Chapter 15 Zhao Ritian! (Please recommend!)

After shopping, Ning Chen, Zhu Zhuqing and Pikachu quickly returned to the hotel.I don't know if it was because I was too tired or because I was jealous.

As soon as Pikachu entered the hotel, he didn't say a word, turned his head away, and ignored Ning Chen.

Of course, for Ning Chen, cultivation is the most important thing. For a person who only knows cultivation, would he care about what happened next to him?

Poor Ning Chen was recorded in the small book by Pikachu in this way, of course the content was that he didn't buy her any couple jade pendants on a certain day in a certain year.

If Ning Chen knew about this, he would be astonished, and then he would say: Damn, you Wuhun still have this mentality?
Of course that's all for later.

The night passed without a word.

In the early morning, just as the sky turned pale, Ning Chen woke up from his practice.

Well, Pikachu was crawling on Ning Chen's lap, drooling and dreaming sweet dreams.

"Touch! Touch! Touch! Touch!..." Ning Chen, who had just finished washing his face, heard someone knocking on his door.

Ning Chen opened it and saw that it turned out to be Ms. Zhu Zhuqing who everyone loves, flowers bloom when we see flowers, and cars blow out when we see them!

"Is there anything wrong with coming to see me so early?" Ning Chen opened the door and asked.

Today's Zhu Zhuqing is still wearing a tight black bodysuit as usual.Undoubtedly show that graceful figure.It makes people want to stop watching.

cough!cough!Starting from three years, the maximum life sentence is aha!
"It's nothing. I just want to have breakfast with you." Zhu Zhuqing said shyly.

Author: It's over, my goddess has fallen.Ning Chen returned my goddess!

Ning Chen: This is the second time. I've said it all. It's up to you whether you fall or not.


Hearing the word eat, Pikachu immediately got up from the bed, jumped onto Ning Chen's shoulder, and said excitedly, "~pi~ka~pi~pi~ka~qiu~"

Obviously, yesterday's vinegar has been eaten, um, my teacher said yes, there are no conflicts that can't be solved by sleeping, and if there are, then sleep twice.

So the three of them ate breakfast in a restaurant, um, something happened to Ning Chen and the others during breakfast, what was it?Then let us take a look together!
Ning Chen, Zhu Zhuqing and Pikachu who had finished their breakfast were just about to pay and leave, but at this time an unexpected guest came.

The intellectual barrier originally came to have breakfast happily, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw a little loli in a black tights.

As the saying goes, loli has three virtues, being light and soft, and easy to push down.Zhichao just likes such a little lolita.

When he saw Zhu Zhuqing, he discovered his true love.

So the intellectually handicapped bravely confessed, um, the author said that this is probably the so-called love at first sight!Is it the same as Meng Yiran? Anyway, we don't understand it, and we haven't experienced it.

The intellectually handicapped gentleman made a gesture and said, "Miss Meili, do you have an appointment tonight?"

Author: Damn, can you be so direct?Isn't this too awesome?
Intellectual barrier: Stupid author, you don't understand now!I die for love.

Author: Well, very good, if you dare to scold me, you will never survive a hundred words.

Intellectual barrier: The stupid author, I was wrong, ah bah. It was the author who was wrong, can you let me live a thousand words?
Author: Hum╭(╯^╰)╮(Angry expression.)

"Uncle, who are you?" Zhu Zhuqing didn't keep any sympathy for the intellectually handicapped, and came up with an uncle, who are you?Author I just want to laugh.

Hearing the word "uncle", Zhizhang was stunned for a moment. After all, Zhizhang dare not only be 30 years old, not too old!Well, this is a mentally handicapped idea.Let's look at the reader's perception.

Reader: Fuck, Fuck, 30 years old is not too old, this fucking guy can be our girl's father, and he's still eating young grass like a fucking old cow.How did the idiot author write it.


"Sister, did I just ask you for an appointment? That's all..." Although Zhu Zhuqing embarrassed Zhizhang for a while, Zhizhang's impenetrable face was not just for bragging.

Well, it was done through practice. I think that Zhibai spent more than a year eating and drinking at his friend's house for more than a year in order to practice this iron wall. Well, now that friend is begging on the side of the road!

"No appointment." Zhu Zhuqing said without hesitation.

"Uh, so Miss Sister, do you have a boyfriend? If so, do you suggest getting another one?" Zhiban said shamelessly.

Author: Damn it, damn it, isn’t this fucking shameless? An old man in his 30s calling an eight-year-old girl Miss Sister is half as shameless as I am.

"Why are you so annoying, please go away, I don't like you." Zhu Zhuqing said angrily.

"Then, you come with me!" Zhi Barrier said.

"You..." Zhu Zhuqing was almost blown out of anger.

Well, then ask me about Ning Chen and Pikachu!Well, let's turn the camera to Ning Chen and Pikachu.

All I could see was Ning Chen and Pikachu sitting there kowtowing the melon seeds that I don't know where they came from! They also watched the scene of Zhu Zhuqing and Zhishan with relish.

Ning Chen said: It is better to be a melon-eating crowd than to be a beautiful man who is a hero who saves the beauty. Only those idle people like to be heroes. something?

Author: I will not let the hero save the beauty!You are in the water word count.Am I the kind of author with a watery word count?Yeah?ah, is it?

Well, of course not, hehehe.

Ning Chen counted the numbers while eating melon seeds: ".Three.Two.One" when the count reaches one.

I only heard, "Let go of that girl, let me do it, ah bah, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless."

"Sure enough, there are so many people who like to play heroes like this! Just treat it as a show." Well, as Ning Chen thought in his heart, is there no one here to play this boring hero?
Ning Chen said: Hey! Hey! I don’t have enough Xiaoer melon seeds, two more sets, ah no, ten more sets, they will probably take an hour or two to fight, right?How can it be enough if you don’t prepare more melon seeds!

"Damn it, someone dared to ruin your grandpa's good deed, who is it? Come out." Zhishan called out.

I saw a young man walking slowly and coming out.Well, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Chen and Pikachu were very disgusted by the wretched look in white clothes.

"Brat, who are you? Dare to spoil your grandfather's good deeds?" Zhiban said arrogantly.

"Grandpa will tell you today, I'm going to order this little lolita today, and no one can take it away." Zhi Barrier added.

I saw the young man said unhurriedly: "Father. Zhao. Ri. Tian."

PS: Zhu Zhuqing: "If you don't give a recommendation ticket, you will have to marry Ning Chen. I beg all readers to help her, okay?"

Ning Chen: "Zhu Zhuqing, just obey me obediently! Do you think they will give you a recommendation ticket? Well, if they can give you a hundred lines of recommendation tickets, I won't let you marry me."

Zhu Zhuqing: "Dear readers, if you can help others, they can do...anything for you."

 When I get home, I will change it once. I am not interested enough.So you are also willing to come to a few recommendation tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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