The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 11 Attached Soul Bone!

Chapter 11 Attached Soul Bone! (Third watch! Please recommend tickets!)

Seeing someone coming, Lian Mang quickly put down the dying cockscomb snake.

Now the cockscomb snake has only one breath, and it can't escape even if it wants to.

"Tut! Tsk! There is a good saying, what is the mantis catching cicadas and the oriole behind. Now I am that oriole." Ning Chen said as he walked towards the current mang snake.

At the same time, a lavender soul ring rose from the feet of Ning Chen and Pikachu.

Dian Mang knew that he was no match for the man and mouse in front of him. If it was his heyday, he would definitely win against them.

But now the current Mang has been seriously injured, and its shield has already been broken by the cockscomb snake.

The current current is full of one word "run" in his head

I saw Lian Mang running back quickly.But the speed is not so fast, after all, the current current has almost reached its limit.

"Run? Can you run away?" Ning Chen knew that if Dian Mang recovered from his injury, it would definitely come to seek revenge on him.

I saw the soul rings under the feet of Ning Chen and Pikachu slowly rising, "Double one hundred thousand volts!"

Pikachu and Ning Chen fired [-] volts together, and two bolts of lightning hit Dian Mang one after another.

However, Dian Dianmang is still not dead, the current Dian Dianmang is similar to the cockscombed snake.Ning Chen and Pikachu used all their strength just now.But Dian Mang still didn't die, which shows how strong Dian Mang's defense is.

Ning Chen turned around in front of the two soul beasts, thinking about which soul beast he should choose for his second soul ring.

Just like that, Pikachu was lazily eating steamed buns, and Ning Chen was walking back and forth.

Half an hour later, Ning Chen made a decision, and saw Ning Chen slowly walking towards Dian Mang, and took out the Seven Killing Sword from the soul guide.

Lian Mang saw Ning Chen walking towards him with the Seven Killing Sword, but he didn't resist, just closed his eyes, waiting for Ning Chen's arrival.

Like a prisoner being tried by a judge.

Ning Chen stabbed down with his sword, and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't help it. This world is like this, where the weak prey on the strong."

A purple soul ring rose slowly.This purple soul ring is many times brighter than the purple soul ring under Ning Chen's feet.

Ning Chen didn't absorb the current mang's soul ring because he wanted to absorb the cockscomb snake's soul ring.

The reason why he killed Dian Mang was because Ning Chen knew that if Dian Dian Mang regained half of his strength, he would definitely die under its hands.

Seeing the dead cocksnake of Lian Mang, he also closed his eyes in relief.

Ning Chen didn't kill the cockscomb snake here, but pulled the cockscomb snake into the cave.

Because absorbing spirit rings outside is too dangerous.In case of being found by a soul beast, he may die here.

When Ning Chen pulled the cockscomb snake into the cave, he stabbed it to death with a sword.

After stabbing the cockscomb snake to death, Ning Chen began to absorb the spirit ring, and Pikachu observed the surrounding environment for Ning Chen, so as not to be disturbed by the spirit beast.

do not know why?Ning Chen absorbed the soul ring of the cockscomb snake very smoothly.

It was much easier than when he absorbed Thunderbird's soul ring for the first time.

I don't know how long it took, Ning Chen finished absorbing the soul ring, and a dark purple soul ring slowly landed at the feet of Ning Chen and Pikachu.

How much brighter is this purple soul ring than Ning Chen's first soul ring?Ning Chen's first soul ring is lavender, while the second soul ring is dark purple.

And this deep purple soul ring is much brighter than the purple soul ring of Lian Mang.

"A 500-year-old cocksnake, tsk! Tsk! Young master, I am possessed by the Emperor of Europe!" Ning Chen said shamelessly.

But in fact, his luck is really good.

"However, why didn't I suffer backlash when I absorbed the soul ring of the Cockscomb Snake? I had it when I absorbed the Thunderbird's soul ring last time?" Ning Chen thought.

"Well, could it be that... the cockscombed snake voluntarily."

"If this is the case, it's right, because the current mang was about to be killed, but I killed the current mang, and the cockscomb snake knew that it would not survive. Seeing that I avenged her, I voluntarily Killed by me, become my soul ring."

"Well, that makes sense!"

Ning Chen thought.

Pikachu on the side shook his head helplessly seeing Ning Chen at this moment.

Then sighed: "Hey!"

Well, you asked me why Pikachu sighed, well, it was because of life.

"Wait, since I want to, then I should drop the spirit bone, but what about my spirit bone?"

"Ah, where is my spirit bone?"

Ning Chen jumped up and down to find the soul bone.For fear of being taken by others.

"Why not? Why is this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake buckled like this? It doesn't even leave a soul bone when it dies." Ning Chen said angrily.

If the cockscomb snake hears this and calls, what kind of wonderful expression will it have?
The moment Ning Chen had just finished speaking, the cockscomb snake seemed to be responding to Ning Chen.

Ning Chen's expression was instantly wonderful.That expression is absolutely perfect.

"Ah, the Immortal Demon Body is on." As if he really couldn't bear the pressure, Ning Chen activated his second martial soul, the Immortal Demon Body.

I saw black particles dotted around Ning Chen forming a pair of blue armor, and a big knife slowly appeared in Ning Chen's hand.

Just when the armor was fully possessed, a pair of wings appeared on Ning Chen's back.

Well, this is the wing of a cockscomb snake.

But why is the color wrong? The cockscomb snake's wings are black, but the wings behind Ning Chen are white, and there is a golden skeleton linking the whole wing in the middle of the white.

After turning on the immortal body, Ning Chen's physical strength has been improved, and he has successfully fused the soul bone.

"This, this is the external spirit bone."

Ning Chen couldn't calm down anymore at this moment, mother's external soul bone, mother, this is very powerful, okay (∩_∩)!Even if it's not powerful, you can't stand the handsome soul bone attached to it.

It was exciting when I saw Tang San had an external spirit bone in the original book.

Now I have it myself, and I am so handsome, look at this color, look at this shape.Cool than the good or bad.

"Uh, the color of the immortal body doesn't seem to suit these wings very well. One blue and one white don't match, so it's better to put away the immortal body first."

After putting away the Immortal Demon Body, Ning Chen's silver-white hair and white wings were particularly eye-catching.

The white wings added a bit of temperament to Ning Chen.It seemed that Ning Chen was even more handsome!
It makes people feel that they know men better.

Even Pikachu on the side was stunned.

PS: Pikachu is female.

 No more, today's update is over, wait for the National Day!I plan to write thirty chapters on National Day.

(End of this chapter)

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