Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 436 I want to go to Jinling

Chapter 436 I want to go to Jinling

Xiao Dazhuang, who was still in a coma, opened his eyes in a panic when he heard Xiao Baozhu's heart-piercing cry.

Xiao Baorui, who upholds humanitarianism, left Miao Chuntang with a tael of silver and then left.

As for the family of three, he didn't care about it.

Silent all night.

The next morning, when Tang Huanxi opened her eyes, Xiao Baorui's handsome smiling face came into view.

"What are you smirking at?"

"Miss, you're drooling." Xiao Baorui suddenly raised his hand to wipe the crystal on the corner of her lips, and slightly raised his lips.

"Hmm—" Tang Huanxi blinked in a daze, and then projected a sweet smile towards him.

"Is everything about the Xiao family settled?"

"Well," Xiao Baorui nodded immediately, raised his hand to gently touch her face, and said warmly, "They have already returned to Hekou Village."

In fact, last night Xiao Baozhu cried bitterly in the Miao Chun Tang all night, causing the entire medical hall to be unable to rest.

So early this morning, the medical clinic assigned an ox cart to take all three members of that family back to Hekou Village.

"It's good to go. Right now, I just want to live a peaceful life." Tang Huanxi narrowed her eyes and smiled, very satisfied with the result.

"My lady, I want to discuss something with you." Xiao Baorui lowered his head and struggled for a while, finally looked up into her eyes, and said sincerely, "I want to go to Jinling."

Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, not surprised at all by Xiao Baorui's request.

"Success, let's go together."

"Lady, I plan to go with the leader of the Red Gang, I want you to stay." Xiao Baorui looked at her with a little guilt in his eyes, "Lady, you know that Jinling is a very dangerous place for me, I can't let you go on an adventure with me."

"Xiao Baorui, what if I insist on going with you?" Tang Huanxi put her hands by her side, clutching the bed sheet tightly, and said firmly, "You know very well that even if you don't take me with you, I will will go with you."

"My lady, I can't promise you this matter." Xiao Baorui took a deep breath, then looked into her eyes, and said sincerely, "My lady, I'm going back this time to do something very dangerous. things, so..."

"Xiao Baorui, if you say you want to leave, you know very well that I won't stay."

The two looked at each other, and there was a stalemate like this, neither of them backed down.

Until Hong Yan appeared, "Brother Xiao, if you trust me, leave this matter to me, how about it?"

Xiao Baorui raised his eyes slightly, and met Hong Yan's determined eyes.

"Thanks to Mrs. Xiao, my injuries are almost healed." Hong Yan looked at Tang Huanxi with gratitude in her eyes, "Your father is kind to me, so why don't you let me go to Jinling alone this time?" .I don't know what you guys think?"

Xiao Baorui was silent.

Tang Huanxi pursed her lips and remained silent.

A quarter of an hour later, Tang Huanxi gently held Xiao Baorui's hand, and said in a warm voice, "Xiao Baorui, I think the leader of the Red Gang is right. You once said that the Jinling Xiao family has an extraordinary position in Jinling, but later on A fire happened overnight and it was wiped out. I think the people behind this must be extraordinary people.

Now that person has begun to doubt your identity as Xiao Baorui, wouldn't it be even more suspicious if you appeared in Jinling at this time?So I think we might as well leave this matter to the leader of the Red Gang. If the leader of the Red Gang is sure that there is no spy on Jinling, how about I go to Jinling with you when the time is right in the future? "

Xiao Baorui looked sideways, met her worried eyes, and finally nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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