Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 4 The Greatest Kindness is Like Water: Using Flexibility to Interpret True Strength

Chapter 4 The Greatest Kindness is Like Water: Using Flexibility to Interpret True Strength (3)
"Forbearance" is to hold fate tightly in your hands
After the death of Park Geun-hye's father, even the people who were closest to her father became indifferent to them. Many false news were rampant in various media, and there were countless lies and slanders.At that time, Park Geun-hye did not have any power to expose these lies, all she could do was endure in silence.

What is "forbearance"?Forbearance is to suppress painful emotions or inner feelings, and not let them express wantonly.Confucius said: "Small intolerance leads to great chaos." Today's "forbearance" is precisely for tomorrow's "success".Many times we are helpless in the face of life, just like Park Geun-hye, when her parents were killed one after another, and all kinds of malicious slanders and betrayals came to her, it seemed that what she could do was weak endure.Fighting with all my heart, it seems that in such a situation, there will be no effect, and if she sinks in silence, she will naturally live up to the teachings of her parents and the aspirations she made when she was young.Therefore, she chose patience, accumulating strength in endurance, sharpening her body and mind, and making herself stronger in the baptism of wind and rain.

There will always be many ups and downs in a person's life, and all kinds of unexpected blows and disasters will always be encountered on the long journey. The key is what kind of attitude we choose to face.Most women will choose to be depressed in the face of setbacks, as if the end of the world has come, and there is no hope for moving forward. Some even choose to end their lives in an attempt to free themselves from the pain.

But the real "end of the world" actually only exists in your heart, and the sun full of hope will still rise as scheduled the next day.Women, you should be strong, and you should control your own destiny with firm and optimistic beliefs.When encountering misfortune, we must learn to be patient. Only with patience can we see that the situation is changing.

After leaving the parenting consortium, Park Geun-hye can finally start her own life and enjoy an ordinary life in peace.She sorted out her chaotic thoughts through diaries and reading books, and wrote poems to heal her inner wounds when she was free. Later, she also dabbled in literature, Buddhist scriptures and philosophy, which made her more tolerant and more tolerant. Having penetrated the true meaning of life, the sufferings of the past seemed to her at that time to be a passing cloud.She once said that living in the right way is a truly valuable life. The important thing in life is not money, fame or power, those are just mirages that will disappear in an instant.While being gradually forgotten by people, she gained inner stability and peace, which made her regain a new life.

Forbearance is a kind of savings, a kind of cultivation, and even more a kind of wisdom.Patience can exercise our will and allow us to learn tolerance.Forge ahead in forbearance and rise in waiting.Anyone who can reap great achievements can judge the situation, be able to bend and stretch, be tolerant and tenacious, unwilling to be mediocre in patience, and ready to go.Some people say that endurance is perdition, but it is not.The real "forbearance" should be the silence before rising up.After experiencing this period of forbearance, Park Geun-hye, who re-entered the political arena, became the first female president in South Korean history in one fell swoop.

In Chinese history, there is no one who can achieve the ultimate "forbearance" than Han Xin in the Western Han Dynasty.When he was young, he liked to wear a long sword when he went out.Once, in the market, a young man insulted him and said: "You wear a long sword, do you dare to kill? If you dare to kill, kill me. If you dare not kill me, then slip between my legs. So Han Xin bent down and slipped between the boy's legs.Later, Han Gaozu Liu Bang appointed Han Xin as a general.Han Xin summoned the young man who had insulted him and said, "You have insulted me in the past, do you still dare to insult me ​​now?"

It can be seen that "forbearance" does not mean shrinking back, but allowing oneself to look at the uneven situation in the world with a normal and peaceful heart, and then use stronger strength to fight against difficulties and setbacks to the death.At this time, the hardships and hardships not only failed to knock her down, but helped her prove her own life value in the setback, and realized her lofty ideals and wishes.

Park Geun-hye once recalled this experience in this way. When the slander and rumors about her father were spreading, someone once advised her to leave South Korea, but she couldn't do it.Because this is the country where she was born and raised, it is her land, no matter how painful and exhausting she is, she will complete her life in this country and sleep in this land forever.This is the wisdom of "forbearance".

