The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 12 Chapter 2 Soul Skills and Soul Skills Attached to Soul Bone!

Chapter 12 The second soul skill and the soul skill attached to the soul bone! (Please recommend tickets!)
"Well, let's try the soul skill brought by this external soul bone now!" Ning Chen said.

"Pi~ka~pi~ka~pi~ka~" Pikachu also seemed very excited.

Just like that, Ning Chen flew out of the cave, and Pikachu followed Ning Chen.

Well, you guys ask me why Ning Chen's wings can fly? In the original book, the cockscomb snake can only fly low.

That's because of the external spirit bone!The external spirit bone has this ability.

Flying into the sky, Ning Chen began to use the soul skills brought by the external soul bone.

"Storm!" Ning Chen shouted.

I saw the wings on Ning Chen's back began to flap rapidly, and a vortex flew towards a big tree, and the old banyan tree was directly uprooted by the vortex.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! This power is not bad." Ning Chen said with emotion.

"Pi~ka~pi~ka~chu~" Pikachu called.

The soul skill brought by the external soul bone to Ning Chen is called storm: a powerful airflow is fanned from both sides of the wings, and the airflow forms a powerful vortex, which can cause dizziness to the enemy for five seconds.

It can be said that the soul skills brought to him by Ning Chen's external soul bone can both attack and control.

It is simply a necessary soul skill for killing, setting fire and escaping!
Well, now let's take a look at Ning Chen's second soul skill.

Ning Chen's second soul ability was obtained by hunting the cockscomb snake, so this soul ability should be a speed type soul ability.

I saw the second soul ring under Ning Chen's feet slowly rising.Emits a bright purple glow.

It was as dazzling as the Zixia over there that day.

"The second soul skill, lightning flash!" Ning Chen said.

Ning Chen's figure immediately disappeared in place.In the next moment, Ning Chen's figure appeared only five meters away from the position just now.

Flash of Light: Flash of Light is a space-type soul skill, which can appear anywhere within five meters. Of course, the distance will expand as the soul power grows.

Well, Ning Chen's second soul ability is obtained from hunting the cockscomb snake, and the cockscomb snake is not a space-type soul beast, so here comes the question, why is Ning Chen's second soul ability a space-type soul ability? Woolen cloth?
After all, Pikachu does flash in "Pokémon", and in "Pokémon", most of the elves in it flash.

But it won't move when the lightning flashes?And in "Pokémon", no matter how fast Pikachu reaches, there is no excessive displacement.

In fact, most Pokémon cannot move. In fact, they can move when the lightning flashes.

For example, the shadow clone, which can only be achieved at high speed.

The basis of the shadow clone is the lightning flash, and the shadow clone can be said to be an intermediate lightning flash in the lightning flash.And the advanced electric light can achieve the effect of displacement with a flash.

That depends on the elf's use of skills, and only when the proficiency meets the requirements can he move.

There are a lot of speed skills built on the basis of Flash of Lightning.

"Hahaha, now I have not only a powerful attack-type soul ability, but also a speed-type soul ability, and it is also a space-type soul ability. From now on, if I encounter an enemy stronger than myself, if I can't beat us, I can run away." It is." Ning Chen said excitedly.

Obviously, Ning Chen was very excited to obtain the space-type soul skills.

"Pi~ka~pi~ka~chu~" Pikachu also called excitedly.

Ning Chen's second soul ability is Pikachu's second soul ability. Pikachu is also very excited to see the scene when Ning Chen uses the soul ability. After all, her second soul ability is also the same as Ning Chen's.

Flash of Lightning can not only move but also has no time limit.

This soul skill can be said to be a must-have magic skill to pretend to be a girl!
Pretending to be invisible.

Putting away the external soul bone, Ning Chen slowly began to recover his soul power, although the soul skills given by the external soul bone and Ning Chen's second soul skill did not consume much soul power.

But Ning Chen and Pikachu are now in the Star Dou Forest.The two of them may encounter danger at any time, so Ning Chen is always prepared.

Well, now Ning Chen's evaluation of his two current soul skills is that one soul skill can both attack and control, and the other is a space-type soul skill, which can be said to be a means of life-saving.

Ning Chen is very satisfied with these two soul skills.


When Ning Chen and Pikachu were about to leave here.A soul beast quickly attacked Ning Chen and Pikachu.

Ning Chen and Pikachu hurriedly used the second soul skill to flash.

When Ning Chen saw the soul beast, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The only soul beast that came was a hundred-year-old purple cloud mang, and the whole body of this soul beast was purple.

When Ning Chen saw Ziyunmang's snake tail, he knew that this soul beast was a 300-year-old soul beast. Ziyunmang was a kind of highly poisonous soul beast, usually a night eater.

Ning Chen wondered why Ziyun Mang would attack him? Ning Chen didn't even know why Zi Yunmang was here?Because Ziyun Mang is a night eater, he usually doesn't come out during the day.

Not allowing Ning Chen to think more, Zi Yunmang rushed towards Ning Chen and Pikachu again.

"Pikachu, use double [-] volts!" Ning Chen didn't think too much, and quickly used his strongest blow.

Seeing that Ziyun Mang was dying after being hit by lightning, Ning Chen was very puzzled because his blow just now was powerful, but it was impossible to beat a hundred-year-old soul beast to death with one blow.

Because the defense of the soul beast is very powerful.

"Damn, what's going on today, why do you keep meeting snake-like soul beasts?" Ning Chen said to himself.

Pikachu on the side shook his head, showing such an expression as if I didn't know this person.

Ning Chen didn't think much about it, and planned to end the soul beast with the intention of finishing work early and going home early.

Only an old voice sounded.

"Be merciful!"

Ning Chen looked at the place where the sound came from, and saw an old man and an old lady walking slowly, followed by a little girl like Ning Chen.

The old man came over and said: "Old man Meng Shu, this soul beast was escaped by him when we were hunting, please give it to us, my little brother, so that my granddaughter can advance to become a great soul master."

When he heard the old man's words, Ning Chen had ten thousand fucking nuns in his heart.

Ning Chen said: Do you specialize in strengthening soul beasts?In the original book, you just robbed Tang San and the others of a cockscomb snake and a human face magic bead, and now you are here again?
But Ning Chen didn't say anything, after all, he already had a second soul ring, a 300-year-old Ziyunmang, so what if he gave it to them.

So Ning Chen said: "Since you beat him seriously, he is yours, and I will leave first."

As he said that, he asked Pikachu to jump on his shoulder and leave.

PS: I was stunned when I saw the recommendation vote, 250? How do you know that my ranking is 250? Then I voted for three more of my own, um, one update first, there will be more tomorrow.By the way, I will read your comments, but I may not always reply to them one by one.I will also take your suggestion.Well, I'm not in the water. The word count for the text is 2032 words.

(End of this chapter)

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