Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 457 Will you appear in this world?

Chapter 457 Will you appear in this world? (three more)

In the end, Mrs. Cai agreed to lease the Cai family's storefront to Tang Huanxi for three months, and even gave a discount on the rent.

Usually, a shop like the Cai's at the intersection needs at least 30 taels of silver per month, but Mrs. Cai only collected ten taels of silver per month as a symbol. What a happy event.

She really didn't have much money on her body, so she gave Hongyan 200 taels, and gave all the remaining dozens of taels of silver to Xiao Baorui, and now she has only 20 taels of silver.

While Tang Huanxi was happy, she did not forget to give Mrs. Cai a small bottle of essence toner and two facial masks.

"Sister Cai, I just researched these skin care products some time ago, so there are not many of them. After a while, our beauty store will reopen. Remember to come and support me. I will definitely give more You some masks!"

"Okay, okay!" Mrs. Cai nodded hurriedly, laughing out of the corners of her eyes.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon, and the sun was still not too tight.

Madam Cai left with a smile.

"Well, I'm exhausted." After the person left, Yang Yanqiu showed his true colors, and he leaned back on the chair, completely relaxed, "Huanxi, in order to rent Cai's shop for you, I came out You'd better think about what compensation you want to give me for putting in so much effort!"

"What does sister want?" Tang Huanxi walked around behind her with a smile, stretched out his hands and placed them gently on both sides of Yang Yanqiu's forehead, and then gently massaged them.

The appropriate strength made Yang Yanqiu narrow his eyes comfortably.

"Well... I've made up my mind, I'm going to Dai Lai Mei Cengfan tonight! I also want to eat the Liangpi you mentioned last time!"

"Success!" Tang Huanxi nodded immediately, she readily agreed to such a simple request.

Mrs. Cai is a man of action, so she came to Dai Lai Mei to sign the lease contract with Tang Huanxi the next day.

After successfully getting the key to the shop next door, Tang Huanxi took Qian to start cleaning and rearranging the shop.

During the period, Yang Yanqiu also ordered Aunt Chunshi to bring two rough envoys to help.

There are so many people, so in less than three days, the original Cai's storefront turned into an ice house.

Tang Huanxi immediately made a decision to open on the first day of August!

Before that, she went to Huiweilou and borrowed a porcelain bowl and iron spoon from Pei Zhonghou.

Eating ice cream with an iron spoon is more shocking to the taste buds than a wooden spoon.

In the hot summer, holding an iron spoon, holding a tub of vanilla-flavored ice cream, leaning on the sofa, and chasing those love soap operas, the feeling is so wonderful.

"Master, you don't have many blessing points left." Just as Tang Huanxi was thinking about the plan to make money, a cute voice suddenly sounded in her mind, and she froze immediately.

This smelly refrigerator is used to pouring cold water!
"Don't you have any tasks to do recently? I want to accumulate more blessings." Tang Huanxi crossed his arms and sighed helplessly, "It's already the beginning of August. If you don't want to earn money, you won't be able to pay the two bills." A child's bundle of repair."

"Ahem, the boat will be straight when it reaches the front." The little cutie comforted softly.

"Compared with your comfort, I hope you can give me some blessings." Tang Huanxi sighed helplessly, then leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes to rest.

She wants to earn more money. Apart from selling cold drinks, the rest of the season is selling toilet water.

There are many mosquitoes in summer, so she has to find a time to go to the back mountain early to make toilet water early.

"Huanxi, Catcher Wu is here with his son." At this moment, Qian hurriedly walked up to Tang Huanxi, with unconcealable worry in his eyes.

This Wu Pengfei's temperament is really a bit distorted, he is almost a few years older than Zihan and Mu Sheng.

Qian Shi was really worried that Wu Pengfei would spoil the two good children in the family.

Tang Huanxi gave her a calm look, then walked out the door with a smile.

When she saw the small burden on Wu Pengfei's body and his unwilling expression, the corners of her lips rose slightly.

"Captain Wu, have you thought about it? If you really want to keep Wu Pengfei living with me for a month, no matter what news you hear these days, you can't come to visit him."

"You witch, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into my father! Are you trying to secretly poison me in the food?" Wu Pengfei asked angrily, pointing at Tang Huanxi's nose.

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, took a step forward and gently held one of his fingers, squinted his eyes and sneered.

"Wu Pengfei, you are eleven today, but you are a man, right?"

"What do you want to do?"

"How about this, let's wrestle arms, if you win me, you can go back with your father; but if you lose, within this month, you must obey me obediently, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

"Just kneel in front of me and bark like a dog! Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, raised his chin and cast a sarcastic look at the boy's face.

Wu Pengfei was silent for a moment, and finally sneered, "Even if you are a few years older than me, I am a man after all, and you women are pitifully weak, you can't possibly be my opponent! I have a request, if you lose Now, you have to kneel in front of me and bark like a dog!"

"Okay!" Tang Huanxi nodded happily.

After a while, both of them sat on the stone bench under the locust tree.

Looking at each other, Wu Pengfei's eyes were burning with flames.

Wu Ming frowned worriedly. This kid, Pengfei, was born stronger than others.

This time, shopkeeper Tang is afraid that he will lose.

The two raised their right hands to the table.

Following Wu Ming's order, in the blink of an eye, the winner was already decided.

"No! It's impossible! How can you women have such great strength? You cheated! You must have cheated!" Wu Pengfei jumped three feet high in anger, how could he lose?
He didn't even try hard, and lost?

He could not accept this result.

"Wu Pengfei, I know you look down on women." Tang Huanxi looked at the young man in front of him calmly, "I also know that you hate that your own mother was born in that kind of fireworks and willow alley, but have you ever known your mother?" How many of your mother, including those actors in Wanhualou, were forced to enter those brothels?

And the woman you hate, I know that in your concept, men are superior to women, but I want to ask you, if there is no mother of your mother, if there is no mother of your mother, if there is no woman in this world to bear children for men, Will you, Wu Pengfei, appear in this world? "

(End of this chapter)

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