Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 465 An Xiuhui, Xiao Jingyuan?

Chapter 465 An Xiuhui, Xiao Jingyuan? (eleven more)
"My lady, my heart for you can be seen from the sun and the moon." Xiao Baorui raised three fingers and swore to the moon, "My lady, I really don't have any impression of that Qian'er girl, I..."

"Okay." Tang Huanxi patted the man's face with a smile, "Xiao Baorui, I believe you."

As for that Qianer.

Let her go to hell.

"Lady, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, why don't you leave early?"


"Who is over there?" At this moment, a panicked voice sounded, "Who is it, get out of here quickly! Who is playing tricks?"

"Hush—" Tang Huanxi immediately put his index finger to Xiao Baorui's lips, adjusted his clothes, and walked out with his head bowed, "It's a slave."

"Qian'er?" After seeing the clothes on the woman's body, the woman in the white gauze skirt smiled slightly, "Didn't I tell you to go back to rest a long time ago? Why are you still here?"

"Slave——slave couldn't sleep, so she wanted to go out for a walk. Did this servant disturb Miss?" Tang Huanxi lowered her head and said in fear.

"No, I just want to go out for a walk alone." An Xiuhui sighed softly, her tone full of helplessness.

"Miss is still worrying about entering the palace?"

"Well," An Xiuhui nodded, and then looked up at the lonely bright moon hanging high in the night sky, "Qian'er, do you know? Sometimes I wonder if Chang'e, who lives in the Moon Palace Is it cold?"

"Miss, Chang'e may not be alone." Tang Huanxi frowned disapprovingly, "In the Moon Palace, besides Chang'e, there is the Jade Rabbit, and Wu Gang who cuts trees!"

"Your statement is quite new." An Xiuhui did not expect Qian'er to have a different view of Moon Palace, "But—"

An Xiuhui walked up to Tang Huanxi step by step and stood still, then suppressed the smile on her face, and asked in a cold voice, "You are not Qian'er, who are you?"

Tang Huanxi's heart skipped a beat.

Was discovered so quickly?

Do you want to run away now?
"Don't worry about it. As long as I shout, countless guards will surround you." An Xiuhui snorted coldly, her eyes were full of sarcasm, "Raise your head and let me see."

Tang Huanxi was entangled in three, and finally raised her head abruptly, and burst into tears instantly.

"Why are you crying?" An Xiuhui was momentarily stunned.

"Miss, please make the decision for the women!" Tang Huanxi cried with snot and tears, and said aggrievedly, "I was originally a country woman, and I made an appointment with my husband Xiao Baorui since I was a child." After the marriage contract and marriage, he said that he came to Yun'an City to see the world, and by the way, earn more money so that I can live a better life in the future, but who would have thought that just half a month after he left, I found out that I have..."

Tang Huanxi cried while rubbing her stomach, "I heard that my man came to Anfu, so I wanted to find my man. I heard that there is a girl named Qian'er who wants to marry my man... I'm really in a hurry..."

After hearing the cause and effect, An Xiuhui frowned tightly.

Qian'er is a capable servant girl who serves her. Because she is the daughter of Steward Fu, An Xiuhui treats her like a half-sister.

Qian'er fell into the water yesterday evening, and she seemed to be rescued by a servant named Xiao Baorui.

With Qian'er's temperament, it's not surprising that she wants to repay her life for saving her life.

Just who is Xiao Baorui?
"Miss, this is my wife." Xiao Baorui rushed out, protecting Tang Huanxi behind him, "Miss, please don't punish my wife."

An Xiuhui raised her eyes slightly, looked at the person in front of her with her head down, and smiled curiously, "You are Xiao Baorui?"

"That's right," Xiao Baorui immediately raised his head, and through the hazy moonlight, he saw An Xiuhui's face and the small red tear mole at the corner of her eye, "Jing Yuan? You are Jing Yuan? "

Xiao Baorui immediately rushed forward, holding her shoulders tightly with both hands and shaking them non-stop.

This scene came unexpectedly.

Tang Huanxi nervously covered An Xiuhui's mouth, then knocked her on the neck.

"My lady?" Xiao Baorui frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Why do you want to..."

"Hush—" Tang Huanxi immediately blinked at him and winked.

Xiao Baorui understood immediately, carried An Xiuhui on his back, and hid in the rockery while holding Tang Huanxi's hand.

There was a sound of footsteps approaching and leaving suddenly.

In desperation, Tang Huanxi had no choice but to spend points of fortune to seek help from Cutie, and finally left Anfu with Xiao Baorui and An Xiuhui smoothly.

In a blink of an eye, the sky turned white.

Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Baorui who was sitting in the carriage, and frowned slightly, "Are you really sure that she is Jing Yuan?"

At that time, An Xiuhui leaned on the carriage, still falling asleep.

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded sullenly, and raised his finger to point at the tear mole under An Xiuhui's eyes, "This tear mole is the best evidence."

"But she is clearly the eldest lady of the An family, An Xiuhui, the daughter of An Xionghu!" Tang Huanxi rested her chin on her right hand, blinked her eyes in a daze, and looked at Xiao Baorui with doubts in her eyes, "You said this is Your sister Xiao Jingyuan, but now she is indeed An Xiuhui, the eldest lady of the An Mansion, could it be that someone used the civet cat in exchange for the crown prince?"

"I don't know either." Xiao Baorui was also full of doubts at that time.

However, he had a strong intuition that the woman in front of him was his sister Xiao Jingyuan.

This feeling is extremely strong.

"By the way, where are the Hong Gang leaders and the others?" Tang Huanxi suddenly thought of Hong Yan and the others, and asked worriedly, "Didn't you go back to An Mansion with the Hong Gang leaders and the others at dusk yesterday? There was also a fierce fight with the guards of the Anfu?"

"I'm not too sure." Xiao Baorui shook his head lightly, "Yesterday, the leader of the Red Gang asked me to go back to An Mansion first. He still has an important matter to deal with. I don't know what happened after that."

"Boss Hong and Hong Lian are not weak in martial arts. I believe they can turn danger into good luck." Tang Huanxi put his hands together and prayed silently.

The carriage drove fast, and finally left Yun'an City before the sun rose.

At this moment, An Xiuhui also woke up.

She raised her hand and rubbed her sore neck, and frowned at the two people in front of her.

"Why...why did you kidnap me?"

"Jing Yuan, don't you really remember?" Xiao Baorui said anxiously, "I am your elder brother Xiao Baorui, and you are my younger sister Xiao Jingyuan!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" An Xiuhui frowned, and looked at Xiao Baorui as if she was looking at a big idiot, "I am An Xiuhui, the daughter of An Xionghu, the prefect of Yun'an, not your sister. You husband and wife What is the plot of the people who partnered to arrest me?"

(End of this chapter)

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