The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 91 Come, here comes the dog food!

Chapter 91 Come, here comes the dog food!

After a night of nothing, Ning Chen got up in the morning and began to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After breakfast, Ye Ming brought the members who were going to participate in the competition.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Ning Chen thought for a while before slowly speaking: "Now let me arrange tactics for you?"

Everyone nodded in unison, expressing that it was okay. Their eyes were full of admiration, not for anything else, but because Ning Chen was a Titled Douluo. What is the concept of a Titled Douluo?Anyway, it's good enough.

Now that Ning Chen is only 12 years old, the admiration in everyone's eyes can't help but increase.

"Well, there are seven people on stage. I plan to let these people go first, Lu Tao, Chi Yao, Zi Han, An, Hong Lian, Li Bing, and Yan Lingji."

"Wu Tian, ​​you and I have Liu Bi as substitute members, is there any problem?" Ning Chen slowly closed his mouth after sweeping over.

"No problem." Everyone replied in unison.

"Okay, let's go down and cooperate first, familiarize yourself with your teammates, and then secretly call Mr. Ye for me. I will prepare tactical issues with him."

How is it possible to participate in the Continental Soul Master Competition without any tactics?Ning Chen planned to plan tactics with Ye Ming so that they would not be so unfamiliar with their new teammates.

"Okay, teacher." An nodded slightly, and then left straight away.

Watching them leave, Ning Chen secretly sighed in his heart: "After participating in the Complete Continental Soul Master Elite Competition, Tang San should go to the Asura Field, right? Well, do you want to grab the opportunity?"

Shaking his head, Ning Chen decided not to grab Tang San's chance.

Well, in fact, Ning Chen is cowardly. Think about a traverser who is not recognized by the Douluo Continent. Could it be possible for the Shura field to recognize him?Well, there is also Sea God Island.

I can't do it, the sky won't allow me to be a time traveler!
"What do you want from me, Master?" Ye Ming walked in and asked Ning Chen directly.

"Well, I have to trouble you, Mr. Ye, about the tactics. It's no problem!"

Although the sentence is a question, Ning Chen's tone is so unquestionable.

"Yes." Ye Ming said sonorously.

"Okay, just let me take a look at it when you've made it. By the way, Mr. Mo should be breaking through Contra soon, right?"

Thinking about leaving things to Ye Ming all the time, Ning Chen felt embarrassed.But Ning Chen has no choice, he can only hope that Mo Changyuan can break through Contra sooner and help Ye Ming share some pressure.

"Well, it's almost here, and I can break through Contra almost this afternoon." Ye Ming said respectfully.

"Well, yes. Well, it's time to be busy, let's go!"

Ning Chen waved his hand to signal Ye Ming to step back.

Ye Ming left without saying a word.

"Ning Chen, can you accompany me out for a while today?" At this time Yuru came over with a tone full of temptation, acting like a baby.

"No time to."

Ning Chen didn't even raise his head, he just picked up a "Hundred Medicine Book" and read it.

"Just hang out with me for a while, okay?" Yuru didn't give up, and continued to say coquettishly.

After Ning Chen and Qian Renxue came back that day, although Yuru didn't know that Ning Chen and Qian Renxue had gone out, but as a woman, she was keenly aware of a sense of urgency.

"Uh, okay!" Ning Chen's figure became rippling.

"Okay, then I'm going to change clothes now." Saying that, Yuru walked straight into her room.

I have to say that all women love beauty. Yuru didn't care about her clothes before, but as time went by, her nature of women broke out, and she began to dress up day by day.

Although Yuru didn't wear that kind of revealing clothes, her long legs, slender waist, and cute face made countless heroes bow down.

After seeing Yuru's dressing up, the men took the quilt to wash the next day.

Yuru just changed a piece of clothes, and it didn't take long for Yuru to come out.

After seeing Yuru come out, Ning Chen thought whether he should let it go before going out.

I saw Yuru in front of her wearing a pair of white stockings on her long legs, a smart tights, a little short but not a very short skirt, although the white stockings are not as white as Yuru's own legs, but they are also So tempting.

Ning Chen's nosebleeds had already flowed out unknowingly.

It stands to reason that no matter how beautiful Yuru is, Ning Chen will not be obsessed with it. After all, Ning Chen is face-blind. No matter how beautiful the face is to Ning Chen, it is just good-looking, and then he has no feeling.

But Yuru just hit Ning Chen's vital point, that is, he is controlled by siwa.

It's all right now, Ning Chen didn't care about anything, just took Yuru's hand and went into the room.

As for what they were doing in the room?We don't know, and we dare not ask!Anyway, we only heard a sound.

Two hours later, in the street, Ning Chen was walking on the street holding Yuru's hand. Although two hours had passed, the two of them were soul masters, and their physical fitness was very good. It only took two hours. Not too short for them.

If it weren't for Yuru forcing him to go shopping, Ning Chen felt that he could work until the next night, um, that would stop after eating, um, after eating, maybe he could continue to stand for a few hours, who? know?
Looking at the pedestrians walking on the street, Ning Chen found it a bit ambiguous, because most of the streets are young couples who are together.

Although there are some people who walk alone, they are relatively few.

"What's going on, how could such a couple come out today?" Ning Chen scratched his head and looked at Yuru and asked.

"Well, because today is Valentine's Day, otherwise why do I insist on you to accompany me today? Really, I was so hard just now, and now I am still a little unsteady when I walk! You are necrotic."

Said shyly, Yuru still punched your chest with her small fist.

Ning Chen said that he didn't want to come this Valentine's Day today, without him, but he was familiar with it, because he was single for a long time in his previous life, and on Valentine's Day he was at home with his girlfriend, Five Fingers Girl.

"Why are we going now?" Ning Chen thought about it, anyway, he was already like that, so he just opened the harem without doing anything.

Immediately hugging Yuru's slender waist, Ning Chen kissed Yuru's face.

Shyly saying that you are necrotic, Yuru thought in her heart: When did this wood open up, and it has improved so much.

"Well, let's go to the Qixi Bridge to release the river lanterns." Yuru said with a look of longing.

Thinking that she and Ning Chen could go to the Qixi Bridge to set off the river lanterns, Yuru's deer started to "bang bang".

"Qixi Bridge?" Hearing the name, Ning Chen casually said something awesome.

Now that we have the Qixi Bridge, is there another Naihe Bridge?
"Well, the Qixi Bridge is a bridge under the Naihe Bridge. On Valentine's Day, every couple will go there to release river lanterns to make wishes." Yuru didn't care about Ning Chen's face and continued to talk.

Come on, really, Ning Chen remained silent.

 Everyone is waiting!
(End of this chapter)

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