The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 23 Fighting Soul Douluo!

Chapter 23 Fighting Soul Douluo! (Seek five-star praise!)

Two days passed like this, and An An didn't get a soul ring in these two days, it was because Ning Chen asked An to exercise his body strength.

Ning Chen hopes that An can absorb a 400 to 600-year-old soul beast, so Ning Chen has been frantically training An since he awakened his martial soul.

Of course, the special training method used by Ning Chen is the special training method used by his own country for the army when he was in Blue Star in his previous life. After all, this method can see the training results the fastest.

What's more, this training method depends on perseverance. People who don't have enough perseverance will easily give up. Although this training method is similar to Ning Chen's military training when he was in high school.

But it is not complete, it is only complete, and there is a lot of training.

In the past two days, the old man named Ye Ming has fully recovered from his injuries. It seems that Contra's recovery ability is really amazing!

When the old man resumed playing, Ning Chen began to ask the old man if he wanted to join his forces.

Well (⊙_⊙), let's take a look at the conversation between the two of them.

I saw Ning Chen facing the old man and said: "Mr. Ye, would you like to join our power?"

The old man looked at Ning Chen strangely and asked, "Your power? How many people are there? What's their name?"

Ning Chen said calmly: "My sect is called the Demon Sect, and now there are only me and An."

The old man frowned slightly and said, "You are very confident!"

Ning Chen: "Because I have strength!"

Old man: "Oh(⊙o⊙), why should I trust you?"

Ning Chen: "Just because I saved you, you must have been hunted down! I didn't hand you over, does that mean you can trust me?"

Old man: "I can trust you, but do you trust me?"

Ning Chen: "I don't know, my Demon Cult only needs loyalty, so I have to see you."

The old man: "I, Ye Ming, have only admired powerful people in my life, and I have only surrendered to one person."

The old man continued: "Let's do this! As long as you defeat me, I will surrender to you. If you defeat me, then I will leave. Of course, you can come to me if you have anything to do in the future. After all, you saved my life."

"Well, when shall we start the challenge?" Ning Chen asked.

"It's better to start now! Anyway, I have recovered now." The old man said.

"Well, yes."

So the two started the challenge, and Ning Chen asked An to watch from the side, saying that it was for An to learn more experience.

So the battle between the two officially began.

Then the two came to the battle field, and saw that the old man immediately began to release the martial soul and eight soul rings.

Well, now is the opening remarks of the two of them.

"Ye Ming, a level 89 battle soul master, Wuhun Qinglongyanyue knife." The old man said.

"Ning Chen, level 22 battle soul master, martial soul Pikachu." Ning Chen also said immediately.

"Well, wait a minute, Qinglong Yanyue Knife, um, Guan Gong's weapon, what the hell, Qinglong Yanyue Knife, ah! Damn, how the hell do you fight this? This is Guan Gong's weapon. Who is Guan Gong? That's a martial saint !"

"During the Warring States Period, Guan Gong was very famous. Ah, although Ning Chen worshiped Zhao Yun, the God of War in his previous life, Guan Gong is also good! He is the Five Tiger Generals! They are on par with the Five Tiger Generals!"

Seeing this weapon, Ning Chen felt a big chill in his heart, this is the weapon of the Martial Saint!

"I'll give you a stick of incense time, if you can still stand up after a stick of incense, then I can join your forces." The old man said.

After finishing speaking, the old man flicked his sleeves, and then Ning Chenbian saw a stick of incense beside him start to burn slowly.

"Well (⊙_⊙), is it the time for a stick of incense? If I use the flash of electric light, it should be able to consume the time of a stick of incense. I just don't know if my soul power is enough?" Ning Chen thought to himself.

But Ning Chen also underestimated the strength of a Contra.Thinking about the speed at which the old man recovered from his injuries, he knew how terrifying a Contra was.

Before he had time to think, he saw the old man holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and slashed at Ning Chen.Eight spirit rings rose slowly from the old man's feet, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black, black, black.

Seeing the eight soul rings, Ning Chen didn't have time to think about turning around to avoid the old man's slash, so he kicked over. Seeing Ning Chen kicking over, the old man blocked his chest with the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

Then the old man activated the first soul skill, only to hear the old man say: "The first soul skill, Qinglong Yanyue Slash."

"Damn it." Ning Chen couldn't help but swear.This shit is Guan Gong's move!Could it be the illegitimate son of Mr. Guan?How the hell could his illegitimate son cross time and come to the Douluo Continent.

"Pikachu hurry up and use Lightning Flash." Ning Chen felt the power of this move.

So Pikachu and Ning Chen's feet slowly raised two purple soul rings. It was obvious that the first soul ring was so pale compared to the second soul ring.

The two soul rings clearly formed a contrast, one was from the sky and the other was from the earth.But that doesn't change the fact that it's a thousand year spirit ring!
Ning Chen and Pikachu easily avoided the old man's Qinglong Yanyue Zhan with a flash of lightning.

Ye Ming was also slightly surprised, and said, "Is this the strength you said? Then you do have the strength to make me surrender."

"So are you going to surrender?" Ning Chen asked after avoiding Ye Ming's moves.

"Hehe, then we have to see if you can persevere to the end." After finishing speaking, the old man continued to perform moves.

"Second Soul Skill, Sweeping Thousands of Armies." I saw Ye Ming put Qinglong Yanyue Saber horizontally, and then began to exert strength. This move can be described as powerful!Not only has a wide range of lethality.And Ning Chen can no longer use the flash of light.

Because this is a large-scale attack, Ning Chen's lightning flash can only move within five meters in an instant.Ning Chen is doomed!

Ning Chen didn't dare to take the moves of a Contra!Otherwise, he might die!Although Ning Chen knew that Ye Ming would be merciful, Ning Chen didn't dare to follow Ye Ming's moves!
Not for any reason, just because it hurts!
I saw that Ning Chen immediately used the flash of lightning to teleport to Pikachu, and then Ning Chen hugged Pikachu and immediately used the external spirit bone to fly up.

When Ye Ming saw the external soul bone, there was a frenzy in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly. Ye Ming was indeed very enthusiastic about the external soul bone, but he also knew that it belonged to someone else, and that person He also saved himself.

"Well, no wonder you, a great soul master in your twenties, dare to establish a sect. So you have so many treasures!" Ye Ming said
"Hehe, have you decided to join my Demon Cult?" Ning Chen asked again.

"Well, yes, I can join your sect, but this competition has to continue." Ye Ming's eyes burst into a frenzy, which was a frenzy for fighting.

"Then let's continue! But I'm still very happy that Ye Lao can join me in the Devil's Cult! Then I will start to use all my strength." Ning Chen grabbed Pikachu and threw it out, saying: "Go! Pikachu , using one hundred thousand volts."

PS: The author needs to make up homework, so update it first.Ask for more five-star praise.

(End of this chapter)

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