Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 7 Diligence is King: The "Election Queen" Walking Out of the "Tent"

Chapter 7 Diligence is King: The "Election Queen" Walking Out of the "Tent" (3)
Park Geun-hye had a strong sense of responsibility for her work as early as when she was the "first lady".In addition to earnestly completing her tasks, she often finds problems on her own initiative and researches solutions to them.One winter, the weather was cold very early, and Park Geun-hye learned from the news that the cold snap would come earlier, and this winter would be extremely cold.In order to prevent the cold snap from causing losses to the country, she immediately called the staff and asked him about the countermeasures against severe winter.At that time, the staff had not prepared any countermeasures and plans.The reason why Park Geun-hye urges her subordinates is because she always puts the national economy and the people's livelihood first in her heart, and hopes to make preparations in advance, so that even if the disaster cannot be prevented, the loss must be minimized.

Because she was worried that the people living in poverty would lack winter supplies, Park Geun-hye prepared hundreds of winter clothes and sent them to the dormitories of the poor.She chatted with everyone in the dormitory, listened attentively to the demands of the people, and shook hands with them one by one.Seeing the situation here, Park Geun-hye felt very heavy. She promised everyone that although the government could not provide immediate support, it would do its utmost to research solutions.Park Geun-hye did this not only because of her sense of responsibility as a leader, but also because she really cares about the people.

If a leader puts his heart into doing things, his subordinates will feel that he is firm, reliable and trustworthy.Park Geun-hye is dedicated to her work, and what she says is as good as she promises.She once emphasized the importance of leaders keeping promises: "I must abide by the promises I made to the people and do my best to realize this promise. I will never tolerate those who regard their own safety as the same as the promises of the people. A person who throws away casually for broken shoes. Such a leader will only make the life of the people miserable, and eventually become a stumbling block that hinders the development of the country.”

Only a boss who handles everything carefully can cultivate conscientious and responsible employees. The reason why Park Geun-hye is very attentive to everything is inseparable from her father's teachings.Although her father, Park Chung-hee, faces piles of business affairs every day, he will not ignore any small matter.He asked the staff to report on the status of the work, and he would keep asking about the progress of the matter.When Park Geun-hye worked under her father, she often felt unbearable pressure, but her father's strong will helped her persevere.Her father once said to her: "Your current position is very important. During the period of taking the role of mother, maybe there is no day when you can sleep well. If you are not mentally prepared, you are not qualified to be the hostess of this country. Be sure to Think every day about what you can do for your country."

As a leader of the country, thinking about what you can do for the country every day is "intent"; as a company leader, thinking about how to coordinate work is "intention"; as an ordinary office worker, thinking about how to better accomplish your own tasks every day The task is "intent"; as a student, thinking about how to improve academic performance every day is "intention".If the national leaders are not careful, the people of the whole country will be watching; if the company leaders are not careful, all the employees will be watching; with.

In this way, if no one is watching, can you stop worrying?The answer is of course no.Doing things with heart should not be just an attitude to show others, but should become a spirit and a habit.Doing things with heart is not only responsible for others, but also responsible for yourself.In ancient my country, there was a lot of emphasis on "cautious solitude", which emphasized that when an individual is alone, he must abide by moral beliefs, be cautious in his words and deeds, and not do whatever he wants just because others can't see him.For politicians with great power, it is even more important to be independent, otherwise it will be easy to abuse power and damage national interests.

As Park Geun-hye said: "If a person is not cautious about independence, he will not be firm in his beliefs, and will change his ideas in order to follow power. In this way, people will have no trust in each other and can only calculate. Because a person who is careless about independence is very It is difficult to abide by principles and beliefs, and it is impossible to use philosophy to develop.” No matter what career you are in, please be a caring person, not only because someone is watching you, but also because you have to be responsible for your own heart.

Learn to acquire new information
Western philosophers have a famous saying: "Knowledge is power." The essence of knowledge is actually information, but this kind of information is not chaotic, but processed and systematic information.Today's world has entered the information age, and the rapid development of the Internet has made people fully realize the power of information.No matter what we do, we must obtain information that can bring value to us. This information is information.

