The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 25 First Encounter with Xue Qinghe

Chapter 25 The First Encounter with Xue Qinghe (Qian Renxue)
Ning Chen walked with Pikachu on the street where Zhu Zhuqing once walked together, looking at the jade pendant on his waist, wondering what he was thinking?
Pikachu, on the other hand, ate twenty sticks of candied haws he bought from who knows where.

Now An An has obtained his first soul ring, which was already a month ago, and An An's first ring is a 500-year-old soul beast, perhaps because An An is already eight years old?
An also absorbed a soul ring that exceeded the age of the first soul ring, and An's first soul skill was stabbing, yes it was stabbing.

It is the same as the three-armed thorn in the life and death sniper, simple and neat.This soul skill can be said to have a certain advantage at the same stage, because thrusting is a fatal move.

Now Ning Chen has become a hands-off shopkeeper, whether it is recruitment or financial resources, Ning Chen has handed over to Ye Ming and An.

There are now a total of [-] members of the Devil's Cult, plus Ning Chen's words, and the [-] newcomers were recruited secretly with Ye Lao.

Ning Chen told them that only children under the age of eight are recruited, and that they must be orphans, not those who are not the most loyal.

Ye Ming and An also knew what Ning Chen meant and quickly recruited these seventeen people, and these seventeen people were absolutely loyal.And these seventeen children are all six years old.

Then Ye Lao awakened the martial spirit for these seventeen children. Everyone will have a martial spirit. Fortunately, these seventeen children have soul power and can cultivate, and their lowest soul power is only two levels That's it, the highest one actually has innate full soul power,
Ning Chen didn't know what to say. Among the seventeen children, three children were born full of soul power. Ning Chen was overjoyed.

Although he was happy, he was happy. Ning Chen had been depressed to death in the past month. In the past month, Ning Chen had either challenged Mr. Ye or trained the seventeen children who had just arrived. Of course, he also had to train secretly.

And Pikachu is also depressed, because Pikachu has to teach these children to fight. Although these children have awakened their martial arts, they don't know what fighting is at all.

In the dark, life is very fulfilling every day. During the day, he trains secretly, and then learns fighting skills, and at night, he starts to practice soul power.

But the hardest thing to do is Ye Lao. Not only does he have to manage his financial resources, he also has to practice with Ning Chen, and then he has to help these newly arrived children obtain soul rings, and when Ning Chen and Pikachu are away, he has to ask for soul rings. Train these kids.

Ye Lao's life is simply too hard!
But this month's harvest is also very rich!Not only did they advance three levels in a row to reach level fourteen, but half of the seventeen children had obtained spirit rings.

Those with high talents now have level [-] soul power, and although Ning Chen has not improved his soul power, his fighting skills are already very proficient. In the past month of fighting Ye Ming, he has been able to force Ye Ming to use half of his powers. power up.

In particular, Ning Chen's combat skills have been greatly improved. Ning Chen did not train his combat skills in the Qibao Liuli School before, but now with Ye Ming as a training partner, Ning Chen's combat awareness is constantly improving.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen felt that his power had become stronger and stronger.

Looking at the jade pendant on his waist, Ning Chen thought of Zhu Zhuqing, "I don't know how she is doing now?" Ning Chen said to himself.

As he was walking, Ning Chen seemed to bump into someone, and Ning Chen immediately looked up.

I didn't know it, but I was startled when I saw this person, about 1.7 meters tall, with straight hair, a handsome face, bright eyes and bright teeth, one part handsome, three parts cold, six parts kind.

When Ning Chen saw this person, he felt very cordial, as if... as if the two of them knew each other before.

This person looks like a man but more like a woman.I saw twenty or thirty soldiers behind him, they looked very serious, their bodies were tall and majestic, like a mountain.

"I'm sorry." Sui Ningchen felt that the person in front of him was very kind, but he was the one who bumped into him first, so he had to apologize first, right?

"It's okay, by the way, is your name Ning Chen?" the man asked.

"Ah you are?"

"My name is Xue Qinghe, and it was the mouse who asked me to come and see you."

What? Xue Qinghe, no wonder why I feel that the man in front of me looks like a woman?It turned out to be Qian Renxue in disguise!Ning Chen thought.

"Why did Uncle Ning call you here (⊙o⊙?)"

"The teacher asked me to take care of you, lest you be in danger."

"Oh, I'm fine. By the way, have you eaten? Do you want to have a meal together?" I saw that Ning Chen used the basic skill of flirting with girls on Shui Lanxing to make an appointment.

It's just the basic skills of teasing girls, so learn it hard.

"Well (⊙_⊙), yes! You go back first! I will go back later." Xue Qinghe looked at the soldiers behind him (her) and said.

The soldiers got the instructions and immediately began to execute them. After a while, the soldiers had already left, leaving only Ning Chen and Xue Qinghe.

Nima, how could you agree so quickly!Shouldn't it be a tactful rejection first, then I invite you and then you reluctantly agree?Isn't this the most basic method on Water Blue Planet?Ning Chen complained in his heart.

In fact, Xue Qinghe originally wanted to refuse, but because it happened to be meal time and he happened to be hungry again, and when he saw Ning Chen, he felt very kind, and then Xue Qinghe agreed in such a miraculous manner.

"Where are we going to eat?"

"Go to my house, I'll eat it for you!"


"It's delicious under you."

"Eat more if it's delicious!"


I saw three people sitting there with a bowl of noodles, eating happily. "Suck, slip!" The three sucked the noodles into their mouths together and began to chew.

Well, that expression can be described in two words: "Awesome."

Why!As far as Ning Chen is concerned, he was a poor dick in his previous life, and he ate fast food all the time. He couldn't cook at all, but how could Ning Chen, who was raised by Master Kong, not know how to cook Master Kong?
Whether it is the old sauerkraut Master Kong, or the spicy beef, Master Kang Ning Chen has cooked it.

Then Ning Chen developed the skill of cooking noodles all over the body. Ning Chen cooked noodles with one word: "fragrant!"

After a while, after the two finished eating noodles, Xue Qinghe said hello and left, saying that he would come back to take care of Ning Chen in the future.

Ning Chen said: This is the rhythm of coming to eat and drink!
PS: QQ book friend group: 943247876.I typed it wrong before, but now it has been revised. If you are interested, you can add it. Of course, if you don’t like it, forget it.This week is gone, wait until next Saturday, I promise to explode ten more, um, ten a day next Saturday.

(End of this chapter)

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