Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 420 You can tell it's a soft-legged shrimp just by looking at it!

Chapter 420 You can tell it's a soft-legged shrimp at first glance!
"You! How could you talk to your father like that?" Mrs. Zhao angrily pointed at Xiao Baorui's nose and scolded, "Xiao Baorui, do you still have a conscience! If your father hadn't protected you back then, you would have been killed by your mother." Ke is dead!"


Tang Huanxi suddenly took a step forward and slapped Zhao Shi in the face!

"You!" Zhao's eyes widened in disbelief, covering his face with grief and indignation in his heart! "Tang Huanxi, you little bastard, how dare you hit me?"

"Hmm, I hit you." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, rubbing her wrist and said with a smile, "Zhao Jinmei, what kind of onion are you? If you dare to scold my man and my mother-in-law , I will tear your mouth apart!"

Ever since Xiao Baorui learned that he was from the Xiao family in Jinling, he has been feeling uncomfortable.

After all, the Xiao family in Jinling had been wiped out long ago.

But Zhao Jinmei insulted Xiao Baorui's mother at every turn. Tang Huanxi couldn't swallow this tone!
What's more, the best way to deal with a shrew like Zhao who has no knowledge and only knows how to play tricks is to use violence to control violence!

Sure enough, the slapped Mrs. Zhao became quiet in an instant, but her eyes full of hatred kept staring at Tang Huanxi, wishing to bite off her flesh!
"Second sister-in-law, the second elder brother's surname is Xiao no matter how you say it. The second elder brother is from our Xiao family. As the second elder brother's wife, you are naturally from the Xiao family. How can you treat your elders so disrespectfully? Those who commit crimes above seniority will be punished." Xiao Baocai suddenly took a step forward, frowning with a dignified look on his face.

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, and carefully sized up Xiao Baocai, the scholar's uncle whom Zhao had never met before, but who was always on top of his heart.

Does Xiao Bao look good?It's okay, it's mainly feminine, and the skin color is too fair, so you can tell it's a soft-legged shrimp at first glance.

He frowns and pretends to be upright, but in fact, the twinkling light in those long and narrow eyes is enough to tell that he is not a good person.

"Hehe, second sister-in-law? You are only two, and your whole family is two!"


Xiao Bao didn't expect that this woman would dare to scold him, and his face turned red with anger!
"Enough!" Xiao Dazhuang suddenly patted the table and said angrily, "Second brother, you should take good care of your daughter-in-law. You don't respect your elders. If things go on like this, you will lose your face!"

"My wife is fine." Xiao Baorui gently held Tang Huanxi's hand, and his tone became more gentle, "My lady, did you hurt your hand just now?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little numb," Tang Huanxi smiled obediently, "But I regret not hitting it harder."

"It's so presumptuous!" Xiao Dazhuang was so angry that he couldn't speak when he heard the two people's boring conversation. He could only slap the table vigorously and roared, "Xiao Baorui, Tang Huanxi, you two suddenly appeared here today. What exactly do you want to do?"

Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows and blinked at Xiao Baorui who was beside her, then tiptoed and whispered four words in his ear.

There was a smile on Xiao Baorui's originally calm face.

His wife is so naughty.

"I heard that tomorrow is the day when my eldest brother gets married. The reason why my wife and I are here is because of our trust and loyalty." Xiao Baorui thought for a while, then immediately put down the gray bag on his body, opened it, and handed it to him. In front of Xiao Baoshan.

"what is this?"

"This is what my sister-in-law asked us to give you." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, took out a knotted strand of black hair from the bag, and said in a deep voice, "This is a strand of blue strands from my sister-in-law. She said that although you I wrote the He Li book, but after all, I have shared the same bed for so many years. Even though you Xiao Baoshan is a ruthless beast, but her Qian Yuer is a loving and righteous person. This broken strand of black hair represents you once!"

(End of this chapter)

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