The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 90 Substitute players!

Chapter 90 Substitute players!

Ning Chen and Qian Renxue had a great time playing this day.

Recalling today's various experiences, Qian Renxue went back to the palace contentedly, and of course changed back into men's clothes before going back.

Ning Chen watched Qian Renxue go in, waited for Qian Renxue to go in completely, then closed his gaze, and slowly left the front of the palace.

While walking towards home, he was thinking about the name of the academy in his mind.

It is the name of the academy that will participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition.

Until Ning Chen returned home, he still didn't know what name he should choose.

Spreading out the list, Ning Chen leaned on the chair, closed his eyes helplessly, and fell into a deep sleep like that. Today, Ning Chen was exhausted enough to accompany Qian Renxue to go shopping here and there.And there were some bloody plots in the middle, that is, a few gangsters saw such a beautiful Qian Renxue, and their hearts were all in one, if Ning Chen pressed him on the ground and rubbed it fiercely.

When Ning Chen woke up, he saw Ye Lao sitting beside him.

At this moment, Ye Lao was looking at the list seriously.Ning Chen was not in a hurry, poured a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Seeing that Ning Chen had woken up, Elder Ye directly asked, "Have you thought about the name of the academy, Master?"

"Not yet, Mr. Ye, do you have a better name, preferably one that sounds compelling."

Hearing Ning Chen's words, Ye Ming was also slightly taken aback, because he really didn't know that there must be a strong name. What he likes is the kind of name that is rich in culture, if it is a strong name.

Ye Ming said: The old minister can't do it!

"Well, I think the name we teach is very compelling." Ye Ming thought for a moment, and in order not to disappoint Ning Chen, he said that the name Demon Sect is good.

"Magic academy?" Ning Chen thought while touching his chin.

"Well, no, it's a little ugly. I think it's better to call it the Unbeaten Academy. It's both stylish and elegant."

In fact, this name was a random thought of Ning Chen. After all, they only need to participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition once, and the name is not important.

"Okay, that's a good name, let's go with this name." Ye Ming also didn't know what name to choose, and he felt that the name Ning Chen said was okay, so he agreed very much.

"Well, this is the college's aspirational statement." Ning Chen picked up the pen next to him and started dancing on the paper.

After finishing writing, Ning Chen handed it to Ye Ming to see if he had any ideas.

Looking at the words on the paper, Ye Ming began to read unconsciously: "A person can be destroyed, but he will never be defeated."

Just looking at the literal meaning, Ye Ming can tell that Ning Chen must be the first in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition this time!

And this phrase is so fucking pretending to be 13!It sounds very domineering.

"Well, that's fine, now it's about the personnel." In fact, Ye Ming was also prepared for the personnel on stage.

Those five people must be there, and there are still two people missing. Although Ning Chen said that those two people will make up for him and Liu Bi, he still needs a few substitutes.

There are already candidates for several substitutes, Ye Ming. Over the past few years, almost all the resources of the Devil's Cult have been used to train newcomers.

The current Devil's Cult has taken shape, currently there are two Title Douluo and one Contra, but there will soon be two, because Mo Changyuan is about to break through.Because of Tang Jia Tudou's help.There is one soul sage, twenty soul emperors, and not only the five Anan are evildoers.There are fifty soul kings, one hundred soul sects, three hundred soul masters, and fifty soul masters at present, because they have just been beckoned and are in training.

Of course, these people are currently absorbing information from the Spirit Hall and the two great empires.

Although Ning Chen's current strength is not enough to fight against the two empires, they still have room for development.

"Personnel matters, Mr. Ye, do you have any ideas?" Ning Chen also knew about preparing a substitute, but he didn't know who to choose as a substitute.

"Well, I've prepared it. This is the list of substitutes. Master, please take a look."

Ning Chen took the list from Ye Ming and looked at it.

"Lu Tao, age: 12, 54th level soul king, defense system soul master, martial soul: Pluto shield, soul ring configuration: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black."

"Chi Yao, age: 12, 52nd level soul king, auxiliary soul master, martial soul: Tianji tower, soul ring configuration: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black."

"Zihan, age: 12, 52nd level soul king, auxiliary soul master, martial soul: Zimingqin, soul ring configuration: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black."

These three people entered the Devil's Cult a little later than An An and the others, so their soul power was not as good as them, but they were already very good, but in Ning Chen's eyes, they were just not bad.

Although they worked very hard, they were not as powerful as An, whose second spirit rings were all purple.

"Well, these three people go together, let them replace me, Liu Bi and Wu Tian go first. I don't want to expose our true strength too early." Ning Chen doesn't want to expose our strength too early. This is a point, but there is still One point is that they don't want to be exposed to everyone in Shrek Academy too early.

"Subordinate, understand."

In this way, Ning Chen and Ye Ming filled out the form together and went to have dinner together. He told Ye Ming that tomorrow he would let the people who participated in the Continental Soul Master Competition come to report here, and Ning Chen returned to his room. inside.

Yuru didn't come tonight, um, maybe relatives came or maybe she was tired!

Qian Renxue, who just lay down, couldn't sleep no matter what, tossing and turning thinking about what she experienced with Ning Chen today, Qian Renxue's little face turned red before she knew it.

Just like that, Qian Renxue fell asleep amidst the obsessive memories.

Shrek Academy...

"Why, you can't sleep either?" Tang San asked looking at the few people sitting there drinking.

"Aren't you the same?" Dai Mubai casually asked after taking a sip of the old wine.

"It seems that everyone is the same! Now everyone is here." Seeing Zhu Zhuqing approaching, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong said the fat man.

"Hey, don't talk about it, everyone came out because of Ning Chen's departure!" Dai Mubai asked after sending out the wine next to him, one person at a time.

"Not all. I'm leaving tomorrow, and I won't be participating in the Continental Soul Master Competition this time." After taking a sip of his wine, Jiang Yihan raised his head 45 degrees and said calmly.

"Why?" Everyone was shocked.

"Well, I'm going to the Valley of the Wicked. Ning Chen said that there can help me."

Everyone knew that Jiang Yihan's soul power improved very slowly, so although he was reluctant, he didn't ask any more questions.

"I don't know why Ning Chen wants to leave?" Fatty Ma said helplessly.

Everyone was silent when they heard Fatty Ma's words, because they knew it in their hearts, but no one said it clearly.

"Hey, let's not talk about this, by the way, we are about to participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition, are you excited?" Oscar on the side began to change the subject.

"I'm a little excited, it's okay." Although Tang San was looking forward to it, he was relatively calm, after all, he is a person who has lived two lives.

"I didn't, and I'm not going to participate anyway."


Everyone was chatting very enthusiastically, but only Zhu Qinghe and Ning Rongrong bowed their heads in silence, drinking dull wine.

 Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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