The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 10 Cockscomb Snake VS Current Mang

Chapter 10 Cockscomb Snake VS Current Mang (Two updates! Please recommend tickets!)

After Ning Chen came to the hotel, he woke up Pikachu and had some breakfast with Pikachu.

Ning Chen and Pikachu went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for the soul ring.

Because Xiangyang Town is relatively close to the Star Dou Forest, Ning Chen and Pikachu only took half a day to arrive at the Star Dou Forest.

After entering the Star Dou Great Forest, Ning Chen and Pikachu cheered up.

After all, this is the Great Star Dou Forest!Unknown dangers may occur if you are not careful.

You know, the last time Ning Chen and Sword Douluo came to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings, they used Sword Douluo's protection!

At that time the risk factor was extremely low.

But now Ning Chen came to Star Dou Forest alone.

Ning Chen does not have the same strength as Sword Douluo, so he must always be prepared to face sudden dangers.

Even Pikachu, who is usually lazy, has entered a fighting state.

Ning Chen decided to only be active in the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, because now his soul power level is only level [-], and he only has one soul ring and one soul skill.

And this soul skill is not a soul skill for escape, so Ning Chen decided to move around.

The soul beasts in the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest are generally at least thousand-year soul beasts, and most of the outer circles are century-old soul beasts.

Ning Chen felt that he could deal with a hundred-year-old soul beast, but if Ning Chen was allowed to deal with a thousand-year-old soul beast, Ning Chen felt that he might not even have time to run.

After entering the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, Ning Chen and Pikachu were vigilant. Some of the younger ones did not harass Ning Chen, and Ning Chen did not hunt and kill those beasts that were more than 100 years old.

The reason is very simple, that is, Ning Chen doesn't like the century-old soul ring at all, not only because of the low age, but also because Ning Chen doesn't want to provoke them. If he provokes them, his soul power will be reduced.

At that time, when I meet a powerful soul beast, how can I fight when I have no soul power? I'm afraid I won't even be able to run.

Since Ning Chen's first soul ring was a thousand-year soul ring, Ning Chen's second soul ring must also be a thousand-year soul ring!
If it's a century-old spirit ring, then it seems that something doesn't match, right?Think about it, the first soul ring is a thousand-year soul ring, and the second soul ring is a century-old soul ring. It's very strange, isn't it (∩_∩)?
Of course, Ning Chen had to find a thunder or electricity soul beast for his second soul ring.

Ning Chen and Pikachu left without finding a suitable soul beast for a day.

There are, but some years are too low, and some years are too high.

If Ning Chen is low, he doesn't like it; if he is high, he can't win.

So Ning Chen decided to take a rest first, and continue hunting for soul rings tomorrow, after all, the Star Forest at night is not as peaceful as it looks.

Some powerful soul beasts have already begun to walk in the Star Dou Great Forest, and the night belongs to these powerful hunters.

Ning Chen and Pikachu found a cave and rested in it.

Although there is a cave as a cover, Ning Chen dare not sleep, after all, the Star Forest at night is its real face.

As night came, Ning Chen could clearly hear the roars of beasts, some of them were loud, some were sad, and some were screaming.

Ning Chen couldn't help shivering.

Sure enough, the Star Forest at night was not peaceful.It is much safer during the day than at night.


When an unknown amount of time has passed.Ning Chen heard the sound of fighting coming from outside the cave, so Ning Chen and Pikachu slowly moved towards the outside of the cave.

Neither of them dared to make any sound.After all, the vigilance of soul beasts is very strong.

Ning Chen and Pikachu came outside the cave to find out who was fighting outside the cave.It turned out to be two soul beasts!
The two soul beasts are a phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake and the other is an electric current.The two soul beasts are both thousand-year soul beasts.

Ning Chen quickly recalled the details of the cockscombed snake and Dian Mang.

The Cockscomb Snake is a speed-type soul beast, and its speed can also be ranked among the soul beasts.The cockscomb snake itself is not poisonous, so it usually chooses to run away when it encounters a powerful spirit beast.

Current Mang, an electric-type soul beast, is wrapped in electricity all over its body, with a pair of sharp teeth carrying a trace of electric current.When biting an enemy, it can paralyze the enemy for a period of time.There will be a period of time after the paralysis is in a deceleration state.

Looking at the two soul beasts in front of him, Ning Chen was a little moved, because not only because of the speed of the cockscomb snake, but also because of the current and mang's electrical attributes are very suitable for Ning Chen now.

Cockscomb Snake can bring speed to Ning Chen, and Current Mang can bring Ning Chen an electric soul skill.

Ning Chen decided to watch their battle first and then think about which one to hunt.Although the two soul beasts are both thousand-year-old soul beasts, Ning Chen can't beat them, but Ning Chen can reap the benefits of being a fisherman!
I saw Lian Mang biting towards the cockscomb snake, but how could the cockscomb snake, which is famous for its speed, let it bite, and dodged it with a dodge.

After a long time, the cocksnake flicked its tail and hit the current mang. Although it was hit, nothing happened to the current mang. After all, the current mang has a current shield!

Seeing that the Cockscomb Snake hit him, Dian Mang also flicked his tail towards the Cockscomb Snake, and the Cockscomb Snake easily missed the blow.

In this way, the two soul beasts started a cruel fight where you hit me and I hit you.

Watching Ning Chen is so boring, watching the two soul beasts fight like children, Ning Chen said: Watching is also a test!
Just like that, half an hour passed, and during this half hour, both soul beasts were seriously injured.

After all, a soul beast is good at speed, and a soul beast is good at defense.The two soul beasts have their own strengths.For a while, it was hard to tell the winner.

At this moment, Ning Chen, who was already drowsy, saw that the electric current was biting the neck of the cockscomb snake fiercely.

Because being bitten by the current mang's teeth will cause a deceleration effect, and the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake was bitten by the current mang several times just now.

When the speed of the cockscomb snake weakened, the electric current mang had an opportunity to kill it with one blow.

In this way, Dian Mang bit the cockscomb snake's neck fiercely, and Ning Chen knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage. Now Ning Chen has enough confidence to defeat Dian Mang.

Because when the current mang was fighting with the cockscomb snake, the cockscomb snake also broke through the current mang's defense.This caused the current mang to be seriously injured.

Now the defense of the current mang has been broken, Ning Chen can say with certainty that he can definitely charge the current mang to doubt→_→life by using double [-] volts.

In this way, Ning Chen and Pikachu walked out of the cave slowly.

 There might be another update tonight!Depends on the situation aha!Finally got to Chapter 10, tired!I went to do my homework first.

(End of this chapter)

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