Chapter 458

Tang Huanxi's voice was very calm, but every word that came out of her mouth hit Wu Pengfei's heart heavily.

Wu Pengfei's face gradually turned pale.

Even the whole person leaned back uncontrollably. Fortunately, Wu Ming quickly supported him with his eyesight and hands.

"Wu Pengfei, if you still want to be that rebellious young man who doesn't know what's good or bad and often does evil, I won't stop me, after all, I have nothing to do with you." Tang Huanxi continued to stare into his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Do you think those who were Did the people you bully not sue because they were afraid of you? You were wrong, those people just looked at your father's face and didn't care about you. Your father is considered a bit of a score in the entire Yunshui County in his life Face, do you really want to continue pouring dirty water on his face?"

There are some words, just click and stop.

Tang Huanxi felt that Wu Pengfei could still be saved, at least he cared about his father Wu Ming very much.

After a moment of silence, Wu Ming looked at Tang Huanxi with a straight neck, "I will only stay for a month. I don't deny that what you just said is reasonable, but I think I'm right!"

"Well, you can continue to look down on women, but within this month, I will let you change your wrong notion!" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows lightly, she must not be surprised that Wu Pengfei decided to stay.

She turned around and said a few more words to Wu Ming.

In the end, Wu Ming left with peace of mind and promised again and again that he would not appear within a month.

He even stuffed a purse of broken silver into Tang Huanxi's arms.

Tang Huanxi unceremoniously accepted the full twelve taels.

In a blink of an eye, it was dinner time.

Because of the money shortage recently, Qian only made four dishes tonight, stewed tofu with crucian carp, stir-fried small green vegetables, cold cucumber and fried eggplant box.

Wu Pengfei frowned dissatisfiedly as he looked at the dishes.

"I saw that my father gave you money, so you just give me this?"

"..." No one answered.

Wu Pengfei dropped his chopsticks angrily and sat under the locust tree without saying a word.

Tang Huanxi shrugged indifferently, and continued to eat.

I've been eating too many meat dishes recently, so it's time for a change.

In the end hunger overcame stubbornness, Wu Pengfei turned around and returned to the table, silently picked up the cold food, and continued to eat.

"A man should be able to bend and stretch." Tang Huanxi narrowed his eyes and smiled as he watched him gobble it up. "Look at your head, there should be some help."

Wu Pengfei glared at Tang Huanxi angrily, and then continued to eat.

After the dinner, everyone got together and chatted for a while, and Tang Huanxi talked about the opening of the ice house by the way.

Everyone is listening carefully.

The moon is hazy.

The moonlight enveloped the whole shop, and Tang Huanxi asked Wu Pengfei to rest in Mu Sheng's room.

Xiao Musheng wanted to refuse subconsciously, but finally, under Tang Huanxi's majesty, she lowered her head and agreed with aggrievedness.

"I will reward you with an ice cream ball tomorrow!" Tang Huanxi rubbed his head and said with a smile.

Thinking of the delicious ice cream, Mu Sheng recovered instantly.

After settling down the two young boys, Tang Huanxi turned and went back to her room.

"Ding—Master!" Xiaocuti laughed anxiously, "Master, you are really amazing. Wu Pengfei's favorability value for you was originally a negative number, but now it has become 0!"

"0 means no point of blessing?"


"Then what are you so happy about?" Tang Huanxi looked at the dimly flickering little white dot in his consciousness with the eyes of an idiot, "Little cutie, how is Xiao Baorui now?"

"Everything is fine."

"I want to see him." Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes slightly, her voice choked with sobs.

She really missed that silly guy.

Xiao Baorui, Xiao Baorui, when you come back, see if I don't pinch your ears and beat you up hard!

Tang Huanxi's eyes suddenly turned red at the moment when the longing came like a flood.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many things to deal with right now, she really wished she could fly to that silly man with a pair of wings.

Yun'an City, Anfu.

Both Xiao Baorui and Hong Yan successfully sneaked into the government office and became servants of Anfu.

Hong Yan was sent to be a night watch guard because of his spare time, while Xiao Baorui was assigned to do odd jobs in the kitchen.

The two of them have stayed in Anfu for two days.

Xiao Baorui asked many people without any trace, but the status of the people in the kitchen is relatively low in Anfu.

So no one has ever seen a girl with red tear moles in the corners of her eyes.

Xiao Baorui lit up the candle on the wooden table, feeling more and more anxious.

What if Jing Yuan wasn't in Anfu at all?

What if the little beggar that day deliberately deceived her?
Xiao Baorui began to doubt himself.

He has been away from home for more than half a month, and he doesn't know how his wife is doing now. Is everything at home okay?
At this time, Xiao Baorui suddenly realized his selfishness.

"Boom—boom———" Hong Yan's code sounded outside the window, and Xiao Baorui rushed to the window impatiently, and also knocked on the door and window a few times in response.

Soon, the wooden windows were opened.

A note about the size of a palm was handed over.

"In the middle of the night, set fire to save people. Lingmei is at the side of Miss An Xiuhui."

After seeing the words on the note clearly, Xiao Baorui was ecstatic and extremely excited!
Jing Yuan is still alive!

She's even in the house!

Besides his wife, he has relatives!

Looking at Xiao Baorui's ecstatic expression in the screen, Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"It seems that he misses his sister very much!"

"They are brothers and sisters after all, blood is thicker than water!" the cutie's voice was sweet and cute, "But master, the system reminds me that they may encounter danger when they act tomorrow, master, should we prepare in advance?" Ready to help them?"

"It's a long way from Yun'an City, even if you take the best carriage, it will take a day and a night."

"Ahem, if the master can turn an ordinary horse into a thousand-mile horse, the master will be able to reach Yun'an City in just two hours." Cutie cleared her throat and said with a smile.

"Are you serious?"

"More real than real gold!"

Tang Huanxi thought about it for a while, and finally closed her eyes and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The cutie instantly put away her arrogant face.

Sure enough, a woman's mind is hard to guess.

Didn't you say you miss Xiao Baorui?Why is it still so peaceful now?
Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, after everyone simply finished their breakfast, they started to work on their own.

Ping'an and Fu'an were busy sewing clothes, and Qian was busy cleaning the yard.

Qian Zihan and Mu Sheng each held a copybook and sat in the yard practicing calligraphy.

Tang Huanxi was holding her drawing board, frowning and writing and drawing non-stop.

Only Wu Pengfei, who just came yesterday, squatted on the ground and drew circles boredly.

"Ahem—your clothes are too ugly."

"Your flower is crooked."

"Your word is too ugly."


"Your mouth is too noisy." Tang Huanxi raised her eyes suddenly, and gave him a cold look, "I have already agreed with your father earlier, you are not here to eat and drink for free, I will provide you For board and lodging, you have to return the corresponding labor. Have you seen the pile of firewood in front of the woodshed? Your task today is to finish chopping the pile of firewood, and you are not allowed to eat if you don’t finish chopping!"

(End of this chapter)

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