Before we do something, the first thing we need to do is to collect relevant information, on this basis we can make judgments, make decisions and make plans.Information can provide us with relevant factual information. If we leave the factual information, we may make wrong judgments and conclusions, which will lead to failure.Real and comprehensive information can broaden our horizons and help us solve problems and complete tasks smoothly.

The ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu once said: "Know yourself and know the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger." This sentence emphasizes the important role of knowing the information of both the enemy and ourselves. This principle can also be used in commercial and political cooperation. Only when the two sides understand each other, to make decisions that are best for each other.As a politician, it is even more important to fully grasp the latest information in all aspects.

Park Geun-hye is a politician who likes to surf the Internet, but she does not use the Internet to play games or make friends, but to keep abreast of the latest news circulating on the Internet. More importantly, this way can bring her closer to the people. She can clearly know what the citizens she loves are thinking at the moment.

Although she is over half a hundred years old, sometimes she can't sleep all night in order to answer various questions from netizens.The staff around her worried that she was wasting too much energy and suggested that she hand over the online affairs to other people, but Park Geun-hye objected.Although the body will be very tired after a day of work, but as soon as I surf the Internet, all the fatigue will disappear.

The reason why Park Geun-hye has to do it personally is because she has clearly felt the many changes that have taken place before and after she went online.Before setting up the mini-network, Park Geun-hye always felt that she didn't know the people's thoughts very well, and she often felt rather confused when formulating policies.But since she started surfing the Internet, she has been able to clearly and concretely outline the thoughts of the people, which makes her very targeted when formulating various policies, and can largely meet the needs and ideas of the people.

Especially through the Internet, Park Geun-hye can get in touch with many young Koreans. They are full of curiosity about Park Geun-hye's life, and Park Geun-hye also sees the hope of South Korea's future from them.She started getting in touch with the Internet in 2004, and once asked a college student: How can politics be approached by young people?The college student gave her advice, suggesting that she join a social networking site.Park Geun-hye really started to run her own social networking site, posting many event photos and event inquiries, and also published articles written by herself.Through social networking sites, Park Geun-hye has opened up channels of communication with young people and won the love and support of many young people. This has given Park Geun-hye a new perspective and thinking on education, people's livelihood, and the country's future development.

Through communicating with young people, Park Geun-hye can also learn a lot of current buzzwords, such as "without makeup".Park Geun-hye finds such buzzwords very interesting and especially applicable to herself.She thinks she looks good without makeup, and "without makeup" can just show her truest side.Park Geun-hye also used such buzzwords in some important speeches, "As a leader, it is very important to maintain the style of 'no makeup'... For me, if I dare to 'beautiful' in front of the people, I want to truly become an upright person. leader...I will work harder to let everyone see my 'no makeup' side".

With the rapid development of the Internet today, the Internet has gradually replaced the social status of traditional media and has become the main channel for modern people to obtain information.The Internet has many benefits that traditional media do not have, such as fast transmission speed, wide range, and wide audience.Anyone who is disconnected from the Internet today means losing touch with the people and society.

Of course, there are many ways to obtain information in daily life. In addition to the Internet, reading books, reading newspapers, and listening to the radio are all good ways.We should choose a way to obtain the latest information that suits us according to our actual situation, and keep abreast of the pulse of the times. The era of "keep your ears off the window and read only the books of sages" has passed.

Modern people are under a lot of work pressure. Many people just want to relax and rest in their spare time. They don't care about things that have nothing to do with them, let alone understand the big things and small things happening around them.In fact, no matter what industry you are in, acquiring new information is very beneficial.Information can broaden your horizons, help you make faster and better decisions, and enrich your mind, thereby enhancing your self-worth.Therefore, in your spare time, please try to surf the Internet, read more books, and read more newspapers and periodicals.Of course, when surfing the Internet, it is best to read less about the gossip of parents in the circle of friends, and pay more attention to various information in the society.Only by learning to obtain new information can we keep up with the pace of the times and create greater value for ourselves.

(End of this chapter)

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