Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 461 Are You Pregnant?

Chapter 461 Are You Pregnant? (seven more)
Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows lightly, her tone full of flamboyance.

"Okay!" Qian nodded immediately, "I believe in you!"

Qian turned around in a hurry and went to the kitchen again.

Qian Zihan took advantage of the situation and sat opposite Tang Huanxi, and suddenly asked with a smile, "Auntie, can you play chess?"

"Um... I'm a bad chess player, I'm not very good at chess, but I can play backgammon, do you want to learn?"

"Okay!" Qian Zihan nodded with a smile, and went back to the room excitedly to bring the chessboard and chess pieces.

Tang Huanxi concentrated on watching him drop a blow, and then intercepted it without hesitation.

In an instant, most of the chess pieces in her hand had fallen, and most of them were surrounded by Qian Zihan.

A quarter of an hour later, the winner was announced.

"Zihan, you won!" Tang Huanxi gave him a thumbs up, "Auntie is not your opponent."

"Auntie's mind is not on the chessboard," Qian Zihan pointed out the truth with a smile, "Auntie, are you worried about Second Uncle?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, with undisguised worry in his eyes, "I plan to set off tomorrow evening to find your second uncle."

"Is it because Shopkeeper Pei's carriage is here because my aunt has already made a decision?" Hearing this, Qian Zihan was not surprised at all.

He had known for a long time that his second uncle and aunt had a good relationship with Shopkeeper Pei of Huiweilou.

But it's really strange that the Pei family's carriage appeared here today.

"You're a smart kid." Tang Huanxi said with a smile, "If there are no accidents, we will definitely be back before the Mid-Autumn Festival. Zihan, after I leave, you have to worry about family matters."

"Auntie," Qian Zihan lowered her eyes slightly and sighed helplessly, "You seem to have forgotten that I am only eleven now."

"But I think intelligence has nothing to do with age." Tang Huanxi reached out and rubbed the boy's head, and said with a smile, "I believe in you."

"Then can auntie promise that Zihan will come back in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"The time is too fast, but I promise I will come back before the end of the year."

After making an appointment with the young boy, Tang Huanxi went back to her room.

She originally wanted to start again at dusk tomorrow, but after thinking about it, it would be better to start early just in case.

If the plan of Xiao Baorui and the leader of the red gang were revealed, the consequences would be disastrous.

She once inquired from sister Yanqiu's side, this An Xionghu, the governor of Yun'an, is not a good person to get along with, he is a smiling tiger.

The kind of smiling tiger who kills without blinking an eye.

But how did Xiao Jingyuan come to this Anfu?
What was the truth behind the extermination of the Xiao family in Jinling?
"Are you going to Yun'an City?" Under the moonlight, Hong Lian stood on the roof, looked at Tang Huanxi who was climbing up with a ladder, and asked with a frown, "Why?"

"Because Gang Leader Hong and Xiao Baorui are both in Yun'an City."

"how come?"

"An Xionghu, the prefect of Yun'an, has a grudge with the leader of the Red Gang, right?"


"The leader of the Red Gang heard that your two brothers, An Xionghu, were captured." Tang Huanxi sighed in a low voice, "Didn't I receive a letter from Xiao Baorui a few days ago? He said in the letter that he and the leader of the Red Gang were going to burn An Xionghu." There are loopholes in their plan, I can't just watch my man die, can I? So I plan to set off after midnight, do you want to come with me?"

Honglian stood on the eaves, her beautiful Yuanshan eyebrows were tightly frowned, forming the shape of Sichuan character.

"When to set off?"


Tang Huanxi turned around and got off the ladder, then put the burden on the ground on her body, and left the shop quickly.

"Ding dong—is the master sure you want to exchange blessing points to turn this horse into a thousand-mile horse?"

"If I exchange, is there a time limit?"

"Three days and three nights. That's 72 hours." Cutie replied sincerely.

"Okay, I understand." Tang Huanxi nodded, but did not use this power immediately.

She climbed into the carriage, saw the decorations inside by the dim moonlight, and felt a little grateful to Pei Zhonghou from the bottom of her heart.

The carriage is covered with soft mattresses, and you don't feel any bumps when you sit on it.

She put away her burden and began to close her eyes to rest.

After a breath, Hong Lian flew down and sat firmly in front of the carriage.


There was a sudden rattling sound, and the horse galloped swiftly.

"What is the grievance between An Xionghu and the leader of the Red Clan?" The bored Tang Huanxi simply lifted the curtain, sat beside Hong Lian, and asked curiously, "An Xionghu is the prefect of Yun'an, and your Hongluan Sect is Jianghu organization, you have nothing to do with each other, so..."

"People who know too much will die early." Honglian glanced at her, her cold eyes full of warning.

"I'm not afraid of death, tell me." Tang Huanxi ignored her warning gaze, and analyzed curiously while nibbling on an apple, "As the prefect of Yun'an, An Xionghu must have great power in his hands, but your red The Luan Gang is not a vegetarian, after all, you and the leader of the Red Gang are both pretty good at it."

"An Xionghu once killed the gang leader's family." Hong Lian said in a deep tone, "40 years ago, An Xionghu was just a street thug, but he was good at making money, and he was close to Liu Xuehou, the former prefect of Yun'an, and quickly became a He became the top tyrant in Yun'an, and later he handled a few cases and was appreciated by Liu Xuehou, and he climbed up bit by bit, and became the prefect of Yun'an today, sitting in Yun'an City, which is rich in supplies."

"The leader was born in a wealthy family, but who would have thought that An Xionghu would bribe the housekeeper of the leader's house and pour a lot of dirty water into the original home of the leader. They're all dead..." Hong Lian clenched the reins in her hand, remained silent for a moment, and continued, "The leader was taken out of Yun'an City by his loyal servants, begging along the way, and finally wandered to Jinling.

Xiao Yuanchuan, the patriarch of the Xiao family in Jinling, saw that the leader was pitiful, and gave him a bag of broken silver.Later, the gang leader could single-handedly establish the Hongluan Gang. "

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly as she listened to Honglian's recounting of Hongyan's past.

"Three years ago, the leader visited An's mansion alone at night. He wanted to take An Xionghu's head, but he accidentally killed An Xionghu's adopted son..."

"So that's the origin of the grievances between Gang Leader Hong and An Xionghu." Tang Huanxi nodded thoughtfully.

"It's more deep and dew heavy, you'd better go back to the carriage to rest!" Honglian glanced at her and said in a deep voice.


Tang Huanxi, who had returned to the carriage, always felt bored.

This feeling came suddenly.

Could it be that something happened to Xiao Baorui?
In desperation, she immediately used her point of fortune to turn the steed into a galloping horse.

Finally, before dawn, they arrived outside Yun'an City.

"It's not Maoshi yet, and the city gate hasn't opened yet." Honglian stopped the carriage, leaned into the carriage, looked at the pale Tang Huanxi, and asked with a frown, "Are you feeling unwell?"

"I... vomit—"

Tang Huanxi hurriedly opened the curtain of the carriage, lying on the carriage and vomiting non-stop.

In her previous life, she had been on a plane and a ferry, but she had never felt so uncomfortable like now!
She was carriage-sick, what a shame!

"Are you pregnant?" Honglian looked at her, nervously grabbed her right hand, and carefully felt her pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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