you maintain a sincere heart, you can turn enemies into friends even in a complex environment full of hostility, and establish and maintain a trustworthy and friendly relationship with others.

Even on the battlefield, deep friendship can be formed between people.Therefore, when we are still lamenting the lack of a friendly environment and feeling sad about not being able to make true friends, we might as well ask ourselves whether we have really treated each other with sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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