Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 464 Another rotten peach blossom?

Chapter 464 Another rotten peach blossom? (ten more)

Silent night, silent.

Tang Huanxi changed into black night clothes, spent a few pennies to find a little beggar, and then successfully arrived at the back door of Anfu.

After spending blessing points and exchanging a stick of incense time for infinite power, he knocked out the guard at the gate and finally sneaked into the government office smoothly.

She remembered that Xiao Baorui said that he was working in the kitchen right now. At this time, Xiao Baorui should have rested.

The backyard of An's mansion is really too big, she turned around and turned herself dizzy successfully.

"Little cutie, can you tell me where Xiao Baorui is currently preparing?" Tang Huanxi rubbed her temples angrily, and searching in the dark would only waste more time.

"Go out and turn left around the back garden. The room with two pots of evergreens in front of the door is where Xiao Baorui is." Tang Huanxi nodded silently when she heard the little cutie responding to her voice. Just as she was about to go out, she heard There was a faint sound of footsteps.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately walked around behind the screen.

But in an instant, the candlelight chilled the entire room.

She covered her mouth, her eyes quickly scanned all the objects in front of her, her heart began to beat,

"Daddy, I like that Xiao Baorui, I really like him! Yesterday I was pushed into the lake by the second lady, if that Xiao Baorui didn't save me, I would have died a long time ago... Daddy, I want to marry him! "

Tang Huanxi instantly pricked up her ears nervously.

The sound is very crisp, like that of an oriole.

But Xiao Baorui in this woman's mouth is...

Could it be that her man provoked another rotten peach blossom?

After a long time, one Gu Caixia left, and here is another one?
Tang Huanxi's heart grew a little irritable.

"No," another deep voice suddenly sounded, "That person's origin is unknown, and he is not your good match."

"Father, my daughter is just a servant girl next to the eldest lady. After a while, the eldest lady will enter the palace, and my daughter does not want to accompany her into the palace!" The woman's voice was full of sadness, "Daddy, once a woman enters the palace Once you enter the palace, you can't turn back. Throughout the ages, how many women have died in that high palace wall? Could it be that you, daddy...do you want to watch your daughter die?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Daddy! I don't want to accompany the eldest lady into the palace, please allow me to marry Xiao Baorui, okay?"

"Qian'er, let Daddy think about this matter carefully." The man's tone was full of vicissitudes.

The father and daughter said some more words, and then left one after the other.

Tang Huanxi, who was still squatting behind the screen at that time, frowned

Just as she was about to get up and leave, a pair of white embroidered shoes embroidered with begonia flowers suddenly appeared in her sight.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on Anfu? Do you want to die?" The girl in front of me is about twenty-eight Fanghua, with an oval face, distant mountain eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, and cherry lips. She is small and delicate. Nose, a little collapsed.

"Sister, don't be angry, I'm Xiao Baorui's...brother." Tang Huanxi rubbed his nose and smiled guiltyly, "I heard that my elder brother, that is, Xiao Baorui, entered Anfu, so I wanted to join him... ..."

"Really?" The maid named Qian'er frowned tightly, with obvious doubts in her eyes.

"It's more real than real gold!" Tang Huanxi raised her hand and swore, "Sister, can you take me to my elder brother? Once you see my elder brother, you will know that I am not lying!"

Qian'er still had doubts about her words.

"I can trust you for the time being." Qian'er thought for a while, and quickly ran to the closet, took out a long hemp rope, and walked in front of Tang Huanxi with a smile, "Extend your hand."

"That...beautiful sister, beautiful sister, isn't this too good?" Tang Huanxi pursed her lips, her face full of grievances!

"If I don't tie you up, I can't feel at ease. Either I tie you up and take you to see Xiao Baorui; or I yell now and let the guards take you away, you choose yourself!"

"What if I choose none?"



Without waiting for Qian'er's reaction, Tang Huanxi quickly made a move.

Then at an extremely fast speed, she and Qian'er switched bodies.

A man who dares to covet her, Tang Huanxi, is courting death!
She clapped her hands, then helped her bun, and walked out with her head held high.

Holding a lantern and lowering his head, he quickly arrived at the room where Xiao Baorui was.

"Brother Xiao, you see Miss Qian'er is looking for you again!"

"That's right, Brother Xiao, you are truly blessed!"

"Brother Xiao, why don't you marry Miss Qian'er! Butler Fu is a celebrity in front of our lords. If you marry Steward Fu's daughter, you will be on your way!"

"I'm already married." Xiao Baorui raised his eyes, his cold gaze quickly passed across the faces of the people in front of him, and then walked to Qian'er's age, and said with a serious face, "Miss Qian'er, I I have already told you very clearly that I didn't know that the person who fell into the water was you, I was just helping others, even if the person who fell into the water was a dog that couldn't swim, I would reach out to save it."


Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing, and raised her eyes slightly to meet the surprised and shocked eyes of the man.

Xiao Baorui never dreamed that his wife would suddenly appear in front of him, and he was beyond shocked.

"Follow me!" Xiao Baorui hurriedly grabbed her hand and left quickly.

At this time, the other servants who were still watching the fun began to talk about it.

"Look at this man, it's ridiculous, there is such a big difference in attitude before and after."

"That's right, didn't you say that you are already married, and you immediately grabbed Miss Qian'er's hand?

"You say, just like Qian'er's coquettish maid, Xiao Baorui's waist, can you bear it?"


As Xiao Baorui accelerated the speed of his feet, the obscenities behind him gradually faded away.

In the end, the two avoided the heavy guards and arrived behind a rockery in the garden.

"Lady, why are you dressed like this? Isn't this the clothes of the servant girl in the mansion?" Xiao Baorui frowned and looked at his wife, his tone full of puzzlement.

"Well, these are the clothes of that Qian'er." Tang Huanxi frowned, raised her hand to pinch Xiao Baorui's ear, and sneered, "Can you explain why you rescued Xiao Baorui who accidentally fell into the lake? Miss Qian'er in the movie? Also, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Ma'am," Xiao Baorui looked into her eyes, his eyes became deeper and deeper, "I happened to pass by the lake at dusk yesterday, and I happened to see someone calling for help in the lake, so I dragged him up."

"What a coincidence that you passed by? What a coincidence that you rescued Miss Qiaoer who accidentally fell into the lake? What a coincidence that Miss Qiaoer wanted to marry you after your hero saved the beauty?"

"Xiao Baorui, isn't this too coincidental?"

 The tenth watch is over, good night, cuties, you go to bed early.

  There will be tomorrow morning.

  In addition, ask for tickets and subscribe!
  What a group!
(End of this chapter)

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