Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 462 Lady, I miss you so much!

Chapter 462 Lady, I miss you so much! (eight more)
Honglian frowned, taking her pulse seriously.

Looking at her serious eyes, Tang Huanxi blinked in a daze.


"I'm pregnant?"

Honglian looked at her and said in a low voice, "No."

After the words fell, she hurriedly looked away.

"Oh," Tang Huanxi didn't feel too disappointed. Her body was only 16 years old, so giving birth so early would be harmful to her.

"I'm sorry." Honglian raised her head slowly, with a bit of guilt in her awkward tone, "I misunderstood."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just motion sick... Uh..." Tang Huanxi, who hadn't recovered from the pain, lay down on the carriage again.

It wasn't until she spit out all the acidic water in her stomach that she felt much more comfortable.

In a daze, he took out a small wooden sign from his pocket and handed it to Honglian, "Sister Yanqiu said, bring this and we can enter the city."

"This" saw the pattern on the wooden sign clearly, and Hong Lian looked at Tang Huanxi with somewhat tangled eyes.

This wooden sign is the exclusive token of the vanguard generals in the military camp. With such a token, they can travel unimpeded throughout the Yong Dynasty except for the imperial palace.

Yang Yanqiu's father was a vanguard general of the fifth rank, so it was not surprising that Yang Yanqiu had such a token.

What really puzzled Honglian was, how could Yang Yanqiu give such a precious thing to Tang Huanxi?
Is the woman in front of me so reassuring?

Holding the token, the two entered the city smoothly.

"Let's find an inn to settle down first." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, blinking at Honglian to be cute, "I was too anxious when I went out, I forgot to bring money, sister Honglian, there must be something on you. Silver?"

"En." Honglian replied in a muffled voice, then took out two bank notes from her bosom and handed them to her, "I almost forgot, I gave it back to you according to the boss!"

Tang Huanxi was very excited when she saw the two silver notes that had been lost and recovered. She took Honglian's arm and kept shaking it to express her joy!
Fulai Inn.

After Tang Huanxi entered the room, she ordered the waiter to prepare hot water, then took a nice bath, then lay down on the bed and began to catch up on sleep.

And Honglian left the inn quietly, and groped all the way to the backyard of the prefect of Yun'an.

goo goo-

Hong Lian stood on the dense sycamore tree, squeezed her throat and uttered the special signal of the Hong Luan Gang, and then began to wait anxiously.

A quarter of an hour later, a gray figure quickly flashed out of the back door.

At the beginning of noon, Tang Huanxi finally had enough sleep.

When he was about to go downstairs to eat, the door of the guest room was suddenly opened.

Before she had time to react, she was hugged by a familiar figure forcefully!

"My lady—I miss you so much!" Xiao Baorui never dreamed that his wife would come to Yun'an City. He has only been away from home for more than half a month, and he misses his wife all the time!

If he hadn't confirmed that Jing Yuan was by Miss An's side, he really wanted to go back.

"Xiao Baorui—let go first, you're going to strangle me!" Tang Huanxi forcefully pushed the man in front of him away, and gave him an angry look, but her eyes turned red unconsciously.

The silly man lost a lot of weight, and the edges and corners of his face became more distinct.

There is also a dense layer of blue stubble on the chin.

"Didn't you promise that I would take good care of myself?" Tang Huan pinched his ear angrily, "Then explain why you lost so much weight?"

"I...I...I haven't eaten the meals cooked by my wife for a while, so I lost weight." Xiao Baorui scratched his head with a naive expression, his eyes were full of grievances.

"I didn't force you to leave," Tang Huanxi lowered her eyes and muttered angrily, "In your heart, your sister is more important than me, right?"

"My lady, I miss you very much." Xiao Baorui smiled and stretched out his hands to hold her face, then kissed her affectionately.

Tang Huanxi couldn't help being intoxicated by the long-lost smell again.

She simply took a step forward, hugged the man's still strong waist, and responded enthusiastically.

After a quarter of an hour, Tang Huanxi couldn't take it anymore...

"Miss, you are still as sweet as before." Xiao Baorui reluctantly let go of the wonderful woman in his arms, and smiled softly.

"Oh...Xiao Baorui, don't move around, your stubble makes me itchy..."

Hearing the familiar delicate laughter, the man subconsciously raised the corners of his lips, and then kissed her face round after round——

"Phew, I'm ashamed to face people!" Tang Huanxi looked at the person in the bronze mirror, and glared at him pretending to be annoyed.

Little did they know that Xiao Baorui's tears fell on her face, she was extremely shy and cute.


"very hungry."

At the end of the hour, the waiter in the shop brought delicious meals.

Tang Huanxi packed half a bowl of rice, then looked at Xiao Baorui, Hong Yan and Hong Lian who were sitting opposite while eating.

"Miss, Brother Hong and I will go back to An Mansion later." Xiao Baorui looked into her eyes, his eyes were full of worry, "I want to take Jingyuan away, the leader of the Hong Gang needs to save the brothers of the Hong Luan Gang, so It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, why don't you go with Honglian?"

Tang Huanxi didn't speak, but pouted aggrievedly.

Xiao Baorui seldom saw his wife's grievances, and felt distressed immediately. He hurriedly held her hand, and softly comforted, "My lady, can you go back obediently? I have already planned everything with the leader Hong, don't worry Okay, okay?"

"Not good!" Tang Huanxi shifted his gaze angrily, and squinted his eyes to look at Hong Yan, "Does the leader of the Red Gang really think that your plan will succeed? You have been dormant in Anfu during this time, so let me ask you , how is the military strength of Anfu?"

"An Xionghu is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and he has made a lot of enemies in the past. Therefore, the patrol of Anfu is still very strict," Hong Yan nodded frankly, "But I believe that as long as we patrol When the troops are at their weakest, they set fires and cause chaos, but then we will be able to fish in troubled waters and save the people we want to save."

"Leader Hong, I once heard that you used your own strength to visit Anfu at night and wanted to take An Xionghu's head, but I want to ask you, do you think you succeeded in that assassination?" Tang Huanxi did not hesitate. Facing his eyes that were suddenly full of murderous intent without fear, he asked in a deep voice.

Hongyan's eyes seemed to be on fire.

"The leader of the Red Gang doesn't need to be so angry. As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger. Back then, your sneak attack was a surprise to Anfu. Although An Xionghu didn't die, his adopted son died under your sword. Since You said that An Xionghu is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, so what will a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death encounter an assassination that almost cost him his life?"

(End of this chapter)

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