Chapter 24 Defeated!
I only saw Pikachu using one hundred thousand volts when flying down, and then one hundred thousand volts hit Ye Ming just right.

Then Pikachu immediately used z lightning to dodge, and Ye Ming who was hit was also slightly injured. After all, [-] volts is not a joke.

One hundred thousand volts of the skin god is very awesome, even the beasts can't stand it, Emma, ​​that kind of comfort is simply too awesome.

"The second soul skill, Heng Shao Qian Jun." I saw Ye Ming continue to use the soul skill of Heng Shao Qian Jun.

When Ye Ming's Qinglong Yanyue knife was about to cut Pikachu, Ning Chen also used [-] volts.

One hundred thousand volts hitting Ye Ming also brought him a deceleration effect, and then Ning Chen quickly picked up Pikachu and flew into the sky.

"Are you bullying me that I can't fly?"

"Have it?"


"Hehe, look at my fifth soul skill, location tracking."

"Damn it, do you still have this soul skill?"

Ye Ming threw the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand at Ning Chen, only to see Ning Chen tilted his body, and then dodged Ye Ming's move.

"It's not over yet!" Ye Ming snorted coldly!
Ning Chen turned his head quickly, and found that the Qinglong Yanyue Saber had turned back and was rushing towards him.

Ning Chen reacted quickly and used Flash of Lightning, and finally avoided the blow. Fortunately, Flash of Lightning has no cooling time, otherwise Ning Chen might not be able to withstand the previous attacks?
The Qinglong Yanyue Knife returned to Ye Ming's hands like this.

"No, although I can dodge his attack every time, but if this continues, my soul power may not be able to sustain it. I must find a way."

"But how powerful a Soul Douluo is, I guess he only used one layer of Soul Power now?"

"Well, do you have to use that?"

While Ning Chen was speaking, Ye Ming jumped up and raised the Qinglong Yanyue Knife like Ning Chen was slashing.

Ning Chen quickly folded his wings, and quickly descended in a vertical manner. When Ning Chen landed on the ground, it happened that Ye Ming's Qinglong Yanyue Knife was about to hit Ning Chen. As soon as Ning Chen fell to the ground, It was time to roll forward and just escaped the blow.

"I started and counterattacked." Ning Chen said.

"Pikachu uses [-] volts." Ning Chen put Pikachu down, and then used [-] volts himself.

I saw that one hundred thousand volts was blocked by Ye Ming with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife. If Ye Ming was obviously numb, it was caused by electricity.

"Indestructible Demon Body Kai!" Ning Chen started to use his second martial soul, Immortal Demon Body, um, it was the ultimate move.

"Well, twin martial souls? You really are a monster!" Ye Ming exclaimed.

After Ning Chen turned on the indestructible demon body, a big knife suddenly appeared on his right hand.The whole body of the knife was blue, and then small black particles appeared around Ning Chen. These particles began to fuse together, and then merged into Ning Chen's body.

I saw Ning Chen wearing blue armor, holding a big blue sword in his hand, and there was a Pikachu beside him.

Well, Ning Chen was wearing a blue armor, and then his silver-white hair was blowing in the wind, holding Kai's big sword, he had nothing to do with Kai.

"Pikachu [-] volts." After asking Pikachu to use [-] volts, Ning Chen activated his second soul skill, came to Ye Ming and started chopping directly.

Ning Chen didn't want to use his second martial spirit at first, because he didn't want to expose it too early. Although he could use a flash of lightning to kill Ye Ming, his soul power was not enough.

On the one hand, Ning Chen used the Immortal Demon Body because he wanted to get acquainted with the Immortal Demon Body.The flip side is that he wants to... win.

Ning Chen was not afraid that Ye Ming would make him think that Ye Ming had agreed to Ning Chen's joining the Devil's Cult.That's why Ning Chen blatantly activated the Indestructible Demon Body.

I saw that Ye Ming was hit by Pikachu's [-] volts before he had time to dodge, and then he couldn't react and was hacked by Ning Chen a few times.

But these few knives can't break the defense of a Contra, even Kai's big sword can't.

Then Ye Ming didn't use his soul skills anymore, so he started a hand-to-hand fight with Ning Chen.

And Pikachu on the side is always ready. Now that Ning Chen and Ye Ming are in close combat, it is not easy to use [-] volts.

I saw Ning Chen and Ye Ming fist to fist, palm to palm and one move to one move, and the fight was evenly matched.

I saw Ning Chen's big treasure knife colliding with Ye Ming's Qinglong Yanyue knife, making a sound of "Dang, Dang, Dang."

In the end, I didn't know whether Ning Chen's soul power was overdrawn or whether a Contra was really strong. I saw Ning Chen was sent flying by Ye Ming.

Because he was afraid of hurting Ning Chen, Ye Ming patted Ning Chen with the side of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

Ning Chen didn't stand up after being photographed, and just lay there quietly like that. When An Gang wanted to run over to help Ning Chen, he saw Ning Chen say:
"you win!"

That voice was so frank and helpless and unwilling.

"You are already very good. You are already very good at beating me like this at level [-]." Ye Ming said.

"Really?" Ning Chen asked with a self-deprecating smile.

"By the way, does Anne need a soul ring?" Ye Ming asked in order to change the subject.

"Well, that's right, can I trouble Mr. Ye to help me? Help me get a soul ring."

"It's okay, it's on me."

On the side, An's eyes lit up when he heard that he could get a soul ring of his own, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Ye." Ning Chen thanked.

"It's okay, I've already joined you anyway, so it's only right to do something for the sect," Ye Ming said.

"Well, you guys go and prepare first! You will start to set off tomorrow, after all, An is already two years behind others." Ning Chen said helplessly.

"Well, then the two of us will go to prepare first." After that, Ye Ming left here secretly to prepare for the hunt for the soul ring.

Ning Chen picked up Pikachu and said, "Are you okay? Pikachu!"

"~pi~ka~chu~" Pikachu said.

"Well, it's true that he didn't use half of his strength just now, isn't he reconciled?"

"Pikachu, Pikachu." Pikachu cried unwillingly.

"Then let's work together to become stronger!"


It is true that Ye Ming didn't use half of his strength in the battle just now, that's why Ning Chen and Pikachu were so unwilling, and then they were so determined to work hard.

But more is Ning Chen and Pikachu's unwilling temper. Neither of them is a person who admits defeat, and both of them even use the external spirit bone and the second martial spirit.Hungry
But they haven't even reached half of their strength, how can they be convinced, so they have to work harder.

PS: After reading your comments, you are all saying that my narration has too many words.Here I apologize to you and promise that there will be no more narration in the future.I promise.Then there is the QQ book friend group:
943247876.If you are interested, you can add it, if you don't like it, forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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