The strongest Pikachu in Douluo mainland

Chapter 92 Making a River Lantern!

Chapter 92 Making a River Lantern!

"Isn't it better to put the river lanterns at night? Why do you go now?" It's still daytime, and although it's getting dark soon, Ning Chen couldn't help asking, and he just didn't think much about it. To put some river lanterns.

Doesn't he look good when you squat on the street corner and look at the long legs?

"Let's go have dinner later, it's getting dark soon, shall we buy river lanterns after dinner later?" Yuru also didn't say that she was going to release the river lanterns now, so she wanted to go first She liked to eat when she was still Pikachu, and it is the same now that she is transformed.

"Oh, yes, I can do whatever I want." Ning Chen said that it doesn't matter what he does first.

They randomly found a restaurant called "Jun Lai Ao", and the two immediately started ordering.

When eating, Ning Chen always saw couples lying there constantly, how could this be?Well, it's just that the man picks up vegetables and feeds the woman, which is not bad.

What's even more awesome is the young couple at the table next to Ning Chen. They fed mouth to mouth directly, which made Ning Chen extremely embarrassed, and then Yuru looked at him with resentment.

Ning Chen felt helpless and uncomfortable, because Yuru's eyes seemed to say, if you don't feed me, it will be a matter of heaven and earth.

Helpless, Ning Chen had no choice but to pick up a piece of green vegetables and feed Yuru under Yuru's shy eyes. After all, Ning Chen and Yuru are also considered couples, why are they so cautious.

Well, as for why Ning Chen picked up a piece of green vegetables and fed them to Yuru?We dare not say, we dare not ask?
"I want you to feed me mouth to mouth." Ning Chen fed Yuru but she was not satisfied, so she just imitated the people at the table next to her.

"Ah, wouldn't this be too good?" Hearing Yuru's words, Ning Chen's face turned red. He had no choice but to be thin-skinned and dare not do such a bold thing in a place with so many people.

"Ah, what? Hurry up, I want it too, hurry up and feed me." As she said that, Yuru closed her eyes and opened her small mouth, waiting for Ning Chen to be fed.

"Well, as expected, I'm still too kind." Ning Chen shook his head helplessly, picked up a piece of lean meat, put it in his mouth, and sent it over.

Feeling the touch in her mouth, Yuru was so happy at this moment.

People around saw that Ning Chen and his table were so open, so they all started to imitate them. They had no choice but to have boyfriends and girlfriends. If they were not open, how could they be worthy of their youth.

Although the young couples in the store are worthy of their youth, are they worthy of the single dogs in the store?
Seeing this scene in the store, the group of single dogs dumped their money and left. They had no choice but to be full and couldn't eat anymore.

There are even some single dogs who have just ordered food, and they just dumped the money and left before the food was served.They said: I just came out to have a meal, as for doing this to me?Why is the world so unfriendly to single dogs?I'm so sad.

After dinner, it's almost past five o'clock now, and the sky is gradually getting dark. Yuru is walking on the street with Ning Chen's arms in his arms. People walking on the street, whether they are men or women, stop to watch. .

The man naturally looked at Yuru, looking at Yuru's long legs, the tall mountain peak, and the white skin like suet. I don't know how many men stopped to watch, and they were even twisted by their girlfriends. They didn't move their ears at all, anyway, they were already stupid, right?
As for the woman, of course she looked at Ning Chen, after all Ning Chen was handsome.At this moment, I saw Ning Chen's three thousand silver threads hanging vertically from his waist, wearing a white robe, which was very similar to Hanfu, and Ning Chen was dressed like a handsome young man walking out of a picture scroll. Well, if you come here again at this moment A folding fan would probably be better.

Ever since they saw Ning Chen, those girls couldn't help but look at Ning Chen and then at their boyfriend. They asked a question at the same time: "Who is this ugly guy?"

It is acceptable for Ning Chen to be looked at by pedestrians on the street. After all, he has received such gazes before, so he is relatively calm when facing such gazes, but Yuru who is next to Ning Chen has never experienced it before. Such a scene.

A pair of eyes stared at Yuru like hungry wolves, which made Yuru a little nervous, and rubbed against Ning Chen's arms involuntarily.

Ning Chen didn't care either, she was his girlfriend after all.

It's completely dark now, and the only people walking on the street are lovers, they are all hanging out together, and there are grocery stores on both sides of the street, most of them are selling river lanterns.

Well, although the color of the river lantern is different, the appearance is still the same.

Pulled into a grocery department by Yuru, Ning Chen looked at the river lanterns on display. Most of these river lanterns were of the lotus type, and there were a few that were different, but they were not much different.

Looking at the river lanterns in front of him, Ning Chen really didn't know what to choose, not because they were ugly, but because they were too monotonous, the river lanterns used by people on the street were almost all the same kind of river lanterns.

Ning Chen wanted to be special, so he didn't care about Yuru who was picking the river lanterns. Ning Chen went straight to the boss and asked directly, "Boss, do you have any raw materials for making river lanterns here?"

Ning Chen wanted to make a unique river lantern for Yuru herself.

"Yes, yes, ten copper souls compare to one set." The owner of this store has also met this kind of thing that he wants to do. After all, he wants to buy a watch for his girlfriend. He still knows.

"Okay, I want a set." Without even thinking about it, Ning Chen handed out ten copper soul ratios directly.

"Okay, customer, just wait a moment, I'll go get you the ingredients right away." The boss walked into the store with his beer belly.

Not long after, the boss came out of the shop, holding a set of raw materials for making river lanterns.

After handing it over to Ning Chen, the boss continued to entertain his guests.

Not caring about the boss, Ning Chen opened the paper bag of raw materials and started making river lanterns.


Unknowingly, 10 minutes passed, and Ning Chen finally finished it. Holding his and Yuru's river lanterns in his hands, Ning Chen felt that these 10 minutes were very worthwhile.

When he looked up, Ning Chen was surprised that there were many people gathered around him, and Yuru beside him was also looking at him happily.

"What's wrong?" Ning Chen asked curiously.

"Did you make this for me?" Yuru asked, pointing to the Pikachu-shaped river lantern in Ning Chen's hand.

"Well, it's for you, do you like it?" The two river lanterns in Ning Chen's hands are exactly like Pikachu, and the other is like Pichu.

"Well, I like it, thank you." Yuru slapped Ning Chen on the face as she spoke.

Covering the kissed cheek, Ning Chen felt that the 10 minutes he had wasted was not in vain.

"Husband, do people also want such a river lantern?" I don't know when it started, and there were some girls acting coquettishly around.

"Okay, I see." The men agreed one by one.

"Little brother, how do you sell this river lamp? Can you sell it to me?" At this moment a boy said.

"Little brother, don't sell it to him. I'll offer you ten gold soul coins. How about you sell it to me?"

"Little brother, sister, how about selling the river lamp to sister for twenty gold soul coins?"

The people around actually started an... auction for a small river lantern.

"Not for sale, thank you." Ning Chen didn't want to sell it, because he was too lazy to make it, and he wouldn't sell it no matter how high the price was, after all, he made it for Yuru.

Bringing Yuru Ningchen directly activated the second soul skill and left here.

 good night, everyone!Because I am posting now, I have no manuscript, so I can't update it, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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