Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 421 Farewell!

Chapter 421 Farewell!

Tang Huanxi walked up to Xiao Baoshan step by step with the strand of black hair.

"You...what do you want to do?" Faced with Tang Huanxi's approaching step by step, Xiao Baoshan couldn't help but feel scared.

Until Tang Huanxi took out the fire pocket from his sleeve, he was so frightened that his expression changed drastically!

After Tang Huanxi burned that strand of black hair, Xiao Baoshan leaned against the wall limply.

"Mr. Qian said, from now on, you will never meet again, and even if you meet again, you will be strangers. In addition, Zihan is her son, so starting today, Xiao Zihan officially changed his name to Qian Zihan. He and you, and the Xiao family , it doesn't matter anymore."

Tang Huanxi finished what Qian told her, and obediently stood beside Xiao Baorui, without saying a word.

"That child Zihan..." Xiao Dazhuang originally wanted to fight for one or two. After all, Xiao Zihan is the eldest grandson of the Xiao family, but he thought of the child's frail body, and the doctor also said that the child would not live to be 16 years old. , In the end he pouted, but still didn't say anything.

Little did they know that one day in the future, when the ragged Xiao Dazhuang, Xiao Baoshan and the others saw the dazzling and luxurious young man in the crowd, they wished they could bite off their tongues...

"In addition, I have already entrusted the village head to write a letter of divorce for me. Since you don't have my son in your heart, then there is nothing wrong with me leaving the Xiao family." Xiao Baorui looked at Xiao Dazhuang's long sigh but did not say a word. Yan Yan's eyes were full of sarcasm, "Although the Xiao family has raised me for so many years, I have done my best to you and the Xiao family. When I was hunting, I was almost broken by a wild boar, but you guys took me The money for selling wild boars was handed over to Xiao Baocai's Shu Xiu.

For so many years, the reason why I have not argued or argued is because I still respect you, the so-called father, but from today onwards, I, Xiao Baorui, am just an orphan without father and mother. I don't care anymore! "


After Xiao Baorui finished speaking in one go, he left Xiao's house with Tang Huanxi in his arms.

The moment he walked out of the gate, he took a deep breath, then looked at the wonderful person beside him, and smiled slightly.

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, everything was in silence.

At dusk, the two rushed back to Dailaimei.

At that time, Mrs. Qian was cooking the big guy's dinner in the kitchen, while Mu Sheng was squatting along with Hong Yan.

The afterglow of the setting sun shrouded in this small courtyard, quiet and beautiful.

"Shopkeeper, you're back!" Ping An finally found out that his shopkeeper had returned home through the back door after sending him away.

"What's the matter? Why do you look unhappy?" Tang Huanxi asked curiously, looking at Ping An's obviously unhappy face.

"This afternoon, Mrs. Cheng's family came and said that the Ice Queen we sold to Miss Cheng last time was not a unique style at all. She also... she kept criticizing you. I felt bad and contradicted you." After saying a few words, it turned out to be good, and she almost made a move..."

"You are hurt?"

"No," Ping An quickly shook his head, "Just when Mrs. Cheng was about to bully me, Miss Cheng came, smiled apologetically at me, and dragged her mother away."

Tang Huanxi was silent for a moment.

Compared to Cheng Shaoshi, who was arrogant and unaffordable, this Cheng Xuening was a bit smarter.

But how could the Ice Queen appear so many high imitations in less than a month?

"Ping An, I wronged you today." Tang Huanxi gently held her hand, and comforted her in a low voice, "I have learned Cheng Shao's temper, so... I really wronged you today."

"The shopkeeper, can you let me have another red bean popsicle?"

(End of this chapter)

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