Whether you are a strong woman in a prominent position, or a housewife who takes care of your husband and children at home, life is always a long journey, and we cannot reach the end in one step, so there is no need to be discouraged and stagnant because of temporary suffering Only by learning to be patient can we hold on to our own life.

Having no friends is like a goshawk with broken wings

When faced with difficulties, there will always be some people who extend a helping hand to Park Geun-hye and send her warmth.Some of these people were friends she had known before, and some were strangers she had never met. Park Geun-hye felt relieved to have these confidants in her life, and she sincerely thanked them for everything they had done for her.

As the saying goes: "A fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs." Even if a person is covered in iron, how many nails can he drive?A man without friends is like a goshawk with broken wings, unable to spread its wings and soar no matter how hard it is.Friends are needed in life, no one can really achieve success completely on their own.When we feel lonely, friends will accompany us and never leave; when we are unhappy, friends are the best confidant, let us pour out our bad mood; when we encounter difficulties, Friends will unselfishly extend a helping hand to help us solve the difficulties in life; when we feel hopeless, friends are like a beacon, illuminating the way for us to move forward.

Park Geun-hye has been a person who is not good at talking since she was a child. Even in her youthful years at school, she seldom went out to date and play with her classmates.However, this does not mean that no one cares and loves her.On the contrary, in her most difficult time, there will always be some unexpected friends who warm her wounded heart.

During the days when she just left the Blue House, Park Geun-hye hadn't completely recovered from her grief.In order to relieve her mood, she packed her bags and traveled all over the country's famous mountains and historic sites.Once, when she came to a mountain village, she happened to meet some aunts who were drying peppers.The aunts were very hospitable, and seeing that she was a foreigner, they took the initiative to invite her to stay for dinner.At first, Park Geun-hye was a little embarrassed, but she had no choice but to stay and eat the noodles cooked by the aunts.

Several aunts thought that Park Geun-hye was the daughter of a village chief, but Park Geun-hye did not reveal her identity.After eating, Park Geun-hye thanked the aunts repeatedly and left immediately.At this time, an old woman caught up with her and said to her: "I know who you are, you and your mother really look alike. She did too many good deeds during her lifetime, even if other people can forget them all, As an old man, I will remember it clearly. The man who pulled the wire to this small village is your father, right?" As he spoke, the old man took out a few crumpled banknotes from his pocket and asked Park Geun-hye to use them as pocket money.Park Geun-hye declined repeatedly, but the grandmother insisted on her decision.When she was leaving, she turned to Park Geun-hye and said, "Cheer up, the days ahead are still long." Looking at the back of the old woman, Park Geun-hye couldn't help but shed tears.

Compared with Park Geun-hye, we seem to have more friends, but when we look through the mobile phone address book, it is difficult to find a suitable person to talk to.Although the old grandma had never met, it was the simple expression of kindness, the sincere and warm care and encouragement, which made us see the preciousness of true love between people.

"Lu Yao knows horsepower, and time sees people's hearts", and it is often only after adversity that the true love can be seen.After Park Geun-hye's father passed away, those former friends of her father chose to turn around and leave because they were afraid of being involved, but those who did not have many close friends gave Park Geun-hye a lot of help and warmth at that time.Especially in the cause of justifying her father's name, many people who had the same ideas as Park Geun-hye and were forcibly dismissed overcame many difficulties and gathered by Park Geun-hye's side.Among these people were her father's former colleagues, Park Geun-hye's friends, and many people she didn't know well.This true love blurs the boundaries between people and breaks through the indifference and hypocrisy of the world, which makes Park Geun-hye always feel grateful.

