Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 386 The Nobles Who Hit

Chapter 386 The Nobles Who Hit

"Sister-in-law?" Tang Huanxi took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Qian who was in a daze, and asked with a frown, "Why are you sitting in the yard alone in a daze?"

"Huanxi, have you returned to Hekou Village with Baorui today?"


"Then... have you heard that Baoshan... Baoshan seems to be getting married?" Qian lowered her head and gave a sullen wry smile, "I thought... I thought that my husband and wife with him for so many years, For a moment he won't marry anyone else..."

"Sister-in-law," Tang Huanxi could feel Qian's sadness and grievance, gently held her hand, and comforted her softly, "Sister-in-law, don't feel bad, it's not worth crying for someone like Xiao Baoshan. "

"Huanxi, Baoshan and I have been together for more than ten years." Qian nodded while wiping tears, "Zihan's health is not good, and it's not that I haven't thought about having another child, but after so many years, this stomach is still nothing Movements... Gradually, I gave up, probably I am destined to only have Zihan, a frail and sick child, in my life!"

Tang Huanxi listened to her emotion quietly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"But I didn't expect Baoshan... After so many years, I finally understood that he didn't dislike Zihan's poor health, nor did he dislike me for not giving him more children, but he didn't have any in his heart. my position."


"The family in Xiangshan Village was liked by Baoshan when he was young. Later, my mother-in-law forced Baoshan to marry me with death, and the girl married someone else. Half a year ago, I heard that the girl's husband was working. I fell down from the mountain and died... At that time, Baoshan probably wanted to divorce me and marry her, right?"

Qian smiled as she recalled, but the smile in her eyes was full of bitterness and helplessness.

"Sister-in-law, don't feel bad, you still have Zihan and us by your side, so you must cheer up." Tang Huanxi held her hand tightly and said with firm eyes, "I, Tang Huanxi, will always be your mother and son's family !"

"...Happy," Qian's eyes were red with emotion, and after choking up for a few times, she couldn't help nodding, "Zihan is right, you are the noble person whom our mother and son love."

"Sister-in-law, don't feel bad, it's getting late, go back and rest." Tang Huanxi smiled gently at her, her tone becoming more gentle.

After persuading Mrs. Qian to go back to the room, Tang Huanxi sat on the stone bench again, and waved to the eaves not far away, "Since you're here, come and sit."

Xiao Zihan was stunned for a while, and finally the corners of his lips curved slightly, and he walked in front of Tang Huanxi with a smile.

"Second aunt, thank you."

"There is no need to be so polite among the family." Tang Huanxi raised his hand and rubbed his hair, his eyes became more and more gentle, "From tomorrow onwards, I will concentrate on researching facial masks and a series of skin care products, remember to spend more time with you Mother, if I'm not wrong, your father is probably going to get married in a few days."

"Well, I will take good care of my mother and won't make her sad." Xiao Zihan nodded, and looked at Tang Huanxi with a little more affection in his eyes, "It's a good thing for my mother to leave my father. Mother will definitely find a better home."

"I think so too." Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and smiled, "By the way, have you read all the enlightenment books I gave you earlier?"

"Well, it's almost all seen."

"Read the book a hundred times and you will see its meaning. Remember to read a lot and think a lot at the same time. If you can master the knowledge written in the book, it will definitely be of great benefit to your scientific research in the future. "

"Well, I know, thanks Auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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