Chapter 435

"You...Tang Huanxi, you are so forceful!" Xiao Baozhu was stunned speechless.

In terms of verbal disputes, she has never been Tang Huanxi's opponent!

"That's enough," Xiao Dazhuang frowned and reprimanded coldly, "Baozhu, help your mother up, you go to Miaochun Hall first."

"Father!" Xiao Baozhu stamped anxiously.

"Why don't you dare not listen to your father now?"

"I...I didn't."

In the end, Xiao Baozhu bit her lip and gave Tang Huanxi a vicious look, then helped Mrs. Zhao to leave.

After Xiao Dazhuang sighed helplessly, he walked slowly in front of Xiao Baorui, and said helplessly, "Baorui, let's have a good chat, father and son?"

"What do you think we can talk about?" Xiao Baorui asked blankly.

Xiao Dazhuang's face instantly became extremely ugly. After a moment of silence, he sighed in a low voice, his tone full of vicissitudes and helplessness, "Bao Rui, I know you are angry with father, but if you were me, you would be watching How will you feel after receiving that letter?"

"I don't know," Xiao Baorui shook his head sincerely, met his shrewd eyes, and smiled slightly, "but I know very well in my heart that even if I receive such a letter, I will not invite you so much. How many insignificant people came to see this farce."

Xiao Dazhuang didn't expect Xiao Baorui to say such a thing, his expression froze immediately, he had nothing to say.

"I said that when I was on the mountain that day, whether I have a birthmark or not, I am no longer your son."

"A joke! Blood is thicker than water, do you think that family ties can be cut off at will?" Xiao Dazhuang scolded with a serious face, "Second brother, you can't write a single word Xiao, no matter what, you are too My son, I am your old man!"


Tang Huanxi, who was always standing aside watching the play, couldn't help laughing.

This time, she understood a truth from Xiao Dazhuang, that is, shameless people don't know the bottom line of shamelessness at all.

Because they are too shameless and have no bottom line.

"I've already been to the county government office, and I've applied to set up my own family and completely leave the Xiao family's household registration." Xiao Baorui didn't care about Xiao Dazhuang's scolding at all.

After all, the real Xiao Baorui died in battle a long time ago.

For so many years, he has endured enough, and now there is no need to bear it anymore.

" rebellious and unfilial son, you..." Xiao Dazhuang was really angry this time, his eyes were darkened, and he couldn't see anything...

The moonlight became more and more hazy, but Tang Huanxi, who was leaning on the bed, did not feel sleepy.

It has been an hour since Xiao Baorui left, why is her heart pounding?

"Stinky fridge?"

"Ding dong—what's the master's order?"

"That Xiao Dazhuang won't just be pissed off like this? Why hasn't Xiao Baorui come back yet?"

"Master, don't worry. Xiao Dazhuang will die in this time and space. As for the male protagonist, nothing will happen. Don't worry."

"Tsk tsk, it really is a disaster that lasted for thousands of years." After listening to the cute words, the dark cloud that shrouded Tang Huanxi's heart disappeared.

After a while, she fell into a sweet dreamland.

At that time, Miao Chuntang had already become a mess.

Mrs. Zhao did not expect Xiao Dazhuang, who has always been shrewd, to be so angry by Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi that he fell into a coma. Suddenly, he became angry and pointed at Xiao Baorui's nose and cursed.

Emotionally agitated, she felt a fire rushing from her heart to her head, and then she began to foam at the mouth and lost her mind...

In the end, the doctor gave a diagnosis that Zhao had gone mad because of his severe mood swings, which is what is officially called epilepsy.

Xiao Baozhu immediately knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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