There is such a touching legend recorded in ancient Chinese books: During the Warring States period, Yangjiaoai and Zuo Botao went to the state of Chu to seek an official.Traveling to Liangshan, there was a big snowstorm.But Liangshan is still a long way from Chu.The two calculated the dry food and clothing they shared, which was barely enough for one person to walk to Chu.If two people go, they will die on the way.Under such circumstances, Bo Tao took off all his clothes and said to Jiao Ai, "I am older than you, and my health is not as good as yours. Instead of both of them dying, it is better for me to die alone and save you." Can rush to Chu State." Jiao Ai resolutely refused, and proposed: "Either I die, or the two of us go together. Maybe there will be a perfect solution when we get to the front." Saying that, he asked Bo Tao to put on his clothes and continue on his way.The two insisted on arguing for a long time, but Bo Tao still didn't wear clothes.Reluctantly, the weather was cold, and Bo Tao finally lost his life.Jiao mourned with grief, but the matter had come to this point, and there was nothing he could do to recover, so he temporarily placed Bo Tao in a hole in a dead tree, and hurried on the road weeping.

After Jiao Ai left Botao, she finally arrived in the state of Chu with bumps and bumps, and passed the examination to become a doctor.After Jiao Ai became an official, he immediately reported to the king of Chu that he was going to bury Bo Tao.The king of Chu was also very moved when he heard this, and ordered the ceremonial officer to bury Bo Tao generously.Not long after Bo Tao was buried generously, one day Bo Tao came to Jiao Ai in a dream, saying, "The funeral was perfect, but the grave was too close to Jing Ke's tomb. When Jing Ke was alive, he was killed because of a mistake in assassinating the King of Qin. The body was buried here. His spirit was extremely powerful, and every night he came to scold me with a sword and said, "You are a person who died of cold and starvation. How dare you build the tomb on my upper hand and take away my Feng Shui? If you don't If you move to another place, I will dig the grave and take the body, and throw you into the wild.' I have such a disaster, so I come to tell my brother, hope to rebury me in another place, so as not to cause trouble." Jiao Ai wanted to ask again, but a gust of wind blew up, Bo Tao suddenly disappeared.After Jiao Ai woke up from the dream, she hurried to ask the villagers near Bo Tao's tomb.It is confirmed that Bo Tao's tomb is indeed close to Jing Ke's tomb.Jiao Ai then prepared a big ceremony to worship, and expressed to Jing Ke that it was an unintentional mistake to place Bo Tao's tomb over Jing Ke's tomb.The tomb has been built, and the tomb cannot be destroyed and moved elsewhere. I hope Jingke will forgive me.After the worship, Bo Tao came back to dream again, saying that Jing Ke would not forgive, and still had to dismantle the grave and throw the corpse, and said that the power in the world is much smaller than the power in the underworld, and worshiping in the world is useless.After waking up from a dream, Jiao Ai committed suicide in front of Bo Tao's tomb in a desperate situation, with the purpose of going to the underworld to save Bo Tao and fight against Jing Ke together with Bo Tao.In order to commemorate the deep friendship between the two, later generations built the Loyalty Shrine in front of their graves.

Some people say that a friend is a shoulder that can make you cry; a friend is a huge wave that can make you enthusiastic; a friend is a pair of eyes that can help you find hope from despair.A friend is a kind of mutual acquaintance and companionship, a kind of mutual help and lovesickness, an intoxicating miss between bursts of fragrance, and a trustworthy arm when we are sad and weeping.The communication of friends is a process of mutual recognition, mutual admiration, mutual understanding, and mutual support.In the ups and downs of life, friends can shield each other from the wind and rain, share worries and happiness.

"Girlfriend" is a popular word nowadays. Many women always regard their lonely playmates as their best friends, but they don't know how rare treasures are sincere communication and support between people.Getting along with friends should go with the flow, there is no need to force it, and those "drinking and meat friends" when they are proud are even more dispensable.People who can be called good teachers and helpful friends often appear by your side unintentionally. Because of coincidences, their imprints will always remain in the depths of your years.

A true friend should be heart-to-heart, treat each other with sincerity, and should treat each other with sincerity, and share weal and woe.Friends worthy of making friends do not lie in origin and age, or whether we meet each other every day, or even whether we met each other in the first place is not so important.When we feel lonely and helpless for life, when we need help on the journey of life struggle, the person who is always willing to stand by your side must be your best friend!

(End of this chapter)

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