Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 6 Diligence is King: The "Election Queen" Walking Out of the "Tent"

Chapter 6 Diligence is King: The "Election Queen" Walking Out of the "Tent" (2)
Taking notes can transform the knowledge acquired from the outside world into our own knowledge, just as our stomach digests food into nutrition.Confucius said: "Learning and learning from time to time, it is not easy to say." Taking notes can not only deepen the memory, but also can be read repeatedly in the future to review the knowledge that has been learned.In addition, when we take notes, we will discover many meanings that we did not understand at the time, so as to deepen our understanding.Taking notes can also help us connect new knowledge with existing knowledge to form our own knowledge system.

Not only in the student days, notes play an important role, saying goodbye to the student days, taking notes frequently also has a powerful force.Notes can not only help us record tasks, but also remind us to keep our promises, and more importantly, it can enrich our knowledge and enhance our wisdom.A small notebook may be unremarkable, but it can make us a better version of ourselves.

A busy bee has no time to be sad

In 1970, he graduated from Sacred Heart Girls’ High School with the No.1 score in the school; in 1974, he graduated from Sogang University with the No.1 score in the school; in 1988, he was elected as a member of the National Assembly; in 2004, he was elected as the leader of the Grand National Party; in 2013 , was elected the 18th President of South Korea.Park Geun-hye's excellent resume is inseparable from her diligence. Whether it is studying or politics, she has made unimaginable efforts.Even after her mother died, Park Geun-hye was quick to throw herself into work, saying: "A busy bee has no time to grieve."

There is an old Chinese saying: "Heaven rewards diligence." The great inventor Edison once said: "Genius is one percent inspiration and 90.00 percent sweat." It can be seen that in people's minds, diligence is the result of success The only way.

The reason why Park Geun-hye can achieve her current achievements is not because she is the president's daughter.Growing up next to the president and gaining a certain degree of political edification, this is a fate that cannot be chosen.But after the death of both parents, she was able to make a comeback, overcame obstacles all the way, and finally became the first female president of South Korea. It was not luck, but her own diligence and ability.

When her mother died, Park Geun-hye was only 22 years old. However, instead of immersing herself in grief, she took on her own responsibilities and took over her mother's job as "First Lady".Park Geun-hye said to herself: "I can't continue to be sad, I must cheer up, and the living must live well, because busy bees have no time to be sad." The mother's departure changed Park Geun-hye's life trajectory. She had to leave school and took over all the work of her mother during her lifetime.She has to deal with hundreds of letters every day, and also visits enterprises, condolences to the people, and does social welfare. There are always things that can't be finished.Park Geun-hye said: "I always feel that time flies too fast, especially when I am busy with work, I can't wait to fix the hands of the clock." 24 hours a day is not enough, Park Geun-hye has to sleep for 5 hours a day. Hours of sleep are not guaranteed.Such a busy life even damaged Park Geun-hye's health. Her lips often blistered and she often had a low-grade fever, but she didn't even have time to see a doctor.

The so-called "early bird catches the worm", Park Geun-hye wakes up every morning, listens to the news while eating breakfast, and then checks the day's work schedule. At 9 o'clock, she enters the office and begins to work.Park Geun-hye always asks herself to be more diligent than others, because only by being more diligent can more things be accomplished in a shorter time.In order to make the people's life better, Park Geun-hye worked hard to deal with public grievances every day, and even made her assistants complain endlessly.

When recalling her busy youth, Park Geun-hye wrote: "Like a camel in the desert, my youth passed by silently, but I never missed it or regretted it. At every moment, I did The best choice, these choices are all worthwhile. But occasionally seeing old couples walking hand in hand on the road, the ordinary happiness is so precious and beautiful. Maybe it’s because I haven’t lived that kind of life, so I feel more It’s rare... Just like the wisdom of life is not accumulated in a day, happiness does not come to you immediately. Only those who are prepared and work hard can taste the taste of happiness.”

Hard work has allowed Park Geun-hye to learn a lot of experience in governing the country from her father, and at the same time, her political vision has also been broadened. The tempering during the "First Lady" laid a solid foundation for her to flex her muscles in the political arena in the future.Diligence is the only way to success. Without diligence, even if a person is very talented, he will end up doing nothing.A person with mediocre talent will have an extraordinary life because of hard work.This is because hard work will make you gain more and make you better than others.

Maybe some people think that hard work is for people with mediocre backgrounds. If I have a distinguished background, I can get everything without any effort.Of course, family background has an impact on a person's development, but you can't give up your efforts just because of your good background.In this society, what is really recognized by others is not your origin, but your ability and character.

Wang Yanan, a famous Marxist economist in my country and the earliest Chinese translator of Das Kapital, went to Europe by boat in 1933.When the passenger ship sailed to the Red Sea, suddenly there was a huge wave, and the ship shook so that people could not stand still.

At this time, Wang Yanan, wearing glasses, walked into the restaurant with a book in his hand, and begged the waiter, "Please tie me to this pillar!" The waiter thought he was afraid that he would be thrown into the sea by the waves. go, and bind him fast to the stake, as he has said.After tying it up, Wang Yanan opened the book and read it attentively.When the foreigners on the boat saw him, they all looked at him in amazement, and repeatedly exclaimed: "Ah! The Chinese are really amazing!"

A hard-working person will not stop himself from moving forward because of the bad environment, and a person who is busy working hard for his beliefs will not spend time lamenting.All good things in the world can only be obtained through hard work, and success is even more so.If you want to reap the fruits of success in life, you must work hard.In fact, each of us has the secret of picking success, that is hard work.

Be mindful of everything you do because someone is watching you

If "seriousness" reflects a person's attitude, then "intention" reflects a person's quality and spirit.For a leader, "doing things with heart" is even more important, because your every move is watched by your subordinates, which will have a strong guiding effect on your subordinates.Only those who work hard can be recognized and convinced by others.Park Geun-hye is such a caring person.

According to legend, Archimedes, a famous mathematician in ancient Greece, used his wisdom to help defend the city when the Roman army attacked Syracuse.He designed and manufactured the pulley and chain grapple, which caught the ships of the Roman fleet one by one in mid-air and smashed them down.

Archimedes' wisdom delayed the fall of Syracuse for three years.Later, due to the negligence of the city guards, their vigilance was relaxed, and the Roman army took the opportunity to quietly climb over the city wall and open the city gate.The enemy rushed into the city, and the sound of shouting and killing was earth-shattering.Archimedes didn't escape, and didn't even know what happened outside.Because his research work was not finished, when the enemy rushed into his residence, he sat there concentrating on drawing circles and calculating esoteric mathematical problems.When a drunken Roman soldier ran towards him with a knife, Archimedes raised his head and said, "My friend, before you kill me, let me finish drawing this circle." However, The Roman soldier didn't care at all, he raised his knife and slashed at him.

The reason why Archimedes can become a great man remembered by later generations is because of his unswerving dedication to his career.Doing things seriously can do things right, and only doing things with heart can do things well.A person who does things with heart will put all his body and mind into his work, and complete and do things well wholeheartedly.And a person who doesn't care may do everything perfunctorily, and it is impossible to achieve great achievements.If a person has a lot of power, then he should do things with more heart, because his every move is of great importance.As the president of South Korea, Park Geun-hye is a very caring person.

(End of this chapter)

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