The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 16 Watching the Movie Quietly!

Chapter 16 Watching the Movie Quietly! (Please recommend tickets!)

What? Zhao Ritian? When Ning Chen heard the name Zhao Ritian, he was stunned.

Sure enough, Zhao Ritian is very popular no matter which world he is in.Ning Chen sighed.

"Ah, so it's Mr. Zhao! I don't know Taishan, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Come on, this little lolita will be handed over to you." Hearing the three words Zhao Ritian, the attitude of the mentally handicapped Immediate 180-degree change.

Zhao Ritian may not be well-known in the Heaven Dou Empire at all, but everyone on this street in the Heaven Dou Empire knows it, everyone knows it.

Zhao Ritian, who bullied men and women, murdered and set fires, and robbed civilians and women, did all kinds of evil, but everyone on this street knew him.

Everyone on this street hated him to the extreme, and everyone on this street hated Zhao Ritian.

Zhao Ritian has a child named: Zhao Ridi.

Well, it's this young man in white with a wretched face.

Well, as expected, like father, like son, the names are all one heaven and one earth.

As for why Zhishan is so afraid of Zhao Ridi!The reason is very simple, that is, this Zhao Ridi is a powerful soul master, well, his father Zhao Ritian is also a powerful soul master.

Zhao Ritian, level 43, battle soul master, martial soul mace.Well, that's right, you heard that right, it's a mace.

Zhao Ridi, level 28, battle soul master, martial soul thunderbolt battle axe.Well, it's a bit like the black cut in the glory of the king.

Zhao Ridi's spirit is also a good attack type spirit, but it is definitely not as powerful as the Clear Sky Hammer, the most powerful weapon in Douluo Continent.

Zhao Ridi is also as domineering as his father, he likes to bully men and women, and rob people's women by force.

Zhao Ridi is only 19 years old this year, Zhao Ridi has such a high spirit power, which is already very good, although Zhao Ridi's talent is not as high as Dai Mubai's, after all Dai Mubai's spirit power is level 15 at the age of 37.

It can be seen that the talent is high, of course Dai Mubai is not as perverted as Tang San, after all, the protagonist's halo is not for bragging.

"Oh! I don't know who or which dog was yelling just now?" Zhao Ridi said disdainfully.

"Oh (⊙o⊙) oh, it was this dog who was barking just now." Zhiban pointed to himself.It has to be said that his shameless kung fu has reached its peak.

"Oh... Senior Manager, help me beat this dog to death!" Zhao Ridi said indifferently.

"Ah, Mr. Zhao, in broad daylight, are you planning to commit murder and injure people here?" Although Zhi Barrier is shameless, he is also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Oh? Did I say I'm going to commit a murder? I'm going to beat a dog, don't you know?" Zhao Ridi said shamelessly. His shamelessness coupled with his wretched face is simply disgusting. How disgusting.

"No you can't..."

Before he could finish speaking, the intellectual barrier was slapped to death by a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man should be the senior executive that Zhao Ridi mentioned.

This is a middle-aged man in a black tuxedo. His serious look is quite different from Zhao Ridi's wretched look.

"Well, he is a soul master." Ning Chen clearly felt the strength of the middle-aged man, and Ning Chen was sure that if he fought with this soul master.

This soul master will definitely not be able to withstand Ning Chen's ten moves.

Author: Bullshit, [-] volts can even hurt the body of Title Douluo, if it can’t even break the defense of a small soul master, then it’s too embarrassing for Pikachu in "Pokémon" ?

The middle-aged man named Gao Guanjia killed Zhiyi as if nothing had happened, and returned to Zhao Ridi in such a calm manner.

Zhao Ridi greeted Zhu Zhuqing with a smile when he saw that the intellectual barrier was solved, and said, "Girl, I have solved a problem for you, do you think we can get to know each other?"

"I told you, do I need your help?" Zhu Zhuqing said in the same high and cold voice.

Well, our goddess hasn't changed.

"Well, then, there is no return for my help. I, Zhao Ridi, never do things that lose money. You must come with me today."

"Is the woman Zhao Ridi has a crush on, can I still escape?" Zhao Ridi said in a tone that he thought was very domineering.

"Well, could it be that you want to rob the women of the people by force?" Zhu Zhuqing asked curiously.

"Of course, I tell you, as long as you follow this young master, you will be guaranteed good food and spicy food in the future." Zhao Ridi said.

Ning Chen said: I'll just watch and don't speak, if the Zhu family can't even subdue you, a little local snake, then their Zhu family doesn't have to stay in the Star Luo Empire.

The Zhu family is also a big family in the Star Luo Empire, of course it was the help of the Star Luo Royal Family, but that is not something a small Zhao family can bully at will.

Ning Chen wants to say that I will not make a move!Although there is a soul master, the guards of the Zhu family are not jealous.

Well, the guards of the Zhu family are in the arena now!

Ning Chen didn't take action because he knew that there were guards from the Zhu family. Well, even if he didn't know, he didn't take action.

As a high-quality watcher, how can he make a move casually?We want to watch a play, right?Let's save some drama for the supporting characters, shall we?

Ning Chen: "The waiter brought two bottles of green tea. My throat is a bit dry just eating melon seeds. First, let me rinse my mouth with two bottles of green tea. Well, there is still something to watch. Give me five bottles."

Well, Zhao Ridi, Zhu Zhuqing and others present didn't know that Ning Chen and Pikachu were watching a play, and ordered a lot of melon seeds and green tea.

If they knew, they would definitely say: "Add a small bench, so you can stand and watch your legs. By the way, I also prepare some green tea for us. The acting is also very tiring. We will drink it after the filming is over." .”

Author: That will cost extra, I will not reimburse the author.

Actors: A profiteer...

Author: There is no recommendation vote, the author is also very poor, okay (∩_∩)? If there is no recommendation vote in a few days, I may not even have the money to pay your salary.

Actors: Ah. No, readers, please give me some recommendation tickets!Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to continue the play.We still have a family to support!Come on!
"Hehe. You guys dare to play against this girl, aren't you afraid of death?" Zhu Zhuqing said indifferently.

"Hehe. Although our Zhao family is not a big family, but ordinary people like you, our Zhao family bullies a lot." Zhao Ridi said with a loud laugh.

"(⊙o⊙) Oh, so your Zhao family often does this kind of thing?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter, are you afraid? If you are afraid, then obediently obey my young master, haha."

"Come here, destroy this shit's Zhao family." Zhu Zhuqing sternly shouted.

 Because of the typhoon, there was a power outage, so I couldn't update it. The author is very sorry.First update, the phone is almost out of battery, see if there is electricity tomorrow?If so, continue tomorrow.Why!I don't have any inspiration recently, I want to stop updating. Hey!Stop talking, continue to ask for recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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