Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 385 Pearl Ball

Chapter 385 Pearl Ball
"That's your big brother!"

"I know, that's why I took out the last two taels of silver." Xiao Baorui raised his lips calmly, and his eyes were full of mocking smiles, "Father, I don't have 30 taels of silver anyway. , if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Xiao Baorui didn't want to stay here any longer to waste his words, so he immediately grabbed Tang Huanxi's hand, turned around and left gracefully.

Xiao Dazhuang looked at the two taels of scattered silver on the table, his chest suddenly burst into anger, he raised his hand and swung the silver on the table, his eyes turned red with anger!
"Master, what's the matter?" Mrs. Zhao, who had been secretly standing under the window wall, ran in hastily after hearing no movement in the house.

"It's more than enough to succeed!" Xiao Dazhuang, who was in a rage, raised his hand and slapped Zhao's face, "It's all because of your annoying mouth! You know that that dead girl is the second child." The person on top of your heart still provokes her again and again? I think you are tired of your life, right?"


Zhao's face was instantly swollen, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

She lay on the ground and wept bitterly.

She really never dreamed that one day she would be reduced to such a point!

"Shut up, you will know you are crying, useless waste! You can't even handle a fool!" Xiao Dazhuang became more and more angry when he thought about it, and then stepped forward and kicked Zhao Shi fiercely, "Get out of here and go to the kitchen to cook !"

Zhao's chest hurt from being kicked, but she didn't dare to resist.

She knew that this time, Xiao Dazhuang was really angry.

Stepping on the afterglow of the setting sun, Xiao Baorui brought Tang Huanxi back to Dai Lai Mei.

At that time, Mrs. Qian had already prepared dinner, and when she saw the young couple coming back, she immediately smiled and said, "Baorui, Huanxi, you are back? Come and have dinner, the meal just made is waiting for you to start the feast!" "

"Wow, what delicious food did sister-in-law cook today? It's so delicious?" Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, her dimples were obvious, and she was extremely cute.

"I specially made the pearl balls you taught me last time. Look, don't they look like this?" Qian asked with a smile, pointing to the steamed dish in the middle of the table.

"That's right, that's what pearl balls look like! Sister-in-law, you are really good. I just told you about this pearl balls, and you figured it out yourself? It's amazing!" Tang Huanxi immediately Take the lead in applauding, "Everyone applaud together! Sister-in-law is amazing!"

clap clap-

There was a burst of warm applause, and Qian couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

"You girl!" Qian raised her hand and poked her between the eyebrows, then smiled a little embarrassedly, "Although I have figured out this dish, I know that the dish I cook is definitely not as good as yours It's so delicious! You girl, you are the kind of master who doesn't show off your mountain!"

"Yes!" Xiao Musheng answered immediately, "The dishes cooked by the elder sister-in-law are the second best in the world; the dishes cooked by the elder sister are the best in the world!"

Ha ha ha ha--

Listening to Xiao Musheng's words, everyone laughed heartily.

"Should we go out for a picnic after we're done working for a while? When the time comes, shall we go to Mingtang Mountain for barbecue?"

"Okay!" Xiao Musheng immediately applauded excitedly, squinting and smiling very cutely.

In a blink of an eye, night fell quietly.

Tang Huanxi took a bath and wanted to walk around the yard to digest food.

When she walked into the yard, she saw Qian's lonely back.

(End of this chapter)

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